Defend What You Love

Type: Fanfiction

Word Count: 1787

Main Characters{Throughout the entire story}: Jude Adams-Foster and Connor Stevens {They will be the most important. This part seems more Connor based sorry.}

Possible Pairings{Throughout the entire story}: Stef and Lena, Jonnor

Notes: This story starts two weeks after the adoption of Callie, Jesus doe not die in the car accident{Not cannon, but highly assumed from the preview} and is visiting to celebrate Callie's adoption as he was accepted to the boarding school.{Not cannon again}.The first two or three parts will take place with cannon aged Jude and Connor, the story might jump in time to when they are eighteen. I haven't decided.

I do not own any of these characters, they belong to ABC and "The Fosters". Any references to actors, bands, songs, movies and other labeled and trademarked things are owned respectably by who/what ever owns them. Because it's not me.

"I don't understand Jude what's wrong?"

The youngest Adams-Foster clenched his fist and turned to look his friend, tears were building in his eyes, frustration decorated his face and darkened his cheeks red. "Of course you don't understand Connor! Why would you understand?"

"Hey hey, whats going on in here-"

Lena tried to intervene between the two teens as the rest of the Foster family moved in to watch what was a rare sight for everyone, Jude in a fury; which interrupted his mother. "Your father still looks down on me like I'm just the kid who turned his precious perfect son gay! He doesn't show it when you're around but he hates me; I mean even when you are around he doesn't try to hide it!"

Connor opened his mouth to speak but was pushed away lightly, Lena's motherly hand was even rejected with a sharp pull away. "You smile and pretend like it doesn't matter because for once in your life you don't have to hide from him, you don't have to be afraid! I feel like I'm right back where I came from, some old man looking down on me and wishing nothing but harm to me! I don't want that! I don't need that!"

"Jude that isn't true and you know it! My dad loves having you around and seeing us together being happy-"

"No! He loves seeing you happy not me! Weren't you paying attention today?" Lena made another motion towards her son he took a step up the stairs trying to distance himself from the family, his eyes glancing over at them. "You heard him! You heard what your dad had to think about me truly and you didn't say anything to defend me Connor!"

"Connor may be gay but he is nothing like you Jude; I'm thankful for that because at least he will do something with whats left of his life. Because you ruined this part of it."

Jude quoted the others father before looking at his family as their expressions shifted to disbelief, exchanging looks to each other before putting there attention back to the youngest. "Everyone just leave me alone." With a quick look at the dirty blonde boy and a sharp inhale to fight tears Jude rushed up the stairs, a slamming door could be heard shortly after.

"I'm going to go talk to him." His sister spoke.

Callie went to move but was stopped by Stef who shook her head softly at the idea, a soft sigh escaped her before she looked at her newly adopted daughter. "I... I don't think that's a good idea right now, I think we should all just give Jude a little space. Let him cool down and give us all time to really understand what he must be feeling."

"What if he stops talking again?" Jesus turned and made for the kitchen.

"Then we wait for him to want to talk again, and respect his decision to be quite." Lena stepped to Connor and put her hand on his shoulder, rubbing it soothingly for a moment. "It's going to be okay," She cleared her throat for a moment before giving the blonde a smile. "But, was what he said true Connor? Did your dad really say that?"

"Yeah." He turned his head to look at the older woman, his eyes red and glistening form tears he tried to fight away. "My dad says those kinds of horrible things all the time, and Jude's right. I..."

"It's not your fault dude, your dads an ass. Everyone can see that."

Stef shook her head and rubbed the back of her neck as she jumped in."Language Marianna."

"We were all thinking it."

Brandon shook his head and pushed past everyone towards the blonde, his hand meeting his back as he smiled lightly. "I'll drive you home."

"Actually Brandon can I do it?" Everyone turned to see Marianna raising her hand and smiling at everyone. "If Jude can walk there and back it can't be that far of a drive, and I know I need to practice so this is a good opportunity right?"

"I don't-"

"That sounds good Marianna. But right there and right back you understand me?" Stef interrupted her son, her wife giving her a quick look of disbelief that faded into a smile. "Connor you text us when you get home so we know that you're safe alright?"

He nodded at the request but kept his head down, Marianna moved to him and rubbed his back. "Come on! It'll be fun I promise." She smiled at everyone in the room before moving towards the front door, grabbing her mom's set of keys as everyone said their good byes to the boy. "I'll be home soon everyone."

The walk to the car was short and silent, after a few minutes of Marianna readjusting the seat so she could reach everything comfortably she stashed her phone in the glove box. Her hand moved from there to the young boy in

the passenger seats hand. "You okay bud?"


"You're bad at that."

"Bad at what? Defending my boyfriend and keeping him happy no matter what?"

"I was referring to your lying, but that to." Marianna smiled as Connor looked over at her, hoping her joke wasn't of poor taste despite what they just witnessed. "I'm not going to lecture you the whole way to your house about how you should have said something. Even if it was just to moms."

She started the car and backed out of the drive way leaving Connor's side pointing towards the house still, his eyes shifting to the Jude's room. "Then what are you going to do?"

The female twin laughed for a moment and started to drive down the street, her eyes locked on the road watching for signs and oncoming cars or people. "I guess I wanted to explain something about Jude."

"Like what?"

"You know him just as good as I do Connor right? Like everything that he has gone through while in the system?"

Connor looked over at the driver. "Well yeah. I know about his past foster families and how happy he was when he got adopted by Stef and Lena."

"Oh yeah? He told you about them huh?" The car stopped at a stop sign and let a few cars pass before taking a left turn onto the boy's street. "Okay I have another question then. How long did you know he liked you?"

"The camping trip was my best guess but with how much we fought after it I just thought he was curious like I was." He paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "I know I pushed him away after he told your moms about what we did in the tent, but I was just angry because I thought the truth would get to my dad somehow."

"But he lied to them about what really happened. Even in front of your dad didn't he?"

"He said there were girls in the tent with us which wasn't true. I still felt like he was telling them it was just us. So I pushed him away." He sat up when he saw his house coming up, before he could point it out Marianna pulled into a spot on the curb keeping the door locked and looking at the boy as she put the vehicle in park. Connor sighed and looked over at her. "It was a stupid thing to do because all he has done is try to protect me, whether it's telling Lena he is worried about me because I had that bruise on my face. Or telling your moms about what happened in the tent even if he lied about it."

"So why didn't you protect him." Marianna crossed her arms and looked at the boy. "Tell your dad that your life isn't ruined because of Jude and you will still do everything you want to in life, even if you are gay."

"You try telling him that. He thinks everything he does for me is for the best and he wants the best for me, when I told him I was gay he was furious. Beyond furious and he blamed Jude." Connor's voice cracked as he shifted to look out the window, Marianna didn't need to see him cry. "When he started to blame Jude I couldn't say anything but that he was wrong but my dad insisted. When it all comes down to me wanting to be myself for a change."

"You could have said that."

"Then what? Have my dad blame Jude for me saying that to?"

"Yes, then you defend him then to." Marianna unlocked the doors and put her hand on his again. "You two need to be there for each other, defending each other when people like your dad say hurtful things. Jude's a tough one about just about everything, except when it comes to you."

"What do you mean?"

"When you pushed him away, I rarely saw him smile. Me and moms all talked to him about it over time hoping you'd come back and every time we said something he would cry. He would cling to us and just ask for you to talk to him again." Connor's head shifted to look at the twin. "Jude relies on you almost as much as he relies on our family, that's why he was so mad. He wanted to know he could rely on you, and right now he doesn't think he can."

Connor's tears finally started to fall down his cheeks as he listened to Marianna, her words surprisingly effective at getting her message across to him. She leaned over and pulled him into a hug that he put everything he could into, his arms wrapping around her and gripping tightly as if he needed her to fight against the waves pulling him in. "Thank you Marianna..."

She laughed a little and pushed him away gently, her eyes meeting his as she gripped onto his shoulders. "You make my little brother incredibly happy and he needs you, he wants you. Don't go breaking his heart alright? Or I'll beat you up."

He smiled a little and wiped his eyes. "I should probably get going... I have someone I need to talk to."

"Yeah, and uh, make sure to tell moms we were talking alright? I don't want them to think I got lost or anything." The blond nodded and smiled at her again, as he shifted out of the car and closed the door behind him. Taking a deep breath he started to walk down the sidewalk towards his house. "What are we going to do with those two."
