Love is Restless

Type: Fanfiction

Word Count: 2099

Main Characters: Jude Adams-Foster and Connor Stevens

Pairings: Jonnor, Stef and Lena

Notes: Reality is a strange thing. How sometimes someone just needs to talk about something affecting them over and over again, it's almost like they want people to understand what they are going through so they explain it to people who don't know. {Addressing Anon comments about last chapter}

I do not own any of these characters, they belong to ABC and "The Fosters". Any references to actors, bands, songs, movies and other labeled and trademarked things are owned respectably by who/what ever owns them. Because it's not me.

The smell of cooking bacon weaved into the living room and pressed against Jude's nose, his eyes flickered open slowly trying to adjust to the new light from the window. Slowly he tried to sit up but was pulled back down, a shifting came from below him. He turned to look at the owner of the arms; Connor still laid there in what seemed like total bliss, content in where he lay at the moment and nothing could take that away from him.

Unfortunately Jude would have to try, his own arms lifting up the blondes before slipping out from under them and gently laying them against his stomach. As the brunette stood up the sleeping teen inhaled deeply before turning into the back of the sofa, the adopted child smiled and stifled a laugh seeing Connor's face press up against the furniture. Shaking his head he silently walked into the kitchen noticing Stef and Lena already awake and making breakfast, the officer smiled at the boy. "Good morning sweetie."

Scratching the back of his head he smiled lightly at the two, it was always hard for him to fully wake up in the morning but this wasn't the first time he had beaten everyone else to the kitchen in the morning. "Did you sleep alright? I noticed you and Connor on the couch, what was that all about?"

Jude blushed at the questions, opening the fridge for orange juice he hid a smile that was hard to stop when he thought about last night. "We had a bit of a conversation last night is all." He turned to face his moms, Lena already placing a glass down in front of him. "He said he was missing someone, and I was afraid. So we just kind of slept there."

"Well you both seemed very comfortable." Lena rubbed her son's shoulder and shifted across the kitchen as toast jumped out of the toaster, she placed the bread on a plate and passed it over to Jude who was pouring himself a drink. "So honey, I know we talked about it all last night but how are you holding up?"

Stef turned to look at the other two for a moment, the boys expression seemed to drop like he didn't want to talk about it but it was apparent that he was thinking really hard about what to tell them. "I was afraid that I wouldn't wake up this morning. Like I'm still in a coma, lost to the world." His face contorted fighting back some tears, Lena's hand reached over the table and gripped his giving it a small squeeze. "I didn't want to go back to all of that, not after being home again. Not after feeling so loved and being so happy, I don't think I would have been able to fight a hard as I did a second time."

The room fell silent of everything except the slow pop of bacon cooking, Stef stepped around to Jude and pulled his head to her shoulder and hugged it tightly. A small kiss placed on his forehead. "You're home now Jude, in your home withyour family. Even if you're afraid everyone in this house will be there to help, even Connor."

"Especially Connor." Lena corrected and earned herself look of disbelief from her wife, Jude smiled and looked back towards the living room as if he could see through the walls blocking him from actually seeing it. "When you were in a coma he spent almost every day at the hospital with you, reading you books, trying to keep you caught up with everything he was learning in school. He spent so much time there and here it's like he is family too."

"He would read to me?"

Jude's gaze came back to Lena who was smiling almost proud of Connor and what he did, she gave his hand another squeeze before moving to watch stove Stef had moved away from to hold the youngest. "Yep. At first it was just the books the school wanted all the kids to read or class, but when there wasn't an assignment he just wanted to read to you."

"He even kept a list so he wouldn't repeat any of the books." Stef chimed in before letting go of the brunette in exchange for a cup for coffee. "I'm sure he would give you the list if you wanted, you could reread all the books."

Jude's lip twitched into a quick smile but fell dull again, Connor was so ready to help him last night and spent so much time at the hospital. Yet there was no lasting memory of him, nothing that connected the two boys together beyond the family calling him a friend and the other boy's memories. "I'd like that."

"Before I forget, Monte called me this morning asking if you would be returning to Anchor Beach." Lena put some bacon on a plate and placed it on the table, the boy sipped at his juice. "She wanted to know if you would feel comfortable going to regular classes with one of your classmates that could help you understand everything while going to after school tutoring to try and catch you up completely."

"Sure, sounds good."

"Do you want me to ask Connor?"

Jude gave a puzzled look to his mom and opened his mouth to speak but stopped at the sound of quickly approaching footsteps. "Morning everyone!" Jesus blurted out before grabbing a glass and taking the juice from his brother, he looked around the room noticing the look on Jude's face. "Did I interrupt something?"

"No, it's fine." The youngest spoke up, he took his drink and started for the living room. "I'll talk to him momma." Giving a small smile to everyone in the room he walked back to the couch, the guest was finally awake and shifting to sit up now as he rubbed his eyes. "Morning."

Connor squinted for a moment at his morning welcome, a bright smile taking his face immediately. "Morning to you too, is that for me?" He pointed at the orange juice and the brunette looked down at it for a moment before childishly smiling and taking a drink from it, the sleepy teen's mouth dropped a little feigning hurt feelings. "I can't believe you."

"Sorry." The brunette chuckled. "I can get you a glass if you like?" He declined with a shake of his head, shrugging the adopted child moved to sit next to his new friend. "My mom wanted me to ask you something."


"Well school starts in a month or something like that, and since I've missed so much they wanted me to have a class with classmate so they could make sure I kept up. That and tutoring after school." His eyes dropped to the glass in his hands, a light pink hue taking his cheeks. It wasn't like him to be bashful over admitting that he needed help, it was just admitting it to Connor right now seemed difficult. "I was wondering if you wanted to have classes with me so, if I needed help you could just..."

Sighing he shook his head and looked up as I to take back everything. "I'd love to." Smiling at the expression of puzzled disbelieve he know looked at, it was kind of funny to think that this boy used to understand why Connor gave so much for him; if not a little heartbreaking. "I can actually help with the tutoring now to, I mean we have time before school starts. If you already know a lot of the stuff the tutoring would teach it'll go by faster right?"

"I've never been one to understand things easily Connor."

"I know, but I'm patient." He reached out and gripped the others hand, blush taking to both their cheeks as their eyes shifted away from one another. "I think I will actually get myself some breakfast." Squeezing the others hand lightly he pulled away from him and moved towards the kitchen. "Morning everyone."

Jude stared at the doorway Connor retreated to listening to the voices in the other room, more of the family seemed to have come down without him actually realizing it. His eyes dropped to his drink again watching the stillness he could think of anything but the guest in the house, the boy who spent so much time on him and would be willing to give even more. "Something wrong?"

His voice broke the silence and with it the train of thought the Adams-Foster had. "Why?" With a puzzled look Connor moved towards the couch and put his plate down as well as his own cup of juice, after a few seconds of watching the boy start into his meal Jude shook his head. "Why did you spend so long with me in the hospital? Reading books and trying to teach me everything you learned in school. Why am I so important to you?"

The sound of crunching toast came as the questions ended, brown eyes shifting to meet an identical set staring back at them. Eyebrows curving down in a look Connor knew well. It wasn't that Jude was angry but he was confused, which made him agitated; maybe he was angry. "I did it because you're my best friend, and before the accident you were my boyfriend. I guess I'm still a little caught up in the past and I'm hoping things will just go back to how they were, whether you're my boyfriend or just my best friend. Both seem perfect to me."

Shifting back to his food he started again, the other teens jaw dropping slightly as he took in all of the information. "I know that you don't remember who I am exactly and I'm not going to hide anything from you if asked. But other than that what happened between us before doesn't matter because I'm a complete stranger to you, which is why I haven't been trying to push anything on you. I mean, yeah I want to be what we were but I'm not going to ask that of you."

"Why not?"

"I guess I just don't want to."

"You don't want to date me again? Or be my best friend even?""

"No I want those options." He stopped and put his fork down with a deep sigh escaping him, he turned back to Jude and leaned back against the couch. "I guess I want you to find out for yourself if you want to be around me again. Not just take my word on everything right?"

"You want me to decide?"

"It's your choice Jude? Of course I want you to decide."

Jude bit his bottom lip and looked back at the glass in his hands, his cheeks were a bright red as he thought about everything the boy had said. Everything this stranger had told him and even though he didn't know him the night before this was comforting, laying there with him wasn't hard or uncomfortable. It just felt right and even now he could feel the ghosting arms around his shoulders holding down like they were afraid the brunette would have fled at the first chance he got.

"Thank you. Really, for everything you've done for me." Connor went to speak but was immediately interrupted. "I may not remember you, and who knows who else I forgot really. But I feel like only a real friend would be so open about everything after so long, not to mention give me the choice of being their friend again. I appreciate it."

"Anytime Jude."

The adopted boy smiled brightly as he put his glass on the table before leaning over and kissing the others cheek, his body standing and moving towards the staircase. Though it felt like his heart still sat next to the other teen and in some strange way he wanted to stay there with him to, but he had things to do and oddly enough. Something he needed to think about. "You're lucky that you're cute by the way or your story about us dating would be completely unbelievable."

"Cute? Is that all I am?"

"Maybe thick headed to?"

Jude smiled before retreating upstairs passing Marianna on her way down, noticing the grin on her brothers face as he passed she paused at the bottom of the stairs and looked into the living room. "What was that all about?"

"Just making friends." She grinned at the Stevens boy who returned the smile and shook his head and continued to eat his breakfast.
