Week 1 of Love Games

Host- Okay! welcome back to the show, before we start our first official first challenge lets have the contestants mingle for a few.

the contestants walk around the mansion with drinks in their hand searching for someone to get to know.  Camilla starts to observe her surroundings on who she thinks she could partner up with.

Camilla(in her head): Hmm, lets see who i can make my minions.

                 she looks around and spots Ashley. she puts a devilish smile and walks over to her

Camilla: oh my god! you are so pretty, the boys here are so gonna fight over you, i swear if you dont win love games then i dont know who here can!

         Camilla hands Ashley a drink

Ashley: awe thats nice of you thank you. whats your name?

Camilla: my name is Camilla. what are you here for? the money or love?

Ashley: im here for either or , it could be money, and it could be boys like i said in my interview im either leaving here with a boyfriend or $100,000 richer. and the boyfriend could be a win or lose situation either way ill get one. what about you?

         Camilla thinks in her head for a bit.

Camilla: i honestly dont know yet. for my interview i told them im here for the money but i honestly might want a boyfriend. maybe i want to fall in love. but with the way i look who knows if anyone will even like me and i might be the first one gone.

Ashley: what!? no way you're beautiful someone or even a few guys might find you attractive we just have to look around and flirt a little ill even help you ill make sure you dont go home at least the first two or three weeks.

  Camilla does the devilish smile again and gives her hand to Ashley to shake it.

Camilla: wow i really appreciate that thank you so much. you got yourself a deal. you help me and ill try to do my best to get you me and maybe one more person to go to the final three together.

Ashley: yay were gonna be the best of friends here

Camilla gives Ashley a weird look then smiles and grabs her hand

Camilla: yes of course the best of friends.

Ashley grabs Camillas hand too and then they walk around to find another girl to join their group

four boys sit and chill by the pool and get to talking about who they think is hot in the house

Christian: so enough said i think Sabrina, Chloe, Leilani, and Autumn are the cutest here what about you guys?

Damon: i think its a fight between Leilani, Autumn, and Sasha bro, but Leilani tops the cake cause she is fineeeeeeee

        Damon takes a sip of his beer and looks at the other boys to see what they think

Dante: i think Sasha about to be the mother of my kids

        Dante laughs and gives Damon a high five and takes a sip of his beer as well.

Dante: okay okay but nah seriously, Sasha is the baddest Bitch here. i mean Autumn is a close second, and then maybe Leilani but Sasha got my heart.

    Christian, Dante, and Damon all look to the left of them

Damon: okay and what about you, who do you think is the hottest girl here?

Danny: i think maybe Ashley or maybe Christie and maybe Camilla for the close third. But Camilla seems like a real bitch, so i dont know whats gonna happen. hey she might even be the one for me since shes the type of girls i go for to end up playing them

Christian: woah you're a player?

Danny: was a player. i came here to try to find the one and stop all that playing around. get close to someone have amazing dates, late nights, fun makeouts and leave here with a real chance of love.

Dante: sounds good man i hope it goes your way, even if you lose because we all know im going to be the winner of love games

   Damon spits out his beer,

Damon: okay lets not get to cocky, you might make it far but theres no way you're going to win, not without a girl or an alliance helping you out buddy

Dante: who says i dont have a plan?

    Dante smirks at the boys

all of them: AHHHHHHHHHHHH

Host: alright contestants time for the first challenge of the season and the first invincibility and person safe from Elimination be in the rose garden in 5 minutes.

    once the host made that announcement all the contestants walked towards the garden.

Host: so first challenge is not hard but it is not easy. there will only be one winner, but the sides will be divided like if there were teams. this game is puzzle me. there is a puzzle on each side of the garden. it is a big puzzle and everyone has their part to complete. one person on each side will compete against each other too see who can complete their part of the puzzle first, the losers will be out of the contest and will be out of a chance of winning invincibility. once everyone on the teams has build their puzzle the winners will move on to part two. you will meet up at the pool and will once again get separated into another pair of teams. one person from each team must dive in and collect 7 rings to put on the pole for their team. the person who gets the 7 and puts them on the pole first moves on to the final part while the losers step down. the final part of this challenge  is everyone for themselves. the final contestants will compete against each other in this race to the finish line, must go through the maze in the rose garden, the round about in the kitchen, all the cars in the garage and back through the maze in the rose garden to pass the finish line. it will not be an easy race there will be obstacles that the contestant that have already lost the challenge will be giving you and maybe possibly throwing at you to slow you down. and only one will win the challenge, have invisibility, go on the first date in the house and another extra surprise that awaits them in their room. alright sound easy enough?


Host: alright good. now i will start dividing you guys into teams for the first part. team A will be: Elijah, Christian, Noah, Leo, Ashley, Autumn, Dante, Chloe, and Leilani. Team B will be: Damon, Sasha, Ariel, Camilla, Mike, Sabrina, Sam, Danny, and Christie.

  everyone started walking to their sides and stood lined up from one another.

Host: alright the first two going head to head for the first part of the puzzle will be Ashley from team A and Christie for team B.

the girls walked up to the tables with the puzzles.

Host: shake hands

the girls smiled at each other and shook each others hands.

Host: reaadddyyyyyyy GO!

and the girls were off going super speed trying to complete the puzzle before one another. both teams cheering for their teammate as they keep trying to put the puzzle together Ashley needs about 3 more pieces already while Christie needs about 5 a few more minutes later and one girl finishes her puzzle first.

Host: the winner of the first puzzle and who will be moving on to the next round is Christie!

Christie: YES oh my god i so thought i was gonna lose. nice round though you almost had it

Ashley: thanks. nice job actually catching up to me just in time to beat me.

Christie: thanks.

Christie then walks over to the bleachers of the side that moves on while Ashley goes and sits where the losers sit.

Host: alright next two are Leilani for Team A and Damon for Team B.

the two walked up to each other and shook hands. but then Damon put Leilanis hand close to his lips and gave them a kiss.

Damon: if i lose to you right now, it will be an honor.

  Leilani smiles at him and removes her hand.

Leilani: Cute. just dont throw the challenge for yourself if you beat me thats fine too, wouldnt want you going home because noone can trust you because you decide to throw challenges for girls you dont even know.

Damon smiles at her and she winks

Damon: alright thats fair. good luck then.

Leilani: dont need it, i already know im gonna beat you

she said with a smirk.

Host: alright on your mark, get set, go

after a few minutes of doing the puzzles again there was a winner

Host: the person moving on to the next round is Leilani!

leilani walks over to Damon and shakes his hand, i told you i didn't need the luck, but you were close behind me, maybe next time

he said with a smile.

Damon: like i said before it was a pleasure to have lost to you and i wouldn't have it any other way. good luck on winning round 2.

he smiled back at her then went to go sit down next to Ashley.

A/N-  I know my chapters might seem long, but because it's suppose to be more like an episode instead of a chapter for a story. Also I gave you the introductions and meetings with the character yesterday's so the rest of this week as in today and tomorrow I'm giving out the first episode and then wait till next Wednesday  for the episode and so on. This is the only week that this is like this cause I had to do both the intros and the first episode, so enjoy I hope you like it
