The First Date/ The First Elimination.

Chloe: thanks for picking me Leilani, but i just gotta ask, why'd you do it?

Leilani: because i saw how you fell. i know Camilla tripped you and she cheated. so because you didn't get a fair shot at trying to win i decided to make you feel like a winner and take you out and have your date be one of the cutest guys here

Chloe starts laughing.

Chloe: thank you. i really appreciate it.

Leilani: no problem really.

Sasha walks in to get ready for her date as well.

Sasha: so Leilani, you picking Ariel for Elimination are you sure there was no hard feelings? or did you actually do it for a reason?

Leilani: well so it was really not planned, and there is nothing against her but i mean come on shes the oldest one here, old people kind of damage the ratings im sure and plus im sure she thinks shes so smart and is gonna win it all but really? she isn't. so i kinda hope she goes home. plus i actually made really good friends with Ashley and shes really pretty too, i wouldn't wanna see her leave just because she was slow in the first challenge.

Chloe: yeah i get it, im voting for Ariel to leave, simply because i would like to give Ashley a chance to show her skills and see what she can really bring to the table

Sasha: i dont know, i kinda prefer Ariel shes older which means shes trying to get with these younger guys and she might be a hoe and more drama, you know how it works and i would love to see some cat fights while im here

Chloe: yeah until she takes the man you like, and you're in the fight against her

Sasha: you see that wont happen because ill beat her ass and shell know not to mess with me so, yeah

Host: alright girls time to go on the date lets go meet the boys

the girls walk down the stairs with the boys staring at them mesmerized.

Damon: wow Leilani you look beautiful. im so glad you choose me and not someone else.

Dante: yeah same Sasha, i swear you are the cutest girl here

Sasha: cute but just so you know flattering will get you nowhere honey

Dante grabs Sasha's hand and giggles.

Danny: wow you look nice Chloe, but i just think you put a little too much lipstick on.

the girls look at him in shock at the fact that he said that to her face

Danny: no i dont mean it looks bad on you, cause it doesn't, im just saying its a little too much

Chloe: well this date might be fun

Chloe said sarcastically and then they left to their date


The next day and now its time for the Elimination.

Host: as you all know today is the day for someone to leave this mansion. its between, Ariel and Ashley. the rules are simple you both each have 30 seconds to explain to everyone why they should keep you and whats good about you. then each and every single person will go in the confession stall and vote for who they want out of the show. whoever makes it to five votes first will be the first to go home and will lose out on a chance at love and a shot at $100,000. simple enough?

all: yeaaaaaahhhhhh

Host: okay starting with Ariel, tell us all why you think you should stay tonight.

Ariel: well first off i dont know any of you well, maybe said a few words here and there but nothing much, and i would really like to change that. i know im the oldest here and it sounds like it sucks but that could be a good us to some of you when forming an alliance or even just needing help. i promise if you guys decide to keep me i will prove that you made the right decision and choose a good person for your alliance.

Host: alright Ashley your turn.

Ashley: i cant believe im one of the first people in the bottom at the beginning of the season just because i was the first to lose a challenge. im sorry guys i let my team down. but i promise im so much more. i want a chance to date the guys and find love while im here, and make friends with some of the girls who i already met some of them and they are the bomb. ive already started to make a mark here and i dont want to be the first person sent home or leave so soon. please give me a chance you guys.

Host: alright its time to vote off who you think should be gone. lets start with our challenge winner, Leilani.

leilani walks to the confession stand and grabs the tablet placed in front of her with two pictures, one on each side, one of Ashley and one of Ariel.

Leilani: i meant what i said before about Ashley i want to give her a chance. so sorry Ariel but i think you should go.

Leilani swipes to the left of the screen to choose Ariel to go home and locks in her choice an then walks out the stall. after her all the other contestants take their turns choosing.

Host: next our first date pick, Damon.

Damon: i choose Ariel, sorry but youre the only old one here i dont care how hot you look.

Host: next is Sasha

Sasha: i choose Ashley sorry girl

Dante: i choose Ashley

Chloe: Ariel *shrugs shoulders*

Danny: Ashley cause Ariel got a good idea going

Mike: Ashley

Sabrina: Ariel

Christian: Ariel

Camilla: Ariel, i cant have one of my soon to be minions go on the first night

Sam: Ashley

Autumn: Ariel

Noah: Ashley

Christie: Ariel

Elijah: Ashley

Leo: Ariel

Host: alright looks like everyone has voted. lets see who goes home tonight. one vote for Ariel, two votes for Ariel, one vote for Ashley, two votes for Ashley, three votes for Ariel, three votes for Ashley, four votes for Ashley, four votes for Ariel, the person with the last vote that kicks them out of the house is............. Ariel. im sorry but your time at love games has come to an end. please pack your bags and leave the mansion immediately.

Ariel: well i have nothing to say to you guys except that you all made a mistake keeping this loser around. shes useless.

Damon: well at least she isnt old enough to probably be our mother.


Ariel: you are literally like just a few years younger than me but whatever see the rest of you in the loser house byeeee

and with that said Ariel has been eliminated from love games.
