Chapter Two: The Contestants.

Host: Welcome back to the show I am here with the first 8 that have arrived to the mansion, come on over and lets meet them and get to know them a little, this way shall we..

First Contestant- Hey, My name is Sabrina St. Clair. I am 19 years old and I am here for love. HA just kidding. I'm here for the $100,000. Now if I get lucky enough to find love then sure, great, amazing. But I am here for the money. I could use that for so many things, I Could finally get out of my aunts house and live on my own wherever I want to go, however I please. And also go shopping because DUH I love clothes! Okay toodles XoXo"

Second Contestant- "Sup. My name is Mike.. just mike, ain't nobody need to know my last name till I'm famous, got that? Good. Anyway I'm 21 years old and I'm here for the Mula baaaaabbbbyyyyyyyyyy, ahhhhhh ha ha. Not funny? You don't get it? lil Wayne? When he says- oh just forget it. I'm here for the money. Fuck the bitches, fuck making friends it's all a game nothing you do here matters. I play to win. And I get to fuck a few of the girls here along the way then even more fun for me but I'm not here to fall in love. Nah uh. See ya suckers.

Third Contestant- Hi My name is Leilani DelRios. I am 20 Years old and I am here for love. I've been going on dates and having a certain amount of fun but, it's never with the person I feel a strong connection with. And well I'm here to see if I can find the one. Yeah I guess winning money will be cool and all, but if I Could find someone to win my heart and show me a good time, if I leave I'll be just okay with that. Money isn't everything you know. Now I know it's gonna be hard because lots of people are playing for money and you don't know who's with you or who's against you but I got a great strategy planned out for this.. you're just gonna have to wait and see.

Fourth Contestant- Hi My name is Christian Jones and I'm 19 years old. Honestly I'm just here to have fun and have a great summer. If I win money amazing, if I fall in love cool. But I'm here for the awesome summer mansion the hookups and the fun challenges we get to do all summer long. If I end up going home i hope I end up having the time of my life or becoming a legend before I have to go. Peace!

Fifth Contestant- Hey Guys! My name is Ashley Cruz, and I'm 19 years old. Let's cut to the chase I'm here for both love and moneys either way I'm leaving this mansion with a new boyfriend or $100,000 richer. Doesn't matter how it happens or in what order it's gonna happen. I will make friends, form alliances and do what I have to do to stay in the game but even if I lose I will become one of the most popular in the game, hell I'll be so popular that you're team is gonna want me for a reunion or a all star game of some sort ha!

Sixth Contestant- hey. Sam here. 20 years old. I'm here for the money. Well that's what I want people to think. But really I'm here for a girlfriend. I'm dying for love, I pray for love, I NEED love. So that's what I'm here for but it's a secret, don't wanna blow my hard cover with the guys and don't want the girls to think I'm just a softy, especially if they end up all being here just for the money because remember, you really can't trust anybody here.

Seventh Contestant- hey I'm Sasha. I'm 19 and I'm here for cash. Cold hard cash. Maybe I'll make friends  to help me stay in the game and flirt here and there
But I'm 100% here for the $100,000 so whatever happens after this summer will be forgotten just like the people I'm going against. Whether I win or lose, they'll be nothing to me once this is over so they better consider themselves as a value pawn here. Cause I'm winning that money.

Eighth Contestant- Damon. 21. I'm here for girls. Money great but girls. All the girls I could be with for as long as I want. Form a team, maybe even a relationship and get lucky enough to end up rich in all of this too. But for the beginning of time or through this whole experience, my main concern is for the ladies. And who knows? Maybe I'll even find the one.
