Second date/ Second Elimination

Host: and we're back on love games time to tune in to the second date of the season

the girls were getting ready for their date and were talking.

Sasha: are you excited for another date with Damon?

Leilani: yeah, i really appreciate you picking us again. it gives me a chance to see if hes truly the one for me.

Sasha: well good luck, i'm trying to see the same thing with Dante, he seems like hes into me but then he looks like a player and he might be flirting with the other girls here. and i picked you because well so far you're one of the few girls here so far in these two weeks that I've learned to enjoy the company of.

Leilani: honestly i think he does only like you and is trying to get you, but you could never be to careful so i guess its good you haven't gotten attached yet. i kinda got attached to Damon because well i know he isn't like that and i know for a fact hes only here for me.

Sasha: lets hope so.


Camilla: ugh Leilani that bitch, her and her friend Sasha keep winning challenges and going on dates and its not fair to me, i'm suppose to be winning it all and always being safe, and you girls are suppose to help me get up there, so far you're showing me that the final three spots mean nothing to you, and i could just go find some other dimwits to help me get there.

Ashley: i did try to help you i threw the match, i even got people to lose for you. i belong in the final three by your side, but i don't know if Christie really does.

Christie: i'm stranding right here and i can hear everything. i obviously do deserve a spot in the final three with you two so i don't want to hear any bad things about me, i'm a great team player and i do everything to help or try to help Camilla win, which is why i have a plan.

Ashley: what plan is better then me pretending to be friends with Leilani to listen to all her plans and get her on top

Christie: we mess with her boy toy.

Ashley: Damon?

Christie: yeah we trick him into meeting with us, and then the other one, lures Leilani over here and then she catches him kissing Camilla or one of us and then she thinks it was his fault and then they're no more and she lost her first ally.

Camilla: that's perfect Christie, that's an amazing plan. lets get started. were gonna make sure it happens tonight.

Host: Meanwhile in the boys room

Damon: so i think i'm gonna tell Leilani that i wanna be with her tonight.

Dante: are you crazy? you've only known her for two weeks, and only went on two dates.

Damon: yeah but i already feel like i'm connecting with her and i want to be able to claim her before any sucker here tries to snatch her up and take her from me, so if i tell her how i feel this way its like i already claim her and no other guy will try to touch.

Dante: i mean it's smart but its still to early, i like Sasha and all but i'm not going to jump into it, it might ruin everything were building if i say anything to early.

Damon: well i will keep you posted on how were doing after i tell her during the date.

Dante: alright man, be safe and good luck.

Damon: thanks bro see you in a few.

Host: time for the date, the two couples for the night, head upstairs and sit at the tables.

(during the whole night the couples talked and talked and talked)

Damon: so Leilani, i wanted to talk to you about something.

Leilani: okay go ahead

Damon: so i'm really glad that Sasha was nice enough to put me and you together for this date once again. it gives me a chance to spend more time with you.

Leilani: yeah, i was thinking the same thing when she first picked us, i think its great, also because you're the only one here that really shows interest in me

Damon: im sure thats not true, but good, that means you could only be mine then.

Leilani: what do you mean?

Damon: so i wanted to tell you, i really like you. you could say my feelings grow fast, or that i'm a loser or whatever you want, but i came here for love, and i'm already feeling a connection with you. and i would like to call you mine so no other guy could try to take you away from me.

Leilani: i would like that, i really only feel a connection with you, so i might as well give us a try

Damon: oh my god, you're really saying yes to me right now

Leilani: yeah i'm saying yes.

Damon: yes that great!

Damon hugs and then kisses her on the lips and Leilani is kind of surprised.

Leilani: that was a nice kiss. we should do it more often.

leilani smiled.

Damon: of course

Host: date is now over folks lets get back downstairs, hit the showers and meet everyone else for the Elimination.

they walked up the stairs and started getting ready while Camilla cooked up her plan.

Camilla: okay Ashley you're gonna pretend you're crying while i go to get Damon and make up some story to help you and while hes helping you, Christie goes to get Leilani and Ashley you kiss him when she gets there she sees it and boom i sit hiding watching the whole thing and be happy that Christie's plan didn't fail.

Ashley: okay do we start now?

Camilla: duh of course. i'll go get Damon, Christie go get Leilani, Ashley pretend to cry. lets do this.

the girls go and start their plan.

Camilla: hey Damon, i'm glad i caught you.

Damon: whats up?

Camilla: Ashley crying and i can't figure out why. she won't talk to us but maybe she might open up and talk to you since you're one of the nice guys here. will you help us please?

Damon: yeah sure bring me to her.

Camilla: Great, lets go.


Christie: Leilani, you're the one that's dating or talking to Damon right?

Leilani: yeah and?

Christie: i saw him kissing Ashley, you need to come quick.

Leilani: Ashley's my friend. she wouldn't do that to me

Christie: i swear to you, look if you don't believe me come see for yourself then.

Leilani: fine.


Camilla: look there she is, you go see what's wrong, i'll go get tissues.

Damon: hey Ashley whats wrong?

Ashley: i just miss my family

Damon: hey hey its okay dont worry you'll see them again once this is over

Ashley: i know but it's so far, i dont know if i can do this anymore

Damon: Hey yes you can, you can do anything. think about it. you're doing this for your family so if you win you would make them so proud.

Ashley: yeah you're right. thank you so much for helping.

Damon: anytime.

Ashley stares at Damon for a little and then grabs his faces and kisses him.

Christie: HA see i knew i wasn't wrong.

Leilani: Damon... Ashley.. why would you do this?

Damon: Oh my god, Leilani. it's not what it looks like

Leilani: oh so you weren't just kissing Ashley?

Damon: okay it is what it looks like, but it was an accident, i didn't kiss her, she kissed me

Ashley: oh my god i'm so sorry Leilani i didn't know you were talking to him or anything, he didn't pull away when i kissed him so i didn't think anything of it, you know i wouldn't do you like that, were friends.

Leilani: i guess it's okay Ashley it's okay you didn't know.

Damon: really? shes the one that kissed me, she grabbed me when she heard you coming, shes lying.

Leilani: enough Damon. the only one lying here is you. just own up and say you kissed back. i just don't understand why you tell me all you told me during the date and you come and do this. even if Ashley didn't know, you did. you could've stopped her or pushed her off. but you wanted to kiss her.

Damon: Leilani.. please...

Leilani: just leave me alone Damon. never talk to me again. were done or whatever it was that we had that lasted about 5 minutes is over.

Leilani runs back to her room to get ready and Damon stomps madly towards his as well.

Camilla: it actually worked. Leilani lost one of the most important people on her side. you're plan actually worked Christie, i'm impressed.

Christie: Why thank you.

Camilla: come on girls lets go get ready to vote someone out.

the girls then walked up to their room to change.


Host: alright, time for someone to go home. can we get Elijah and Leo up here please....... okay you guys know how to vote since the last time but there is a twist... Sasha may you step up here please...... so since you've won the challenge this week your power is to add a female to make it a bottom 3 and everyone else would have to vote between them. so who's it gonna be?

Sasha: wow that's a strong power. well since i have to choose, i pick Ashley. for being a backstabbing bitch and kissing Leilani's boy.

Ashley: i swear i didn't know they were a thing. i already spoke to her

Sasha: yeah, well i still don't like yo ass so now i just have a reason for it, here you go

Host: alright you three up here, you have 30 seconds to explain to the rest of the contestants why you should stay. Leo you start.

Leo: simple theres no one here like me. i'm one of the best. i'm only up here because i'm "annoying" that shouldn't be a reason to be put up. come on i know you guys are smart and won't vote me off these two losers here have more of a reason to leave. but not me. not "The Leo"

Host: ugh okay... Elijah

Elijah: i should stay because i should have a fair shot on trying to win this money for my family. i need the money to help them because we are in a really tight situation. just because i lost one challenge doesn't mean you should judge my whole time here in an instant. give me another chance and if you see i constantly lose matches after matches then you guys could throw me out. just think about it.

Host: okay and Finally Ashley, again for a second time

Ashley: okay now i'm only here because i made a mistake. nothing else. i didnt know that Damon was talking to Leilani. he was helping me because i was feeling upset it was just in the moment and he kissed me so i kissed back.if anything it's his fault not mine he should be up here not me. but anyway i am sorry Leilani. please dont vote me out just because of one mistake i made. have better judgement when you make your decision. thank you.

Host: alright time for voting, starting with Sasha.

the contestants start going into the confession one by one to vote.

Sasha: i still hate the bitch so i vote for Ashley. sorry not sorry.

Sabrina: i don't like that Ashley did that, but i still think Leo should go home.

Chloe: Leo for sure

Christie: Leo

Autumn: Ashley

Leilani: Leo

Camilla: Leo

Mike: Leo

Christian: Elijah. hes the only young one here might as well just go

Sam: Leo. he's an asshole. and i'm pretty sure he likes Camilla and shes mine.

Damon: Ashley. no one sees that shes evil and shes working with Camilla. but i'm gonna show that it wasn't my fault before people decide to send me home next.

Noah: Elijah

Dante: Leo

Danny: Leo

Host: alright. time to calculate the votes... whoever gets to five first, will be the one joining Ariel in the judgement house.

first vote....Ashley... First Vote... Leo.... Second vote.... Leo.... third vote.... Leo..... Fourth vote... Leo. Leo that four votes for you. if you get one more, you will be sent home. Second Vote...... Ashley...... Fifth vote.... Leo. im sorry but your time here has ended. pack your bags and leave the mansion.

Leo: Fuck all you guys! i hope you all lose and nobody wins the money. i'll be back!!!!\

Host: well okay tats it for tonight episode. tune in next week to see what happens next, and who goes home.

A/N- sorry guys I've been really busy with everything I keep forgetting to post on Wednesday's , but don't fear I'll give you what I owe you
Thanks to everyone still reading I appreciate it, hope you enjoy the story!
