its now the first day of deb ball rehearsal. belly and I are in the car while Laurel is driving us to the country club, i look like a total dork but at least I get to be with belly.
we get out of the car and say goodbye to Laurel.

"wait girls!" laur says as we turn around and look at her
"humor me. use our code phrase if anything happens. you still remember it from when you we're little right?" laur says
"mom." belly groans
"lemon jelly belly" we all say together
"have fun." she says as she drives off

we start walking to the door until we see jeremiah walking outside carrying some towels, i get nervous and tap belly, i told her that I had a crush on jeremiah the day after I told myself I did. so she has known for as long as I have basically. belly laughs at me and just yells Jeremiah's name which catches his attention

"oh my god." he says while looking at me
"yeah it's fine I already know I look like I dork." I say while looking down at my shoes
"no! you look good brin. um let me walk you guys over!" he says, I look at jeremiah shirtless with no shoes on but just giggle and say okay.

he links my arm with his and belly walks on the other side of me. we have a little conversation as we walk up the stairs and into the room with all the other debs. as soon as we walk in all the girls eyes fall to me and jeremiah linking arms, I get really nervous and just squeeze his arm, he seems to notice and grabs my hand with his other arm until a short lady walks up to me and jeremiah.

"jeremiah." the lady says annoyed
"Paige." jere says with a smile
"where is your shirt?" Paige says as jeremiah grabs her hand and kisses it.
"it's alwyas a pleasure." jeremiah says.

paige looks me and belly down.

"oh this is belly and brin. i mean, Isabel And brinley. The young women my mom told you about." jere says as we are still linking arms

paige looks at me

"that is brinley. my future wife." jere says as he winks at paige and I hit him on the arm
"your both at table two." she says looking at me and belly
"are those the little Brie and fig jam sandwiches??" jere says very excitedly.
"don't you dare, jeremiah those are for the girls!" Paige says annoyed as he grabs one and Paige starts to walk away
"your going to do great. if anything happens just text me and I will come and get you brinny." he says as he hugs me and runs down the stairs.

i grab bellys hand and we we all go the table and sit down next to eachother.

"sooo... who are you and are you dating jeremiah?" this one girl ask me while giving me a super dirty look
"back off Gigi." shayla says annoyed
"it's just a question." Gigi says while looking at me like she's still waiting for an awnser
"umm.. I don't know." I say while looking at belly

she scoffs and rolls her eyes and then shayla starts a new conversation up and me and belly just sit there the whole entire time hoping it would end soon.

it's now the end of the deb ball tea thing and we're back at home, i am sitting on one of the chairs outside on the back porch at the fishers house tanning in my criss crossed sage bikini and clear-pinkish sunglasses while my hair is flowing in the wind and listening to "Coast By Hailee Steinfeld ft. Anderson .Paak" on repeat on jeremiah's speaker that he let me borrow, and singing along with the song really loud. i was singing my heart out, I kept singing with my eyes closed until I opened them and saw EVERYONE except jeremiah sitting on the stairs not realizing they walked out here. Jeremiah was sitting on the edge of the chair I was sitting on just staring at me until I stopped the music and stopped singing when everyone looked at me.

"YOUR AMAZING BRIN!!" belly says as she gets up and runs to me.
"yeah why did you stop?!!! you have the voice of an angel sweetheart." susannah says while smiling at me.
"I didnt realize you guys all came out here." I say nervously
"come on brin. that was amazing, keep going!" laur says

i look at jeremiah and sit up fully next to him, to the point our whole sides were touching. belly walks back over to the others on the stairs. i restart the song from the beginning and put it back on repeat. i start singing again. the whole song It felt like fireworks! because the entire song I stared into Jeremiah's eyes and at one point in the song he stared at me and I layed my head in us shoulder, he put his hand on my thigh and I just sang louder and felt so comfortable. i wish he understood that that whole song is what I felt about him.
after about 5 times of singing the song everyone started going inside slowly until it was just me and him.
i tried to turn off the song and go inside with the other but jeremiah just grabbed my arm and my phone and played a diffrent song.

"sing this one." he said as he hands me my phone and I see the song "AMAZING By Rex Orange County" starting to play. i smiles at him and i turned off my phone and started to sing. I layed my head back on his shoulder but this time we scooted way closer to eachother and we were like basically cuddling, the entire time I felt butterflies. the sun slowly started to set and we just sat out there for at least a couple hours singing until laur told us that they all were going to pick up a pizza and they would be back in 20 minutes. it was now just us alone. i played "Coast By Hailee Steinfeld ft. Anderson .Paak" one more time and when it was over I stared into Jeremiah's eyes and we leaned in closer and closer until we kissed. it wasn't a short small kiss it was a long passionate kiss. i gripped onto his hair and he gripped onto my waist with one hand and my face with the other, we sat there kissing for a good 5 minutes while smiling in between each kiss and then we finally pulled away and started giggling. and just cuddled while talking and watching the sunset as "Coast By Hailee Steinfeld ft. Anderson .Paak" played quietly in the background until the others got home and I got up and jeremiah gave me his hoodie to put over my swimsuit and we walked inside together and sat at the table next to eachother and ate dinner together. tomorrow was my birthday and 4th of July! and everyone knew that. i was expecting really anything from anyone because I just met these people but I was just excited to spend the day with jeremiah.
