eventually jeremiah showed up and we brought the girls home. it took A LOT of explaining to tell laur and savannah what had happened. jere had felt bad about everything taht had happend but after the long weird night i had decided to just go to bed and get ready for Joshua Bassett to come to the house tomorrow.

it was now the next morning and jere woke me up saying "it's time to get up, he'll be here in 30 minutes." so i wake up and get ready real quick, i put on jeremiah's light blue and yellow hoodie with my light blue high top vans and some ripped light washed shorts.

i clean up jere's room a bit and get a phone call, i awnsered and get a little sad but realized it's for the best. i then head downstairs.

"goodmorning brinley, how are you?" laur ask me with a great big smile
"ah, you know getting through it." i say with a smile

"jeremiah is outside on the deck chair if you need him." laur says
"oh thanks laur." i kiss her on the forehead and walk out to the deck in the back

i walk out and jere turns to look at me then smiles and sits up and pats the spot on the chair for me to sit down next to him

"hey brinny." he says as he kisses me slightly
"hey jere bear." i say as he laughs and i lay my head on his shoulder
"Joshua is coming today right?" he ask
"no we cancled this morning." i say

he looks at me confused

"it's okay, seriously, it's gives us one more day to practice for the deb ball tomorrow!" i say
"so excited to see my brinny in a white dress." he says with a smile

"and my white air forces!!" i say as he cracks up and we go inside

we walk inside and everyone is standing at the counter laughing and having a good time, i kind of ignore belly and Taylor until jere whispers "you should talk to them today." in my ear

i give him the look but shake my head yes

"can we talk brin." belly ask me and i shake my head yes, so me her and taylor walk out to the deck.

"we are so sorry brinley, we feel so bad and if wasn't for you we would be stuck out there still, im so sorry for tearing you like that. And trust me when I say here is in love with you." belly says and i just give her a big hug and we laugh it off

"you were fools but i forgive you guys." i say to belly

"let's live today up before the big day tomorrow." i say as I pull them inside and we laugh

"ah my girls are back together." Susannah says

we don't really do much today except for swim and hang out with the family, but it's now the next day.

to be continued

a/n: sorry for such the short part guys😭
