today was the big volleyball tournament. belly and her freind taylor were going to play, and i was going to support them, along with jere, conrad and the moms.
im sitting in the kitchen eating a muffin and scrolling through insta gram when I hear the doorbell ring and i see belly sprint down the stairs and run into taylor's arms. after they hug and talk for a while they walk into the kitchen and taylor sees me

"brin?" she ask while looking at me
"hi Taylor!" I stand up and give her a hug
"how are you?" she ask
"pretty good. u?" I ask
"same." she says awkwardly
"well it was good seeing you. hurry up and get ready. jeremiah is going to drive all of us in about 20 minutes." I say
"okay." belly says as they walk back up the stairs

jeremiah walks down the stairs and hugs me from behind

"hey pretty girl." he says while pushing my hair away
"hey lover boy." i say causing him to laugh
"you ready?" he ask
"no, im going to go put on something simple and then I'll meet you back downstairs in 10?" i say
"okay love." he says as he kisses me

i smile and walk up the stairs
i hear my name in taylor's and belly's conversation and just hide behind the door where they can't see me

"wait so jeremiah is dating brinley??" taylor ask belly
"yeah. it's so stupid. i really like jeremiah. but also conrad and the one summer she comes here she has to take that all away." belly says in a petty way
"that is so bit*hy of her." taylor says
"but her mom just died too." belly says
"so?? that dosent give her an excuse to go h*e around with you crushes." Taylor says
"yeah your right." belly says

i barge into bellys room and slam the door against the wall.

"WHAT THE F*CK BELLY." i say angrily
"brin. i.." belly says
"f*ck you. I'm leaving." I say as I grab my duffel bag and pack up all my stuff, slide on my shoes and grab Jeremiah's hoodie

she just stands there crying, I don't care. I run down the stairs and into the kitchen to see jeremiah there.

"brin? brin! whats wrong?" he ask
"belly is in love with you. and she aggred with Taylor that jaut because my mom died, that dosent give me a reason to be H*EING AROUND WITH YOU AND DATING YOU." I say while starting to cry

he just stands there speechless and tries to hug me but I push him off

"I need to get out of here. where is Laurel and your mom?" I ask

he just stands there

"JEREMIAH?" i say

"they are at the volleyball tournament already." he says

"drive me there please." I say while falling into his arms crying

"yes let's go." he says

we run out of the house and into the jeep.
i try to wipe my tears for just a little longer because we were around the corner from the place.

as soon as we got there, I ran out of the car and into laurels arms. she wrapped her arms around me and I told her everything. conrad drove belly and Taylor to the volleyball tournament. everyone offered to take me back to the house but I just stayed there until
after the tournament was over i started to walk back to the car with jeremiah as Taylor and belly followed behind us. i hear Nicole tell my name

"BRINLEY!" she yells. Jeremiah and i turn around and belly and Taylor stop as well
"yeah?" I say
"umm.. my dads boat just got back from anguila and I was wondering if you would like to come? and your welcome to come too belly and Taylor." she says with a weird look on her face
"umm.. yeah I'll be there." i say hesitating
"us too." belly says
"great! see you at 5!" Nicole says

we drove back home. when we got home i got ready in Jeremiah's room.
it was now 4:30 and jeremiah drove me and the girls to the dock to get on Nicole's boat. I said goodbye to him and walked quickly in front of the both of them to the boat. i quickly got on the boat and said hello to everyone. we sat and talked for a while until we started playing "put a finger down"  i hated this game so I just sat out.

they were playing  and I was just on my phone. i wasnt paying attention at all until I heard Nicole say my name

"brinley?" she ask
"yeah?" I asked confused
"are you coming skinny dipping with us??" she asked

with a shocked tone I said "no. I'll stay back"
Nicole, belly, Taylor and Gigi went and I just stayed back by myself. all the others didn't go in but they went down there. I heard a little argument break out and next thing I know I hear belly yell my name. i get really scared and look down to see just her and Taylor. i ran off the boat with all of our stuff and down to them

"WHAT HAPPEND?!!" I yelled
"they took all our stuff." belly says trying not to cry
"why did they do that?" i ask angrily
"because conrad texted me." belly says
"we'll that it explains it. you know if you weren't my cousin I would walk away." I yell angrily in frustration and ran back on the boat looking for some things for them to cover up.

i found three old blankets. i walked back out and gave them the blankets. I looked say well they put them over themselves and I called jeremiah.

"hello?" he ask
"hey it's me. i need you to come pick us up from hoppers cove." I say
"already?" it's only 7:30
"yeah well belly and Taylor are stupid and thought it was a good idea to go skinny dipping and long story short conrad texted bells and took all of there clothes and ran away in the car."I say letting out a little breath
"sh*t!! ill be there in 10" he says angrily

a/n: here's another part! agian I'm so sorry for the delay i have just had a lot going on lately! as alwyas mucho amor! 🫶😭💋
