XXI. A promise is a promise

XXI. A promise is a promise

When Monday came I wasn’t still feeling okay. My fever always come back but if I take a medicine it goes down. The pain still lingers in my chest. Today is the opening of the games and I could hear Jennie and Jisoo getting ready I know I wouldn’t be able to go with them but I’m still sick. Jennie knocked and opened the door “Lisa? I’m sad that you can’t see me perform but I want you to get well soon so we can go out and have fun, okay?” Jennie said. “There’s medicine and food in here. Don’t forget to take it.” Jisoo added. I smiled at them “I know you would do well Jen. Enjoy you two and I’ll be okay here.” I said to them I know they’re worried for me. “Lisa if you need anything don’t hesitate to call us.” Jisoo said before they head out.

I’m left alone. Its so silent in here. I wish I could go with them. I wish I could watch him for the last time. I decided to get up and since I’m feeling alright I planned to watch his game. After all I made a promise to him that I’m going to watch his game and I intend to do it. I ate my breakfast that Jisoo and Jennie prepared and take my medicine. I changed into my comfortable clothes when something fell. It’s a picture of me and Jungkook. It was during his first competition. He was very excited to play that he forgot to bring his running shoes and I had to bring it him right away. I didn’t even took a bath because I’m afraid it will be too late for me to arrive. Thankfully they won this game. I’m going to cheer for him for the last time before moving on.

When I went outside I could see the gray sky and its drizzling. This is going to be a bad day for all the players and Jennie. Arriving at our campus football field the bleachers is already fool so I had to push my self at the front to see clearly and then he was the first player I saw standing ready for his first pitch. He looked so beautiful in the field playing his favorite sport. Loud cheers can be heard after his pitch there we’re lots of squealing from girls and I saw her cheering for the only boy I have ever loved. I guess she’s here cheering for him. Nausea hits me and I feel like I want to vomit.

I looked at the field once and saw him staring at my direction I quickly ducked my head and turn away from the crowd with tears in my eyes. This sucks. Is this how it going to end? I quickly went in to the CR dodging a lot of people. By the time I arrive nausea hits me again that made me vomit. I guess its time to go home. It was nice seeing him today with all these people cheering for him. As I went outside and walk in to the corridors I dragged myself out since I’m too weak already. Someone grabbed me from the behind “What the hell?! You are so pale! Lisa are you okay?” Sehun said. I nodded my head. I need to get out of this place and just crawl into my bed. “I need to go.” After I said that everything went black.


I know its short but I'm making it up in the epilogue. Sorry it took so long to update. The last chapter will be up today too.
