XIV. Everyone's so busy

XIV. Everyone's so busy

Jennie and I arrived at our school and as I expected there's no class. "See what I told you Jen? There's no class. We were at my locker now dumping my books. "But you'll just get bored in there." She pouted. She hooked her arms to mine "Oh before I forget Lili. You are going with me at the airport." I looked at her questioningly "Airport? Where are we going?" she smiled cheekily and pinched my cheeks "Silly Lisa! We're not going anywhere. We are going to fetch my cousin. She's coming back and I'm so excited." I looked at her worriedly "Are you kicking me out already Jen?"

"What are you talking about? My cousin knows your living with me. You can still stay there as long as you want. Do you remember Kim Jisoo?" I nodded my head slowly "The school's beauty? Yeah but I heard she went abroad, right?" and then she smiled brightly "You got that right! And she's coming back. I am so excited. We could all go to school together." I looked at her shocked "Oh my gosh! She's your cousin?" she nodded her head enthusiastly and then I remembered something "Holy shit Jen! She's Kim Seokjin's girlfriend!" Jennie smiled wryly as if remembering something awful "They're not actually together anymore. After Jisoo told him he's going abroad Jin threw a fit and said he couldn't wait for her if she goes to abroad so my cousin decided to break up with him and its one hell of a break up." Wow I can still remember her though Kim Jisoo is a beautiful woman but has a sense of humor. She was voted as the school's beauty 2 years ago and then she began dating Jin the baseball team captain.

Just then Rosé Chanyeol's girlfriend greeted us. "Hey girls. Are you also here to watch the sports team train? Everyone's so busy today." Maybe Rosé misses her boyfriend. "I was actually forced by Jen to come here." I said to her while Jennie just rolled her eyes "You'll get bored there anyway. I was doing you a favor." Rosé just laughed at us "Where's your boyfriend anyway?" Jennie asked. "He's still in his basketball training since morning." She pouted. " Why don't you just ask her where's Kai?" I teased her. "OH shut up." She said hitting my arm. "I gotta go girls. See ya." Rosé says goodbye.

"Ooh you're ex-boyfriend is looking at you from the field." Jennie said. I looked at the baseball field to see that she's right. Then I remembered that he wanted to talk to me during lunch. "You're ex-boyfriend is so handsome." I rolled my eyes at her "Seriously? You're staring." I said to her but she held my arm "Uh-oh he's coming Lili." I looked at him once again and saw him coming into our direction. He greeted the both of us "Lisa don't forget at the Library during lunch." I nodded to him and he went back. Jennie suspiciously looked at me "What was that all about? Are you getting back together?" I looked her shocked "What are you talking about? And w-what do mean getting back together? That's ridiculous. I still can't forget what he did to me." I said defensively but Jennie is still looking at me like I've made a crime. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she smiled and just shrugged.

"Well anyway how was the date with Sehun?" she asked. "What date are you talking about? There is no date Jen." I said to her to clear out things but I think Jennie is not having it. "Whatever you say." Just then one of Jennie's friends from the cheerleader team saw her "Hey Jen. Why aren't you dressed for practice?" Jennie's became wide clearly forgetting her practice. "Oh my gosh! I forgot. I've got to go change. See ya." She grabbed my arm and we went to Cheerleading locker room.

"Now what? You're going to leave me alone." I said pouting. Jennie quickly change into her cheerleader's uniform. "I really forgot that I have my morning practice. I thought its going to be this afternoon. Its okay though, you can just watch us." She said. Watching her means watching Jungkook too. "I'll just stay in the library. Text me when you're done so we could eat lunch together." I then went outside before she can stop me and went to the library alone.

I was so engrossed to the book I'm reading. The book in titled Love in another man's arms. It's a story about a girl who is a photographer who has a fiancé who is also a photographer but decided to travel the world before marrying and crossed paths with a Tattooist and an artist. It was like Love at first sight but then again they know its wrong but why does it feels so right when they're together. An excerpt from the book. Its really a sad story. I didn't notice that its already 12 noon and my phone vibrated but before I can read the message someone sat on front of me.


I can't update tomorrow so I'm updating two chapters today. Next update will be on Friday.

I mentioned a book that Lisa is reading. "Love in another man's arms" that book is still on the making. Its a TaeLisKook Fanfiction. I'm not going to publish that book unless this story is done.

Anyway thank you so much for reading this. Comment and Vote.
