XVII. Rainy Day Surprise

I changed a minor detail in this chapter from the previous chapter I called the friend who betrayed Lisa as Sana but in this chapter I changed it. Since I couldn't make a name that time so I go with Sana but this time I found the girl who fits the girl. Read this chap to find out the girl who destroyed Jungkook and Lisa's relationship.

XVII. Rainy Day Surprise

I had fun last night staying up late with Jennie and Jisoo. She told us stories she did on abroad and now as I get up on the bed I realized its really not a bad thing to live with girls especially if they’re genuine friends. I will truly miss them, miss Jennie since she was always there for me from the start. Today I can finally tell Jungkook that I forgive him and I still love him and that there’s no other guy I could ever love besides him.

I’m going to surprise-visit him today in his apartment since he’s practicing in the afternoon. Jennie suddenly entered my room “Hey are you going to visit him today?” Jennie asked referring to Jungkook. “Yep so I could get off these thoughts outside my head.” I said to her. “Jungkook is so lucky to have you. I swear if someone did that to me I’m going to leave him for good.” She said. “Why don’t you go with her today Jen. You should go support your friend.” Jisoo said leaning on the door. “I didn’t even notice you’re here. Do you want me to come with you Lili?” She asked. I know that she wanted to come with me so I said “Sure if you want to.”

Jisoo clapped her hands “You should go now before its going to rain. Have you seen the clouds outside? Its so gray.” She said. “I’ll get change quickly.” Jennie ran out if my room. “Come have breakfast first while you wait for Jendeuki.” I followed her to the kitchen. There were pancakes on the table. “Jisoo I’m t can I ask you a personal question?” she smiled as if knowing what I would ask her “Go ahead.” So I asked her “Do you still love Jin?” her smile never changed “I never stopped loving him.” I was going to ask another question when Jennie entered “I’m ready.”

Jennie and I walked to where I used to live. I felt nostalgic coming in here remembering that unfortunate event. “Hey are you okay? Woah its so cold. Its going to rain anytime soon.” I nodded my head. I can feel it though since yesterday something isn’t right but I’m not going to let my nervousness ruin my plans. “I’ll just stay here. I don’t want to intrude in your moment.” I nodded my head and continued walking until I reach his apartment.
I texted him just to make sure he’s here.

Text: Jungkook can you open the door? I’m standing outside. I want to talk.

I waited a few minutes but he didn’t open the door. Hmm maybe he’s still sleeping. I looked at my watch 10am so I knocked. After a few knocks someone opened the door and to my surprise it’s Nancy the girl who betrayed me. She was also surprised to see me “Hey who’s at the door?” a voice who is clearly Jungkook asked. Nancy was speechless so Jungkook went to see he was so shocked his expression says it all like a deer caught in the headlights.

I turned my back at them and mentally counted so that I could calm myself. Jungkook grabbed my arm “Lisa…” he said. I removed my arm from his hold “and to think I was going to forgive you today! How could you!? Did you even loved me? Was it all true?” I cried, I shouted, I threw weak punches at him “What? This is a misunderstanding. We didn’t do anything.” But I just shook my head “This is enough Jungkook. Don’t you dare approach me ever at school. We are good as strangers.” Before I could walk away he grabbed my arm “No! Lisa this is just a misunderstanding. We really didn’t do anything. She just came here to apologize and wish me luck for my game. That’s it baby nothing more.” He explained himself but my heart just couldn’t take it “Give me a reason why should I trust you Jungkook? Should I trust you this time? You know what?! I WISH YOU TWO THE HAPPIEST OF YOUR LIVES!”

I was walking towards Jennie with tears and add to that it started to rain. Ugh this sucks! I ran towards Jennie and hugged her. “Ssh why are you crying? And my gosh you are so wet!” I hiccuped “J-jungkook h-he’s w-with a-another g-girl again.” I said. She grasped both my shoulders “What?! Hell no! After all the courage to get you here! I’m going to punch his face!” she said furiously. “Lets just go. I don’t want to see them again.”


I know its late but I was having a hard time imagining this scenario because I was watching a funny tv show. New Journey to the West 5 and 6 😂

You'll know what really happened in the next chapter since its going to be Jungkook's pov.

Oh and by the way have you watched Lisa and Kiel Tutin choreography?

Anyways comment down your thoughts and Vote. Thank you.
