II. How could someone cheat so easily?

II. How could someone cheat so easily?

Lunch time came but I still don't have any appetite to eat something. I wonder if he's here already? Or he decide to skip the whole day. I can't stop thinking about him. I loved him.

Classes went by smoothly. I went by to my locker to get something. Our couple picture is posted on my locker. Happy Memories. I removed the picture and put it inside in one of my books. Happy Moments don't last.

I decided to stop at a coffee shop because its still so early. One of her baseball team mates recognized me. "Hey you're Jungkook's girlfriend right?" I don't know what to answer. Am I still his girlfriend? I just nodded my head. He looked at me waiting for me to say something but I didn't so he said "Umm well I got to go." I sighed. Everywhere I go I'm always being reminded by him. Memories.

I let the time pass by watching people going in to the coffee shop and leaving. I wonder if he's home? Jennie's practice will end at 8:00pm. I watched the time 6:00pm hmm I think I should go. Time to face the music. I decided to walk to clear my head any thoughts. When I arrived at the dorm I'm afraid to open it. What if she's still there? Its okay. I'm leaving anyway. I muster up the courage to open the door. I was greeted by silence. No loud music. I guess he went to practice.

I was surprised to see him in the kitchen holding a bouquet of white roses. Forgiveness. I ignored him and went straight to the bedroom. I wanted to shout, curse him, slap him but I just can't or I'll breakdown. "Baby..." He started to speak. I still remained silent. "Talk to me. I'm sorry. It was just one tim..." he didn't get to finish as I slapped him. "It was one time? How could you!?" I said sobbing. He knelt down in front of me "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He repeatedly said. He grabbed my arm forcing me to face him "Baby I'll do anything just forgive me. Please." I removed my arm in his grasp and grabbed my bag. He looked panicked "Where are you going?" He said.

"I'm out. I want out if this Jungkook." I said my breath hitching

He looked at me panicked in his eyes "No, no you can't leave me Lalisa." I continued to grab my clothes and put it in my bag "Baby what are you doing? Stop! You're not leaving me! You're not going anywhere!" He said out loud. I stayed silent still continuing to pack my own clothes. "Baby please forgive me. I will never do it again. Just give me one more chance. Just don't leave me." He pleaded. I ignored him. "I love you. I love you so m..." I stopped him and looked him in the eyes "Did you love me enough to cheat on me on my bestfriend?" I cried I can't stop the tears "That's what I thought."

"Fuck no Lalisa. You can't leave me. I'm begging you don't leave me." He was crying now but there's no changing my mind. By the time I was done I looked at him one last time "We're over. Lets end this here. Hope she's worth it." He grabbed me looking shocked "No. This is not over." He frantically said. "Goodbye Jungkook." As I closed the door saying goodbye to the love of my life, my first love my tears fall, my heart ached so badly.

I looked at my phone for the time 7:30pm I still have 30 minutes to spare. I decided to wait on the coffee shop and ordered my favorite Mint Chocolate. I grabbed a seat near the clear glass. What happens now? I tried not to think about him but I still failed. Will I ever get to move on? I tried to hold back my tears but still failed. I was surprised someone offered me a handkerchief and at the same time embarrassed because someone saw me crying. I looked at the person and said thanks. He took a seat in front of me. "I hope you don't mind?" he said in a deep voice "The shop is packed there's no other vacant table." He said.

I looked around and sure it is surely packed. "Thank you." I said referring to the handkerchief. He looked at me "Oh its nothing. You needed it anyway. Are you going somewhere?" he said looking at my big bag. "I'm going to live with a friend." He nodded his head. "Mind if I ask what made you cry?" he asked in a comforting way. "I broke up with my first love." I said looking away. He was silent for after I said it, no small talks. I'm glad he understands that I don't want to talk about it.

He suddenly stand up "Well it was nice talking to you aah.. " he said waiting for me to say my name "Lisa." I smiled at him "Wow you should smile more often Lisa. You look beautiful with a smile on your face. I gotta go. Bye." He said. I forgot to return his hanky and I also forgot to ask for his name.


Next chapter will be up next week maybe Friday or Saturday.

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