Switching Sides

Kana walked a little ways away from the house before summoning Gray, tapping her hand against the road.

"Are we going to go find them now?" Gray asked.

"Yes, you still have the masked one's scent, right?" Kana replied, walking in step next to her summon.

"Yeah, follow me." Gray nodded, putting his snout to the ground.

The two walked side by side through the streets, not really noticing how people crossed streets and ran as they walked past. Both were used to reactions like these, the only difference in Ame being that everyone was used to their presence. 

"The scent leads into the forest." Gray said. 

"Do you think they have a hideout in the woods?" Kana asked.

"Probably," Gray reasoned. "He is just up ahead."

They pushed past some more bushes and plants before coming to a clearing. In the center of a clearing was a small one-floor house with all the windows covered and a door made of steel.

Kana did the polite thing and knocked. Gray gave her a disbelieving look, his eyes seemed to speak; did you seriously just knock? Surprisingly, someone answered the door. He had a very pretty face and long black hair, he looked like a girl. However, you can't hide your gender from someone with a sensitive nose.

"Hello?" He said in a quiet voice. "Can I help you?"

"Hello, hunter-nin," Kana smiled, watching as his jaw shifted. "I have come here to talk with Zabuza."

"Just to talk?" He replied, narrowing his eyes at Gray. "What about the wolf?"

"He can stay outside, you can even hold onto my weapons while I'm inside if you like." Kana offered, giving Gray a quick glance.

Gray laid down at her feet, laying his head down on his front paws.

"Alright, but if you try anything," He held three senbon in his knuckles.

"I understand." Kana nodded.

He moved to the side, pushing the heavy door open wider and allowing Kana to come inside. Kana handed him her weapon pouch and double kodachi, shaking her sleeves to prove that she had no weapons hidden in them.

"Zabuza-sama is resting in the other room." He said, shutting the door and leading her down the hall.

Kana followed after him, squinting through the darkness of the hall. He opened the door of a small room with a single bed and a nightstand. The figure lying in the bed turned towards them.

"Haku, who is that?" Zabuza asked, now missing his mask of bandages.

"I am not sure, but she has come here to talk to you." Haku replied.

"So, it's you again," Zabuza chuckled. "What is it now?"

"I can see why you didn't jump on the Akatsuki's offer right away."  Kana started, glancing at Haku. "I have the feeling that it wasn't just your current job you were concerned about."

"You're right," Zabuza sighed. "Haku stays with me, I don't know what the Akatsuki would do if I brought a kid with me."

"The people in the Akatsuki aren't the monsters you think they are," Kana smiled. "I'm proof of that."

"What do you mean?" Zabuza asked.

"Deidara and Sasori found me four years ago and the Akatsuki took me in, training me and becoming my family," Kana chuckled. "They could've thrown me out or left me there, but they didn't."

"I thought you were with Amegakure though?" Zabuza said.

"The Akatsuki is based in Amegakure and our leader is currently also in charge of Ame," Kana explained. "I just wear the headband so I can do as I please in and outside of the village. At the end of the day though, I do what I do for my family and their goal."

"Do you have your own goal?" Haku asked.

"I do," Kana smiled. "But the Akatsuki comes first."

Haku smiled back at her, his face full of understanding. Zabuza sighed, wishing he had the strength to sit up.

"You said that the Akatsuki's ultimate goal is peace, right?" Zabuza asked.

"That's right." Kana replied.

"How will the Akatsuki achieve peace?" Zabuza scoffed. "In a world as cruel and twisted as this."

"Well, Pein-sama has his own plans, but I don't know how his plan compares to mine." Kana sighed.

"There is one thing that will decide whether I join or decline," Zabuza said. "Can Haku come too?"

"I say he can," Kana replied. "And I don't think the others will have a problem with it. He's already displayed that he is and will be very skilled. The Akatsuki also operates in pairs, meaning that in the future, Haku and I could be partnered."

Haku blushed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Then that settles it, I'll join the Akatsuki," Zabuza decided. "But I'm not going to be able to get there for a while."

"Why?" Kana asked.

"The fake death trick," Haku replied. "While it is convenient to fake death, it takes a huge toll on your body. He probably won't be back to 100% for about a week."

"That and I want to finish my job." Zabuza smirked. "Konoha shinobi or not, I'm going to get my money."

"Then I suppose I'll be sticking around for a while." Kana chuckled.

Haku tossed her weapons back to her with a smile.

"We're on the same side now," He smiled. "I see no reason to keep these."

"Thanks," Kana replied, sheathing her kodachi.

"Now get out, both of you," Zabuza growled. "I want to sleep!"


Gray sat up once the door opened again, hyper-alert. Kana and Haku stepped out into the light together and Kana walked over to Gray and gave his head a pat.

"So, what happened?" Gray asked.

"Well, the Akatsuki now has two new members." Kana replied, elbowing Haku lightly in the side.

"That's great because that creepy plant dude stopped by not too long ago," Gray grumbled. "I don't like him."

"You mean, Zetsu?"  Kana asked.

"Yeah, he asked me where you were and I told him that you were talking to Zabuza." Gray yawned. "So can we start heading home?" 

"Not yet," Kana sighed. "We'll have to stick around for the remainder of the week."

"What? Why?" Gray asked.

"Zabuza has to recover and finish a mission he's on." Haku replied.

"And you are?" Gray asked with an annoyed look.

"Haku Yuki." He introduced.

"I'm Gray, and here's some advice, if you see a white wolf, run." Gray chuckled.

"That's rude!" Kana giggled. "Yuki would be offended!"

"Well, she's not here." Gray yipped.

"Go home already, I can feel my chakra draining." Kana sighed.

"I mean, it's not you summoned me like three times today." Gray said, rolling his eyes. "See you later!"

Kana and Haku sat alone outside, sitting in a comfortable silence.

"So what is your goal?"

Kana turned to him, pondering her answer for a moment.

"I want peace as well, but I don't want the members of the Akatsuki to be considered criminals anymore," Kana replied.

"The only way to do that is to get them to join a new village," Haku replied. "You can't do that unless you're in a position of power."

"You mean, like a Kage?" Kana asked.

"Sure, but how could you become a Kage?" Haku asked.

Kana shrugged. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see."


School is starting back up again, so updates will probably be slower! Hope you liked the chapter!
