
Kana yawned and rolled out of bed, surprised to find that none of the Akatsuki had woken her up yet. In fact, she could smell the faint scent of wood approaching her room. Her tracking skills were certainly improving.

"Kana," A voice called before opening the door. "Get up- oh, you're up."

Sasori stepped into the room, looking at the clearly awake girl and shrugging.

"Well that's a first," He said, turning back around. "Hurry and get ready, we all are leaving in about a half an hour, we've ready eaten."

Kana nodded and Sasori left the room, shutting the door behind him. Kana wanted to tell him that she was hungry, but decided it could wait.

She got ready at a relaxed pace, putting on her clothes and gear and putting her hair up. She slipped on her sandals and smoothed out her skirt before leaving her room, making sure that tgr bed had been made and her room was neat.

Deidara waited outside her door, glomping the girl with a hug as soon as she stepped out.

"Are you ready for the mission, Kana?" He asked, twirling her around.

Kana smacked his arm, making him release her. She held the wall for stability before answering.

"Yes, I'm ready," She huffed. "And stop crushing me!"

"But you're just so cute!" He squealed.

Kana ignored him and walked down the hallway, toward the exit where she could smell everyone gathered there; granted it was just a mass if scents that was hard to tell apart.

"Hey!" Deidara barked. "Wait for me, un!"


"Is everyone here and ready to go?" Pein asked, facing the group before him.

There was a collective nod and reply. "Yes."

"Then let's not waste any more time," Pein said, walking into the sunlight. "To Yugakure."


The walk to Yugakure was peaceful, with light chatter being tossed around and Kana asking questions about random things. Kakazu quizzed her on jutsu hand signs, Itachi sent surprise attacks her way every once in a while, Sasori told her to pick up random stuff with chakra strings, and Deidara was annoyingly clingy. Kisame joked and chuckled, talking about what kind of sword would be best for Kana, possibly even throwing knives. Pein and Konan remained silent, and Zetsu wasn't present (if he was present, he wasn't visable).

"Kana, I promise I'll take you flying when we get to the new base!" Deidara chirped.

"Finally!" Kana exclaimed, punching him lightly in the arm. "You were supposed to do that forever ago!"

Deidara chuckled, however his chuckling stopped when he eyes landed on a tree just ahead of them.

"Oh, a body." He hummed, an indifferent look on his face.

Kana perked up, her gaze snapping to the tree. She grinned, looking at Sasori, Itachi, and Konan.

"So..." She trailed off, pointedly glancing at the body.

"Go ahead, Kana." Konan smiled.

Kakazu looked at Konan to Kana, completely lost.

"Why's the kid so interested in a body?" He asked.

"You'll see geezer." Kisame grinned, baring his sharky teeth.

Kana approached the body, which had been pinned to the tree by his hands using a metal rod. His blood dripped from his chest into a puddle of blood below him, where a strange symbol had been drawn in blood. To put it simply, it wad a triangle inside a circle.

The body was much too high for her to reach, so she channelled chakra into her feet and walked up the tree, grabbing hold of a leg and pulling until it tore off. She walked back down the tree, making eye contact with Kakazu, who still looked confused.

Kana simply smiled, opening her mouth wide as her right eye changed as it always did. Blood droplets flew as she bit into the flesh, staining her cheeks with droplets of red.

Kakazu paled, taking a step back before composing himself.

"Well that was new." He grunted.

Kana continued munching on the leg, swallowing a lump of flesh before asking her question.

"What's that symbol anyway?" She asked, then taking another bite.

"The symbol of the one and only Jashin-sama! You've got a keen fucking eye kid!"

Kana cringed at the unknown words, swallowing another bite.


Deidara squealed, jumping to cover her ears.

"Don't taint her innocence with those fowl words!" Deidara cried.

"I can still hear." Kana scoffed, tearing off another chunk of meat.

Deidara cringed at the ripping sound, keeping his hands over her ears.

"Are you all here to join the way of Jashin-sama?" The stranger asked, resting a giant three-pronged scythe on his shoulder.

"No thanks!" Kisame chirped.

"I'm good." Sasori agreed.

Deidara just growled and continued to cover Kana's ears as she ate. Itachi shook his head, his sharingan swirling into place.

"Well I was busy offering prayers up to Jashin-sama when you heathens showed up," He scoffed. "Looks like I'll just have to sacrifice all of you fuckers instead!"

"Language!" Deidara screeched.

Deidara was ignored.

"Who the hell are you guys anyway?" He asked. "With those matching clothes you look like a band. Is the kid your mascot or something?"

Kana pouted, throwing various bones to the side and wiping her mouth on her sleeve.

"Gotta say, that's on hell of a fucking kid!" He barked out in a laugh.

"Hidan of Yugakure," Pein said, his voice quiet. "We have come to offer you a spot in the Akatsuki."

"Nah, I'm more of a solo guy," He shrugged, running a hand through his slicked back hair. "I can't be tied down when I need to go out and sacrifice people for Jashin-sama."

"Would you shut up about your asinine religion." Kakazu grunted.

"Oh you'll regret saying that!" Hidan growled.

Pein and the rest of their group jumped away, leaving Kakazu to face Hidan.

"Don't die old man!" Kana exclaimed.

Kakazu chuckled. "Wasn't planning on it."

Hidan charged, bringing his scythe back to slice him. However, before he could, Kakazu's fist shot towards him, staying attached to his arm with hundreds of black threads. Hidan stopped, coughed up some blood and leaning forward. That blow would've killed anyone else, but Hidan just grabbed the arm, crushing the limb so that it exploded in his hand. He brought his red coated hand to his mouth and licked it. His skin then turned black, white marking that resembled bones appearing overtop.

The corner of Kakazu's eye creased, a clear sign that he was smiling and intrigued.

"You're not dead." Kakazu stated.

"No shit!" Hidan barked. "That fucking hurt though!"

His foot began drawing a circle of his own blood, then making a triangle. He stood in the center of the circle, swiping his right arm. A pointed rod shot out of his sleeve, it's tip glinting in the sunlight.

"Now you die!" He exclaimed.

Instead of charging, he turned the rod on himself, stabbing it into where a persons heart is. Kamazu staggered back, his breath stopping for a moment as a mask and a black mass ripped through his back and clothing, landing on the ground and flopping around before vanishing on the wind.

Kakazu straightened himself up, facing Hidan with a smirk he couldn't see.

"Huh," Hidan smirked. "Maybe I'll just have to join this Akatsuki group."

"What made you change your mind?" Kakazu asked.

"I really want to know how your immotality is different from mine." He replied, his skin returning to normal.

"Someone I can't kill will be very annoying." Kakazu chuckled.

Kana smiled and ran over to Hidan, giving him her best grin and using a cheery voice.

"Welcome to the Akatsuki!"


There will be some timeskips coming up soon, so hold on to your seats! Also, this whole chapter was written on my phone, so there are plenty of mistakes and typos! Hope you enjoyed!
