
A pebble went flying down the road after Kana kicked it, her faithful summon Yuki rolling her eyes.

"You seem to be in a good mood, I take it you passed?" Yuki asked.

"Yeah, although I have to fight Azumi one month from now in the finals." Kana sighed.

"That sucks, but what can you do." Yuki replied.

"True, I guess I'll just have to spend my time training," Kana shrugged. "This is going to be a boring month."

"Don't you have friends you can hang out with?" Yuki teased.

"I thought you and Gray were my friend." Kana huffed, crossing her arms.

"We're more than friends, I meant other friends, you know, people." Yuki said.

"I suppose I do." Kana nodded. "Maybe I should see how Naruto is holding up?"

"Was that the orange boy?" Yuki asked. "How is he? Last I saw him he had been trapped under a huge tree branch."

"I think he's fine, physically at least." Kana said. "But I don't know how he's really holding up, I haven't seen him since yesterday after the prelims ended."

"Lead the way, I'm not familiar enough with his scent to track him." Yuki sighed.

Kana's nose twitched. "Follow me."


Groggy and exhausted, Naruto peeled his eyes open, hissing at the sound of knocking on his door. He waited for the knocking to go away, but whoever was at the door was persistent.

"Give me a minute!" Naruto yelled.

He threw off the covers and scowled when he realised he was in his underwear. With a heavy sigh he got up and found a pair of pants, pulling them on with a random shirt.

Naruto finally opened his front door, hissing at the sunlight before focusing in on the two figures.

"Eh, Kakashi-sensei, Sasuke, why are you here?" Naruto asked, rubbing the corner of his eye.

"I just came to tell you that I'm taking Sasuke on a little training trip, so niether of us will be in the village." Kakashi said. "Train hard!"

"You look like shit," Sasuke scoffed. "Take a shower and start training, I refuse to have a weakling as my teammate."

Naruto grinned. "I won't lose to you Sasuke!"

Sasuke smirked.

"Good luck with your training Naruto!" Kakashi chirped.

"Don't slack off sensei!" Naruto replied.

Kakashi chuckled sheepishly and left with Sasuke.

Naruto shut the door with a yawn, pressing his back to the door and staring into his dark apartment. A cup of ramen sat on the table from last night. His stomach turned just thinking about it.

"This sucks." Naruto sighed.

"Hey, Naruto!"

Naruto turned to the door with a scowl, mumbling to himself. "Everyone wants to bother me today..."

He swung the door open with a sigh.

"Hey Naruto, how's it going?" Kana asked, peering into the dark apartment.

"What are you doing here?" Naruto asked, looking a little more awake.

"Honestly I'm bored, so I decided I'd pay you a little visit." She chirped.

"Oh, then come in I guess." Naruto shrugged opening the door open.

"Thanks." Kana smiled, slipping into the apartment.

She shut the door softly after her, flicking on the lights and scowling at the disarray. Empty ramen cups were strewn around the entire apartment, along with a few pieces of clothing here and there.

"This place is a mess," She scoffed. "Lucky for you, I'm willing to help you out, just this once."

Naruto smiled sheepishly.


"What the hell happened here?" Anko asked, staring in shock at two huge lumps of blood, flesh and bone.

"We don't know, but it could've been an animal attack." Ibiki shrugged.

"Still, it disturbs me, they're missing bits of flesh, and the bite marks aren't even big." Anko said. "Do you think this is connected to the murders that have been happening?"

"I couldn't say, but the similarities are uncanny." Ibiki grumbled. "Let's just report to the Hokage."


"What now?" Naruto asked, relaxing on his clean couch.

"I don't know," Kana shrugged. "I was just going to go train for a bit, then maybe explore Konoha."

"Oh! Why don't I come with you?" Naruto suggested. "We can spar against each other, and then I'll show you around the village!"

"That sounds like fun." Kana grinned. "Get your weapons together and let's go!"


"So where is the rest of your team?" Kana asked, idly spinning a kunai around her index finger.

"Kakashi-sensei took Sasuke on a training trip and Sakura is resting at home." Naruto sighed. "What about your teammates?"

"Haku and Azumi went out for some food and I opted to not go because of... You know." Kana replied, giving him a knowing look.

"Yeah," He cringed. "Everything's so weird now."

"Weird how?" Kana asked curiously.

"Well, first of all, there's the whole food tasting bad thing, then there's the fact that my senses are more sensitive, and the tail thingies." Naruto rambled.

"Speaking of those... Tails, I was wondering if you'd like to practice using them." Kana said. "I'm happy to help you with them."

"I guess it would be a good idea to know how to use them." Naruto shrugged.

"Then bring them out and let's get started." Kana said, releasing her own weapons from her back with a practiced ease.

Did she have to help him? Well, no, she didn't. But somehow she felt responsible. It wasn't his fault this happened, but she still felt that she needed to help him.


After training, Naruto decided to treat Kana to some coffee, which brought them to a small coffee shop. Unsurprisingly, they ran into Kaneki, who slid into the seat next to Kana.

"I guess this'll be my treat?" Naruto awkwardly chuckled.

Kaneki silently nodded, opening a book and beginning to read. Kana chuckled and peered over his shoulder, glancing at the book he was reading.

A bubby waitress was quick to take their orders, disappearing in the back of the shop for a few minutes before returning with two cups of steaming coffee and one cup of iced coffee.

Naruto got the iced coffee, claiming he'd never had iced coffee before.

"How are you adjusting?" Kaneki asked, not looking away from his novel.

Naruto flinched, tracing his finger along the rim of his cup. "Fine, my body feels good and my injuries don't bother me anymore."

"That's the regeneration, how are you doing mentally?" He rephrased his question.

"If you don't talk to someone, you may think you're going insane." Kana said. "For example, I have someone who talks to me, whispering things to me."

"I have that too, only it's more like three voices, and they argue with each other and talk to me." Naruto said. "I know one of them already, the Kyuubi."

"Try getting to know them," Kana suggested. "They may he able to help you."

"I agree." Kaneki nodded. "It sounds strange, but you can keep some of your sanity by talking to them. On the bright side, almost everyone who's powerful as a screw loose somewhere."

Kana giggled, her mind drifting to her family back in Amegakure.

Naruto sighed.


Having some dilemma's about relationships and school. I'm just going to think things through and figure out what I'm going to do. Sorry about this chapter though, I feel like it's a bit boring...
