

Thank you to InjuMaihime for the beautiful artwork of Himika! I know 'Himika' isn't actually in this book, but she and Kana are technically the same. So yeah.

Naruto's hand went up, and both
Sasuke and Sakura stared at him in shocks, frozen and unable to speak. Ibiki went to call on him, but Kana quickly stood up without much thought.

"Naruto! Put that hand down or I'll come over there and force it down myself!" Kana exclaimed, glaring at him acusingly. "Or are you giving up now?"

"We're not ready..." Naruto mumbled. "We can't do it. I can't do it."

"Are you doubting your team and their abilities?" Kana asked aggressively. "Are you not believing in your own abilities?"

Naruto flinched, his hand shooting back down and his face contoring in what looked like painful realisation.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto exclaimed. "I'm going to be Hokage one day! I'll take your question! And even if I don't pass, I'll just be the strongest genin to ever exist!"

Kana sat back down, an extremely smug expression plastered on her face as she watched everyone else in the room stop. Naruto had his spark back, his eyes had their fire back. He didn't look so empty.

Sakura gave Kana a thankful look, smiling at her knuckleheaded teammate as he stared down Ibiki. Ibiki grinned sadistically, but to everyone's surprise, his smile then changed into one of true happiness.

"To everyone still here, congratulations on passing the first part of the Chunin Exams!"

Cheers filled the room as the remaining genin celebrated, high-fiving and fist-bumping people nearby. But Ibiki wasn't done yet. With one swift pull, he yanked off his bandanna, revealing his horribly scarred and disfigured head.

"For those of you who didn't figure it out, this test was actually meant to test your information gathering skills." Ibiki began to explain. "You have to be sneaky when obtaining information because if you're caught, the enemy will do anything in their power to get it out of you."

After a brief pause, Ibiki opened his mouth to speak again, but he was cut off by the window to his right shattering. A blur crashed through the window before rolling and then skidding to a stop. In the blink of an eye, a banner dropped, and a tall woman with purple hair stood before it. Her attire was... Revealing, to say the least.

The sign read "Konoha's #1 sexiest Kunoichi, Anko Mitarashi."

The word "sexiest" stood out. Kana had learned a lot over the years, however, she didn't know what it meant. She put that on the back burner and decided to ask someone later.

"You're slacking Ibiki!" She exclaimed. "A lot of them passed! But don't worry, I'll cut them down by at least half by the end of the second test."

"You're early," Ibiki grunted. "And besides, more of them would've quit if it weren't for the blonde one and his white-haired friend from Ame."

Anko zeroed in on the two he mentioned and grinned.

"We got some tough one's this year!" She chirped. "Let's see how they handle my test! Those of you remaining, please follow me!"

Everyone stood up and followed Anko out of the room, Kaneki vanishing shortly after they departed from the Academy.


"It's my pleasure to welcome you all to training ground 44!" Anko chirped. "Other wise known as the Forest of Death!"

Every genin was soundness, listening carefully to Anko as she began to explain how the next test would work.

"In case you couldn't read the banner back at the Academy, my name is Anko Mitarashi, and in case you couldn't figure it out for yourself, I'm the proctor for this part of the exam." Anko chirped. "First things first, I need you all to sign this form; it basically just says that no one can blame Konoha for any deaths that may or may not happen. Get them signed and then head to the booth over there,"

Anko pointed to a booth with two shinobi, the outside covered with a tent that could be closed.

"When you hand in your forms your team will get a scroll for either heaven or earth, no trading with other teams, we will be keeping record." Anko said. "You will have five days to get to the tower in the center with both scrolls. If you don't make it in time, you fail, if you loose a teammate, you fail, you don't get both scrolls, you fail. Pretty simple."

"Five days?" A rather plump genin from Konoha gasped. "What about food?!"

"There is a stream where you can get fish, not to mention plenty of plants and other food sources," Anko replied. "There is plenty of food, oh, and predators. Watch out for those."

He paled drastically.

"So get those forms signed and then- hey!" Anko stopped herself mid sentence when she zeroed in on three Academy students. "You kids can't be here!"

"But we're here on official buisness!" The boy wearing a long blue scarf proclaimed.

"We're writing an article for the Academy Newspaper!" The only girl of the group added.

Their sniveling friend nodded in agreement.

"Alright fine, you all get a ten minute break, talk, plan, whatever," Anko sighed. "Just get those forms signed!"

The genin broke off into their teams, and the Academy students headed straight for Naruto and his teammates.

"Anyone have a pen I could borrow?" Kana asked, barely glancing at her form.

"Here." Azumi replied, handing over her black water-proof pen (an Ame essential).

Haku also borrowed the pen once Kana was done with it and neatly signed his name without hesitance.

"So what now?" Kana asked.

"I guess we just wait for this to start." Haku shrugged. "We could plan, but that's hard to do since we don't have our scroll yet and we don't know what anyone else will get as a scroll."

"As much as it pains me to say it," Azumi sighed. "We're probably best off just winging it."

"What if we get a scroll from a team and it's the same as ours?" Kana asked.

"We will probably just trade it with another team in a similar situation or hold onto it, in case we need it later." Azumi replied calmly.

"So that's kind of a plan." Kana chuckled.

"You can't really plan an exam that's basically all up to chance." Haku giggled softly.

"That's true." Azumi agreed.

"Alright!" Anko yelled out. "You're ten minute break is over! Line up outside the booth and have your forms ready!"

Everyone sped over to the booth and waited impatiently as the teams ahead of them walked in and came out. Several of the genin tried to spot which scroll what team had, but each team had already concealed their scroll by the time they walked out. Finally it was Kana and her team's turn.

"Forms please." One chunin ordered quite boredly, holding out a hand.

He took their forms from them and set them aside, reaching under the desk and pulling out a white scroll. The other chunin scribbled something down.

"Your scroll is heaven." The first chunin said, passing it to Azumi. "Hide it and then pick a gate and wait for the starting bell."

Azumi took the scroll and hid it in the inside pocket of her jacket, then turning to her team.

"We can decide to change the scroll holder later if we want to," Azumi said. "In the meantime, let's find a gate that has no one else in front of it."

They walked around the outside of the forest for a few minutes until they found an entrance that wasn't taken. A boy a few years older than them stood there, wearing his green chunin vest and holding a ring with a key on the end.

"When the bell rings I'll open the gate and you can go in." He said.

Azumi simply nodded, Kana and Haku doing the same. They stood next to their gate, boredly awaiting the signal to start.

"So, do we just fight whoever we encounter?" Kana asked, cracking her knuckles.

"Yeah, but we should ask them what scroll they have first." Haku added.

"That's the plan, then we can at least try and avoid unessacary battles that will waste energy and time." Azumi replied. "Though if they refuse to answer then we'll have a fight on our hands anyway."

The loudspeaker crackled with interference, bringing all attention to the device.

"I wish you all luck!" Anko's voice chirped from the speaker. "Some advice; just don't die."

Kana rolled her eyes and the bell rang. The chunin swiftly unlocked their gate and the genin dashed inside, unaware of the horrors to come.


Omake: Kana's question

"Hey, Kaneki? What does sexiest mean?"

Kaneki spit out his coffee. "You're asking me?"

"Why, can I not ask you?" Kana asked.

"Well no, but it's hard to answer that..." Kaneki mumbled. "Do you know what... What sex is?"

"Sex? What's that?"

Kaneki slumped in defeat. "This is why children need parents. I'm not mentally prepared for this..."

"Parents? What are those? Can I eat them?" Kana asked.

Kaneki sighed.


So... A little dilemma here... How far from canon should I stray? Cuz I have really big plans that range from; ok wow that's different, to; holy shit what is the Naruto plot? So yeah... Big changes or little changes? That's the question. These possible changes are so big they influence the main character!
