To Kai Part 6

Dear Kai,

I can think so highly of you because i give you a second look,and see past the bad things you have done,and look into your soul. I am not everyone else,i am me,and i will never judge you. You doubt yourself because people have put their ideas of you in your head,and have made you believe you have no worth, but you do. I will tell you more soon ,just give it time,and i know that is a lot to ask ,but please try to be patient. I want right now to focus on talking about how unfair you are to yourself,and that needs to change. I mostly love but i have hate in me too,everyone deals with it differently is what it is . Like I said be patient,we will meet in person when the time is right. Curiousity killed the cat Kai (smirks) Got to have some humor in the world. I am glad i interest you,i aim to please. Hmmm tell you something about me?... Ok deal. Hmm I have like 7 siblings that don't know about my existence,and I too am a powerful witch (winks) oh lucky you i decided to give you a bonus fact. Goodbye for now Kai,Till next time. <3 

