To C Part 5

Dear C,

 How can you think so highly of me? I just can't understand it ,I am so used to people judging me that  it is something so unexpected,difficult to understand you accept me. You know so much  about me,but I know nothing about you.. how is that fair? As for you hating when i doubt myself just from your letters i'm getting you don't do much hating actually. So are we gonna continue our talks like this forever?,or we gonna actually meet in person? I am curious to see the mysterious (C). Your interesting even if i don't really know you. I tell you what how about you tell me least something about yourself.. Is it a deal? It would only be fair. Besides if we are gonna talk more i need to get to know you more right.. You know all the major stuff about me,now you must give me something on you.

From, Kai
