Bonus Content #5

Dear Kol,

I wanted to start with something simple but there really isn't anything simple about life so either you freak out or take it very well ,either way you deserve to know. I'm your big sister ,and that is probably hard for you to believe but it's true,and I've wanted to tell you sooner but life gets in the way as you know,and I'm not trying to make any excuse I just hope you understand. I wanted you to know,you deserve to know you have another sibling in this world,and one that will always be there for you,and not judge you. I know of the things that have been done to you,and I wish those things could be erased but they can't, and we all live with terrible burdens,and I know how you must felt for so long,and I'm sorry you have had this kinda life. I also know of the not so "great" things you have done.. but I want you to know none of it changes my love for you baby brother. I need you to understand that your loved more than you know of,and our other siblings love you too they just have issues of their own,and they just don't make the right decisions to deal with them,Klaus I know he loves you but you know of the demons he carrys inside, Elijah carries everyone else's problems on his shoulders and even though he has strong shoulders he still has a limit, Rebekah just wants peace,and no conflict but you know she loves you. I heard about this special girl you have in your life,and I'm just glad you have found someone who can show you the love you need. I want to end this letter with a I love you, and I hope to see you soon.


Don't go showing this to anyone,I'm sending you all one so this is yours.
