Bonus Content #6

For my dearest Henrik❤

Baby brother you were so young when you were taken from this world,and I'm sorry for all that pain you felt. I wish things could've turned been changed,and I think about it all the time,I think about how it effected our mother. I never got to meet you ,and you didn't know I existed but I wish we could have met, I know though that I would love you anyways. Sometimes terrible things happen that we wish we could control but most times we cant,and it won't ever be fair but it won't change but in some sense I think maybe your better off gone because I think about the life you could've had like our siblings,and that is not something I would want you to have to go through,so much pain,betrayal, misery, running,many enemies. I know you had a good heart and still loved Klaus so you would've stuck by him running away from our father. Life can a mystery ... All I could ever wish is for my siblings to have happiness,and that doesn't come easy ,and life can change everything,and everyone chooses differently. So I will end this letter with a Farewell Henrik, and I hope your resting in peace.

