Episode 8- Ren Kouen's Son and Sinbad's Daughter


Part 3


"Do you want to become an dungeon capture, Kouyo?" Gisin ask. "Yes, I am, but I don't know the position of dungeon. Gisin, do you know other dungeon's position?" Kouyo ask. "Of course, I know those dungeon's position that haven't been captured. I know some position from my father, some are found by me when I go for expedition. I know one dungeon that suitable for you to capture, Kouyo." Gisin said. "What dungeon, Gisin?" Kouyo ask with excited.

"13th Dungeon- Beleth's dungeon. I heard that djinn only has interest on those who have holy blood. You are the most suitable person, Kouyo. Because you are King Hiryuu's descendant, uncle Beleth maybe will choose you as his owner. How it is, do you think you want to capture that dungeon?" Gisin ask. "I want, I will capture that dungeon! Oh before I forget, how do you know many information about that dungeon?" Kouyo ask. "Is Asmodeus tell me, I like Asmodeus!" Gisin hug her metal vessel, sniper riffle which possess by Asmodeus. "Don't talk rubbish, lady Gisin." Asmodeus talk from sniper riffle.

"Thank you for telling me a lot of information. My father is your father's enemy, it is ok for you to help me?"Kouyo ask with worries. "I am fine, I decide to help you, so it is not related with my father." Gisin said. "Thank you, Gisin. Can I know where is that dungeon?" Kouyo said. "It is near the Dark Continent's area, I will go with you. You better prepare, I will come here to get you on tomorrow. Remember, I only bring you to there." Gisin said and get onto her motorbike. "What, tomorrow! Wait Gisin, I......" Without waiting Kouyo finish his words, Gisin already left. "How do I need to explain to my father and mother?" Kouyo said with don't know what to do.

Kouyo think and decide he will go with Gisin to capture that dungeon tomorrow, because this is his chance for him to become strong. He go to his room and write a letter to Kouen and Yona for telling them where he will go. When he finish writing his letter, Kouyo and Yona go into his room, he quickly keep the letter that he had finished writing it just now. "Kouyo, it already late, are you still study?" Yona ask Kouyo with concerned. "Yes, mother, I am still study." Kouyo said with calm. "Kouyo, why are you injured?" When saw Kouyo's wound, Kouen ask with worries. "Err......about this wound......don't worry father. I injury because I fell down. I am fine." For not letting Kouen and Yona knows that he injury because of he fight with Gisin, so he lies and said. "Is that true?"Kouen look at Kouyo with serious and suspicion and said. Yona also look at Kouyo with suspicion. "It is true, father, mother." Kouyo try to be calm and said. "Alright Kouyo, next time you better be careful. Ok?" Yona said. "I got it, mother." Kouyo said. "You need to rest earlier, Kouyo," Kouen said. "Of course, I will, father. Oh before I forget, err....... father, mother, I will become a dungeon capture just like father." Kouyo said with steady. "I and your mother will looking forward for your performance, Kouyo. But dungeon are dangerous, when you grow up and become strong, you can go to capture dungeon. Alright, you need to go for rest." Kouen said with gratified. After Kouen and Yona leave, Kouyo look at them leave and said goodbye to them. "I am sorry, father....... mother......." Kouyo said.

"你想成为迷宫攻略者吗,红尤?"吉辛问道。"当然想,可是我不知道迷宫的位置。吉辛,你知道其他迷宫的位置?"红尤问道。 "那当然,我知道很多未攻略的迷宫的位置。一些位置是从我父王那里知道,一些是我自己在探险时知道的。我知道一座适合你攻略的迷宫,红尤。"吉辛说道。"是什么迷宫,吉辛?"红尤兴奋地问道。



