Episode 12- The Dragon Emperor


Part 3


  After the discussion, Kouen and Yona agrees Kouyo's request, but the condition is Kouyo must come back to Kingdom of Kouka before eighteen years old, when Kouyo doesn't Kingdom of Kouka Kouen and Yona will represent him to manage Kingdom of Kouka. After that, Kouyo leave Kingdom of Kouka with Fon.

  At International Alliance, due to Gisin had contributed in stopped the magic of return to the rukh, she get her title as 'Twelve Palace Queen'. After that, Gisin finally decide to go to Italy to tell Gina that Sinbad's had disappeared. Every eight generals also agree to go to meet Gina with Gisin. When Gisin and eight generals feels apprehensive when they go into the Italy royal's palace to meet Gina, they are shocked on what they see. They see Gina is chit chatting with Sinbad. "Your highness......" Ja'far and others eight generals can't believe that Sinbad will appear in front of them and said. Sinbad and Gisin also find out Gisin and eight generals. "Gisin and everyone......" Sinbad said. "Father!" Gisin shout, she cry and run to hug Sinbad. "What happen to you, Gisin?" Gina ask with worry. "Your highness!" Eight generals also excite and hugs Sinbad, they cry and said. "Sinbad, what going on?" Gina ask with confuse. Gisin tell Gina about things that she experience before. Sinbad also tell Gisin and eight generals that beside magi's world, magi system can use in the world in others dimension. So, now he only can live at Gina's place.

  In the years which Kouyo had left, Gisin not only become International Alliance's chairman, she also become the third king of Sindria. Gisin also goes to study in Poposi Academy. Due to Ren Koumei need to solve some Kou Empire's foreign affairs, he goes to Xing Kingdom and know Xing Kingdom's empress- Kouren. After that, he feel in love to Kouren, Kouren also feel in love to Koumei, the two of them marry, Koumei become Xing Kingdom's emperor.

  Twelve years later, when Gisin is busy with writing the documents, Ja'far come in and said: "Your highness, someone want to meet you.". "Let him come in." Gisin said. A red hair man who wear Chinese traditional clothes come in and said: "Long time no see, Gisin." When Gisin look at that man, she shocked until the documents which she holds drop, she goes to hug that man and said: "Welcome back, Kouyo." That man is Ren Kouyo which is eighteen years old. Kouyo's metal vessels has become three. After that, Ren Kouyo and Gisin marry and have two children. Their oldest daughter- Ren Ryuuxin and youngest son- Ren Ryuuta.

  "Father, father, what is dragon? What is king vessel?" Ren Ryuuta who is artless ask. "Ryuuta, dragon is a mystery living things, king vessel is a leader which can lead people." Ren Kouyo said to Ren Ryuuta. "I want to become like father and mother in future." Ren Ryuuta said. "I hope that you will become like me and your mother, Ryuuta. Alright, lets go home, your mother and Ryuuxin are waiting for us." Kouyo said. "Ok." Ryuuta said.





The end.
