Episode 4- War Ended

第4话- 战争停止

Part 3


"Do not threaten mother and uncles!" Kouyo look angrily at those people with using 'King Hiryuu's eyesight'. "This brat......" Without waiting for those people react, Kouyo punch that person's stomach and struggle out from those people. Those people see that Kouyo is not an ordinary child and they all want to kill him. Kouyo see them want to kill him, he smile and said: "Interesting, I will play with you all." He eat a gyozo bun and hit those people with using 'Gyozo-Kempo'. Hak and four dragon warriors see that is their chances. So, they and Yona attack back those people. "I don't know that you have a trump card, you have done a good job, prince Kouyo." Hak praise Kouyo and said. "Thank you, uncle Hak." Kouyo said.

"Kouyo!" Yona hug Kouyo with tears and said. "I am sorry, mother. I had frightened you." Kouyo apologize to Yona and said. "Only Kouyo is safe, mother will feel relieved." Yona said. "Before I forget, can I know where do you learn the martial arts, Kouyo?" Jae-Ha asked with confused. Kouyo tell them about the process he meet Fon and learn martial arts from Fon. "Oh, no wonder I confuse with it." Jae-Ha understand and said. "Prince Kouyo, you have learned fencing and archery from me, why you still learn martial arts?" Hak asked with confused. "Because I want become more stronger, uncle Hak." Kouyo said. "We must hide Kouyo at other places." Yoon said. "They even can find at this place that nobody know. It means no matter how we hide at where, it still dangerous. Unless, we left Kingdom of Kouka. If we do that, it will be hard for them to catch us." Zeno said. "It means that if we escape from the land that administer by Kingdom of Kouka, Hak, Yona and Kouyo will be safe?" Yoon asked. "Yes." Zeno said. "We can't do that. If we left Kingdom of Kouka, Kija and others will suffer. I and Hak doesn't scare about been threaten." Yona said with determined. "Even though little girl (Yona) and thunder beast (Hak) will be fine, but Kouyo is only a six years old child. Don't tell me you want Kouyo will fight with us in danger, little girl (Yona)?" Zeno asked Yona. After listen to Zeno's words, Yona can't decide what she want to do for the next step, she doesn't want Kouyo everyday fight with them in danger. "Yona, please be at ease. For you and Kouyo's sake, we four dragon warriors willing to sacrifice ourselves in order to protect you and Kouyo." Kija said. Others four dragon warriors also agree with Kija. "Then where do we need to go? Those countries that surrounded at Kingdom of Kouka have occupied by Kingdom of Kouka, included Xing Kingdom. If we go to Xing Kingdom, those people still can find us." Yoon said.

  At this moment, Ik-Soo come out and said: "I know that there is a country that far away from Kingdom of Kouka, but it is not the land that occupied by Kingdom of Kouka and it is more powerful than Kingdom of Kouka, it is Kou Empire. Please bring Kouyo to meet with prince Kouen, princess Yona and others also will be safe. I trust that no matter what will happen prince Kouen will protect princess Yona and prince Kouyo. Some people in Kou Empire know how to use magic, they can solve four dragon warriors' problems. However, Kou Empire is far away from Kingdom of Kouka, you all need a ship if you want to go there." Yona worries that four dragon warriors will can't push themselves, but for bring Kouyo to meet with Kouen, she decide and said: "Ok, I will go there."


"尤儿!"尤娜哭着并抱住红尤地喊道。 "对不起,母后。海尔让你吓到了。"红尤向尤娜道歉地说道。"只要尤儿没事,母后就放心了。"尤娜说道。"话说回来,红尤,你这一身武功是从哪里学来的?"翟鹤不解地问道。于是,红尤便把他拜风为师的整个过程告诉大家。"原来如此。"翟鹤明白地说道。"红尤皇子,你不是叫我教你剑术和弓术吗?你怎么还去学武术?"白不解地问道。"因为我想变强,白叔叔。"红尤回答道。"那个我们还是带红尤到别的地方躲起来。"悠说道。"他们竟然连我们躲在这种无人知晓的地方都知道,也就是说不管我们逃去哪里都很危险。除非,我们离开高华国,这样的话他们会很难捉到我们。"泽诺说道。"也就是说只要我们逃出高华国管辖的地方,白、尤娜和红尤就安全了?"悠问道。"是的。"泽诺说道。"不可以,如果我们离开高华国的话,季夏他们会很辛苦的。我和白都不怕威胁。"尤娜坚决地说道。"就算小姑娘(尤娜)和雷兽(白)不会有事,开始红尤只是个六岁的小孩,难道小姑娘(尤娜)你要让红尤跟我们一起冒着生命危险战斗吗?"泽诺反问尤娜地说道。听了泽诺的话后,尤娜不知该如何是好,她当然不希望让红尤和她一样天天冒着生命危险去战斗。"尤娜,请放心。为了你和红尤,我们四龙战士愿意牺牲自己也要保护你和红尤。"季夏说道。其他的四龙战士也赞同季夏的说法。"那我们要逃去哪里?高华国附近的国家都成了高华国的占领国,包括真国。就算我们逃去真国,那些人还是会找上我们。"悠连忙说道。

