Episode 7- Yona's friend


Part 2


"Yona, I bring Lady Lili and others come to meet you." Yoon said to Yona. "Lady Lili!" Yona is said with amazed and happy. "Princess Yona!" Lili said happily. Both of them hug with each others. "I can't believe that I can meet you again, Yona." Lili said. "I also, Lili." Yona said. "Yona, who is this child?" Lili look at Kouyo and ask. "He is my son, he is Ren Kouyo. Kouyo, this is mother's friend, she is An Lili, you can call her aunt Lili." Yona said to Kouyo. "Nice to meet you, aunt Lili." Kouyo said to Lili. After heard that Yona has a child, Lili, Tetora and Ayura are shocked, they can't believe that Yona has a child. "Yona, you have become a mother. I feel happy for you, who is your husband?" Lili ask with excite. "My husband is Kou Empire's first prince- Ren Kouen." Yona said. "Prince Kouen is Kou Empire's strongest general who lead armies to attack Kingdom of Kouka six years ago, he also called as 'Entei'. After that, don't know why Kou Empire suddenly decided to negotiate with Kingdom of Kouka and the war ended. However, I heard that three years ago prince Kouen had been judged for death penalty because he is a traitor.......Yona, I feel pity to you and Kouyo....... You have lost your husband and Kouyo has lost his father. I feel pity for you and your son......" Lili cries and said to Yona. "I am fine, Lili, prince Kouen's brother and sister will take care me and Kouyo." Yona said with helpless, actually Kouen who pretend as Anlee is stand beside Yona. "If you said so, I think it will be fine." Lili said. "Before I forget, Lili, can I know why are you at here?" Yona ask. "It is because my dad is going with those Kingdom of Kouka's generals to 'International Alliance' there to discuss some issues, so I come here." Lili said. "'International Alliance'?" Yona ask with confused. "I heard that the leader of 'International Alliance' try to entice Kingdom of Kouka to join the 'International Alliance'. However, some tribe generals can't agree with it, so they start a meeting to discuss this issue." Lili said.

At the 'International Alliance''s conference hall, Sinbad is discuss about whether Kingdom of Kouka want to join 'International Alliance' or not with Soo-Won and other tribe generals. "Want me to join 'International Alliance'? It means that want me to surrender to others. I will not join the 'International Alliance'!" Earth tribe general- Lee Geun-Tae said. "I also agree with earth tribe general. Your highness, I think that we better do not join 'International Alliance'." Water tribe general- An Joon-Gi said. "Your highness, I think that we need to join 'International Alliance'. If we join 'International Alliance', we can enlarge our international market, we can also get a lot of armies support. Your highness, please think properly." Kye-Sook said. "If Kingdom of Kouka join 'International Alliance', it will be easy to catch back princess Yona, princess Yona's child and four dragon warriors from Kou Empire." Kye-Sook think. "Do you think that we need to join 'International Alliance' , Joo-Doh?" Soo-Won ask. "Your highness, I think that Kingdom of Kouka should not join 'International Alliance'. However, if 'International Alliance' will give us benefits that we want, we can try to join with them." Sky tribe general- Han Joo-Doh said. "I will obey to your highness, what ever decision that decide by your highness, I will follow it." Fire tribe general- Kan Kyo-Ga said. "How do you think, Tae-Woo?" Soo-Won ask. "Your highness, I think that if we join 'International Alliance' is not a bad things, but it also not a good things, I choose to preserve neutral." Wind tribe general- Tae-Woo said.


