Tis the day

Tomorrow was the day.

I was finally seeing him.

I was at my mother's grave near the Lake again. The past three days went in a blur again, and the rumours about me visiting the palace to see the Crown Prince had spread like fire.
Even though the rumours were just what I'd expected, there were still people who believed I had committed some kind of crime to be summoned to the palace.

I had a talk about this with father the day before yesterday. He told me not to let the rumours get to me and asked when I'll be visiting the palace. He told me he would have a butler and carriage ready for me.

My father had looked after the crown prince before, that was almost 10 years ago when he was still young and fit. And even tough now he doesn't have to directly meet the Royal family he'd had contacts but still couldn't find out why I was summoned.

General Aether was close to my father but as if it wasn't obvious already, he answered with a “His highness wants to talk about politics with the Lady, of course.”

Surprisingly he didn't mention about the encounter we had at the ball to my father which I was grateful for. Father still didn't know about what I'd done to the Prince and I'm afraid if he did, he would faint right there.

I somehow was able to take some time off from my studies and training to come see mother before the big day tomorrow.
I'm sure she would like to know more about the false rumours that were flying around.

I stared at nothingness as I spoke, “I'm going to see the crown prince tomorrow mother.” I don't know why but I felt like mother gasped from heavens above. Yeah I'd have the same reaction if I were her.

“It was sudden and very strange but I'm guessing he probably wants revenge or something like that for all the stuff I did that night.”

I was still very embarrassed about that night.

“Father had been very calm lately...even with all the rumours about his daughter going around.”

I picked up an autumn leave, it was almost time for winter.

“I hope I'll be alive to see the spring with you mother.”

I got dressed into a rosey pink dress. I thought it'd be a good idea to wear it if I was going to die today.

Mother always loved roses.

“Your eyes are so lovely, my lady.” Layla said which flushed me.  “Ah, my apologies my lady, I didn't mean to embarrass you!”

“Haha, it's fine, Layla.”

She did my hair as I tried to look at my reflection on the mirror but couldn't, I looked away quickly.

“Layla, I have something to say,” I tried to sound calm and collective.

“Yes, my Lady?”

“I have always been grateful to you Layla, thank you for being with me since mom passed away.” She'd been with me for a long time but I never got a chance to show her my gratitude. It must have been hard being just seventeen and having to look after a child. She had the chance to leave and get married and have a family but she insisted on staying by my side til I took over my father's title.

I stood up and she gave me a pleasant smile.

“I'll always be by my Lady's side. You look absolutely beautiful today.” she said.

“Thank you very much.”

I felt like, I had been born for this moment.

It felt like I was in a movie.

A movie about some kind of tragedy perhaps.

Everyone seemed to have been waiting for me when I arrived at the great Royal Palace's entrence.
From there I was now getting escorted by THE general Aether.

“Is this really about political matter, your excellency?” I asked him softly.

He seemed to ignore me for a second.

“His highness can be quite unpredictable sometimes.” was all he said.


We walked some more into the palace. It was massive. And by massive I mean VERY MASSIVE. And it was stunning. The interior, the designs, the details. It was all very beautiful. I could spend an entire day admiring the whole palace. Ah the peaks of being a maid in this palace.

“We have arrived.” he said bowing.

We were infront of a massive door leading to the Crown Prince's office.

“Just to be clear, I won't be given a dead statement right?” I asked one last time to make sure so that I could run away from here in case.

“You might not be able to avoid it if you kept him waiting, my Lady.”

Okay. I took a deep breath.

Sir Aether pushed open the door.

The prince was sitting there faced towards the wall as I entered.

“You have arrived m'lady. You surely took your sweet time. I was afraid you'd reject my invitation and I'd have to drag you out of your little nest.” he said holding a few papers on his hand as he turned around to face me.
