I didn't do it.

I woke up gasping for air.

It felt like there was no oxygen around me.

My chest hurted.

"Rose! Are you okay?!" Dementia was holding me with a worried face. "You were screaming so I tried to wake you up."

I took a few deep breathes.

"Where is Prince Cassian?" I asked.

"Father called for him earlier so he asked me to stay by your side. Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

She grabbed my hands as she sit beside me on the bed.

"I heard what happened today morning...what are you going to do?"

I kept quiet. What prove did he have about us having an affair?

"Brother could use magic to make him tell the truth." she said softly.

That's it. Yes. We can just use magic!

"My lady, your father is here!" Layla said entering my room.

I guess the news had spread already.

He came in rushing. He looked pale and on the edge of breakout.

"Rosemarie!" he said without noticing Dementia.

"I'll leave you two alone." as soon as Dementia left, I stood up from the bed, as father came closer.

"Rose just what is this I heard?!"

"It's nothing to worry about-"

"How could you cheat on his highness?!" he almost yelled shaking me by the shoulder.

What? He really believed that stupid false accusation?

"Do you have any idea what you got yourself into?! You will get killed! You're trying to dig your own grave!!!" he continued.

"Father, it's not-" I tried to tell him but he cut me off not giving me a chance at all.

"You could have at least shut his mouth instead of getting caught! I did everything for you to be happy, when I heard the prince might be in the ball that night I had to force you to go but you have no idea how happy I was when he wanted to marry you and yet you!"


My whole world seemed to shatter.

I couldn't believe this.

Just what was he talking about?

I stood there frozen as he kept blaming me instead of listening to what I had to say.

“Did you know the Prince would be there that night?!” I asked, my tone a little to loud.

“Yes I did! And now you've ruined your chance to gaining power!” he yelled.

He planned it?

My own father...why? Just why?

Why was my whole life planned out?!

I pushed him away.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled as I ran away from him.

I ran and ran....mindlessly.

I could feel tears coming out...no, don't cry Rosemarie. You can't cry. You need to prove them wrong.

I had to see the PrincE first. I had to go see him in his office.


"Sorry...but I can't use magic to help you." he said.

"BUT WHY NOT?!" I was shocked.

He didn't say anything. Just looked down sadly.

"Tell me! Why can't we use magic to reveal the truth?! You know he is lying and using magic will be to much easier!" I repeated now feeling my tears come out absurdly.

I felt betrayed.

"I'm sorry...I just can't...I'm really sorry." he said looking down.

I didn't get it...why can't he use magic? Why doesn't he want to prove them wrong?!

Why was this happening?

I backed away from him.

It felt like the whole world was against me.

"Ah, I see...I get it now. For you everything was fake from the beginning...you don't even think I'm a human do you?"

I laughed.

I had been a fool all this time to think they cared about me.

"No! Rosemarie, that's not-"

"Stop it! Just stop!"

I got away from him and ran again.

