Sharing some secrets

“When is your birthday?” Deme asked.

We were in Anastasia's room and we were having a sleepover at her house.

A few days after the incident, they suggested we have a "sleepover" and have a "girl's night", I was confused. That was because I never experienced all that.

They gasped and almost cried and we decided to have one today.

These few days had been a rush. Although no one's heard about the details of whatever happened in the Carden House, the empire's sudden visit, the head of the House not being seen for days, had everyone digging. And I personally had to take care of it. In the meantime, I had gotten a lot closer to Anastasia and Dementia.

“It's next week actually.” I said.

It wasn't like I was trying to keep it a secret. I had completely forgotten about it this time.

Usually father and I would have an awkward dinner together and Layla would bring me a cake to celebrate it, I had completely forgotten about it this year until now.

“NEXT WEEK?!” they both exclaimed and came close to my face. “WHAT??”

“Oh my gosh, we should celebrate it together!” Deme said.

I was taken aback. “Sure, if you guys insist. I...would love that.” I said lowly.

It felt rather embarrassing to admit it but I really wanted to celebrate my birthday with everyone.

These girls really...are different, they made me smile so often. Maybe mother was right.

“So what's up with you and Andros?” I asked Dementia nagging on her shoulder, “You both seemed close the other day at my house.”

They both looked shocked. As if I'd done something terrible and looked at each other.

Uh oh.

After a few minutes of silence, they both laughed loudly.

I nervously laughed with them too.

Heh heh?

“Oh my god,” Dementia couldn't stop laughing, “Nothing is going on between us, you're the one he lik–” she suddenly gasped.

She gasped as Anastasia and Dementia looked at each other.

“What...?” I already heard it but asked anyway.

“Please don't tell him I told you this otherwise he'll kill me!” Anastasia said clapping her hands together.

“He really does...?” I asked again.

They nodded.

I always thought he was way too nice to me but I just thought it was just how he was. To think such a nice person would like me.

I was grateful for his kindness but...there was something that didn't approve of this.

“Ah but it's alright, he knows you like the Prince so he won't try to express his feelings!” Anastasia suddenly said.

I then realised she didn't know about my contract with the Prince.

I looked at Dementia and caught her looking at me too.

“I think it wouldn't hurt to tell just another person about it.” she said winking.

“Oh. my. god, no wayyyy!” Anastasia dramatically gasped.

“Yes wayyyy!” Dementia copied her.


I nodded.

“But why contract marriage, you both look so in–”

“Ahem,” Deme suddenly coughed and interrupted her, “It's such a shamr you don't have feelings for Prince Cassian though, imagine if you did hahaha...”

Huh? Feeling for the Prince...?

The thought made my feel weird.

I looked at the pillow I had in my hands.

Huh? What am I thinking?

I don't love him. That was part of the contract. I can't love him. What meaning does the word have anyway?

“No...I don't have any feelings for him.” I said looking up at them again.

Their smiled dropped as they looked at each other again.

“Well, I'm sure after the contract is over you'll find someone! Or maybe my brother would be there for you, hehe.” Anastasia said.

“No way are we having a "who has the better brother" compitition now?!” Deme said throwing a pillow at Anastasia as we all laughed.

That was true. I might be having a good time right now as the future member of the royal family but it could all come to an end soon. I'd have to cut off all ties with them and go back to being the Canden House's daughter, take over and continue the cycle. I have to think about so much into the future and yet, I don't want to think about anything and just enjoy this moment.
