
What on Earth would, his royal highness, the Crown Prince, be doing here?!

Anyway, that wasn't important.

The important thing right now was that I, was going to die.

I had done way many sins tonight. Aiming a knife at him, treating him like a criminal, calling him an intruder! Ah, I was definitely going to get killed.

The prince made eye contact as I bowed low.

“Your Royal highness!” it might be a little too late for an apology but I had to try my luck. “I apolo–”

“Heh,” he had an evil smirk as he interrupted me. “I suppose there has been a misunderstanding between me and the lady here Aether, please have a guard escort her to the ballroom.”

Huh? What? Was he sending me away? He wasn't going to kill me? But I...why?

Before I could even think, a guard quickly walked towards me and grabbing my hand politely walking me away from them.
I turned around to take one last glance of the prince.

Our eyes locked as he gave me an evil smile and mouthed some words.

What just happened?

It was late but the ball was still very  enthusiastic. The guard had already left and I realised I didn't have my mask with me. It must have fallen while I was in the garden.

The halls were less crowdy now.

Noah must have left already so I should be fine without the mask.

I looked around to make sure he wasn't nearby when I met eye contact with Andros Phili, to my surprise, he waved and came closer.

“Lord Andros.” I say bowing.

“Lady Rosemarie, I heard from my sister that you'd been feeling sick, are you alright?” he asked with a worried face.

“Ah, I'm alright, my lord” actually, I'm feeling worse with everything that just happened.

“Well then, my lady, shall I have the honor of dancing with you?” he said with a smile as he took my hands in his, I don't refuse and suddenly we are in the middle of the hall dancing with everyone else.

Lord Andros Phili, the next hier of the House of Philis was the eldest son and brother of Lady Anastasia. We had known each other since I was 14 and we danced in almost all the balls.

“Ah, I don't have my mask on..” I say a little embarrassed, everyone around us including Lord Andros had theirs on.

He chuckled, grabbing me closer, “I personally think it would be a shame to hide your face under a mask, my lady.”

Lord Andros had always been kind to me, maybe because he felt bad for me or maybe because I was the next hier of the Hours of Candens. I could never guess.

He gently took away his hand from my waist and removed his mask, throwing it away.

It exposed a rather beautiful gentleman.

Andros had the same brown eyes and red hair as his sister. They were almost like twins but Andros was a year older.

We continued to dance as the song ended and we both bowed.

“Lady Rosemarie, it had been a while since I saw you dance last time!” I saw Anastasia excitedly run over us out of nowhere, “Are you feeling better now?”

“Ana, why are you here?” Andros asked his sister with a rather irritated look.

“Oh come on dear brother, why won't I be here?”

She said as she grabbed my hands and dragged me away from Andros.

“Wait, Ana! Lady Rosemarie!” Andros tried to stop us but we had already left the hall, Lady Anastasia was rather fast.

I were out of the house again, this time by Lady Anastasia and with Lady Anastasia.

“I'm sorry Rosemarie, but I couldn't talk about it with him around or he'd try to interrupt us.”

I was confused.

“What do you mean?” I asked

“I'm hosting a small ladies-only tea party next week, and I was hoping you'd come Rosemarie...I thought, I'd be better to ask you in person.” she looked down and said softly almost as if she was embarrassed.

What was there to be embarrassed about anyway? We often had tea parties and balls and I usually attended them. And I will keep attending them.

“It's my pleasure, my lady, of course I'll come.” I said.

Her mood suddenly changed as she gave a bright smile.

“Yay! I'll make sure to send an official letter before the tea party!”

I nodded.

“My lady, if you don't mind, I would be taking my leave now...”

“Oh my, you must be tired...well then, see you next week, Rosemarie!”

We said our last goodbyes and I got on my carriage.

I just want to go home and lay down on the comfort of my bed.
