
Published on: July 24, 2021..




"Listen calm down", "calm down" the lead singer addressed the pumped-up audience, "we are about to end with two more songs and call it a night"

The audience cheers for more, "We loved to perform for you guys, but..." 

he paused sensing the audience's reaction, then pulled his watch showing it to the people, "Time.... people time....." "Okay"... So cheer for the last two songs", "and if you want to hear us more, you know where we would be on weekends"

The people cheer with the loud sound, supporting the band to keep going... they were famous and they knew it..

The drummer of the band keeps on hitting rightly on drums making people's hearts thump with every beat. 

His bangs sticking on his forehead, hovering over his eyes, perfectly shadowing the narrow gaze, his hands were moving effortlessly, like they have their own brain,

The screams, loud music, and dim lights were enough to make you deaf and blind for the meantime. 

Careless heads bobbing with rhythm including the drummers making an illusion he was enjoying his time, the crowd was cheering unaware of the fact that his narrow gaze was scanning the room under his bangs, eyes fixed on his prey.

The loud chants of the crowd couldn't distract his attention, the dull light didn't let die sparkles in his eyes for his current desire, they kept fixed on shiny little metal and soon to be his possession, he can feel it in his hands, and with the nerve of longings towards his going to be a possession, he was hitting the drums with much more enthusiasm...

Once the last song ended, it was welcomed with the thunder of claps, praise, hooting, and every kind of appreciation... the band welcomes the gratitude as usual with smiles and bowing down, nothing new, he is used to it, now he had done his part and is free to get some booze, and free to hunt.... 

He didn't lose his focus, took a glass of bourbon chugging it down slowly narrowing the gap between the man and him, he can admire it from closer right, yaa... he can, nothing can stop him...

Ahhhhh, it looks so pretty,

Is it customized??, it looks customized, it should belong to me... his inner desires were screaming to touch it,

Let me have a closer look

he shifted in his seat gets closer to the man, eyeing his precious and soon-to-be possession, which is sitting proudly on men's collar...

His hands were itching to touch the metal, feel its texture and coldness, the smoothness of stones under his touch, just a look and he knew this thing belongs to him

The eye candy of tonight was a hummingbird brooch with stones..... sigh..... his favorite, the bird wants to suck the nectar of each beautiful flower, just like him; wanted to touch every pretty thing, desire to hold every pretty, sparkly thing...

Wait for me you will soon be in my collection, he took a sip from his glass and gets closer to the man.. the brooch was perfectly placed on Man's coat, 

should he go for it now or should he use his old trick,

Guess the old trick will do better,

He started giggling and pretends to get drunk, which caught the man's attention. Once his eyes locked on his side; he was captivated, since the effect of the drummer and his silky hairs falling on his forehead beautifully was still fresh in his brain and now the same guy sitting next to him.

 He can't ignore him, can he??, no one can refuse his charm, his pretty smile, dishevel hairs, unbuttoned shirt.

The man gulped his drink in one go, and ordered for another, while still eying on his side, Gulf looks ethereal, the little sweat buds were shining on his face was an alluring view and make him shine more, the man gulped multiple times and tried unsuccessful effort to avert his gaze, but in the last, he lost it,

"Are you ok??"

Pretending to be drunk man chuckled, Ohhh, his voice is seductive, better, I am gonna enjoy this night

"I__ am__ pelfectly__ fineee" he slurred a little and giggled in the end, to make sure his illusion of being drunk looks perfect,

He leaned his body more on the counter to give a proper display, showing off his collar bones and thin neck, the cleavage and mole on his chest were perfect to make irrational decisions, giving the hard time to the toned man in front of Gulf, he gulped the non-existent saliva, his eyes were going again and again on the mole on his chest, 

Whereas the man on table was enjoying the reaction and knew very well the effect he is making on the other person...

The sexual tension was too much to handle, "you are good with your hands" the man complimented

"I am better with other things too" he winked at the guy making him blush and took a sip from glass resting his head on one hand..

"I mean drums, you were enchanting"

Gulf giggled in response,

"Gulf kanawut" he offered hand

"Kamon krik" he took the hand, Gulf squeezed it in response, and the man jerked a little, he liked when he can turn buffed guys into mushy things,

"Are you alone or with somebody???"

"I need somebody to know

 Somebody to heal

 Somebody to have

Just to know how it feels" 

he sang moreover recite the song in low voice near man's ear, not too close neither too far,

A sigh escaped man's mouth and left him a little startled and felt his hair strands risen, but tried to maintain composure

"Heartbreak??" the guy stuttered and took a sip from his glass, Gulf smirked and decided not to answer just hanged his head low, ok now we are on track, nice, nice

"Me too, my boyfriend broke up with me last week" he continued with a distant smile,

"he must be an asshole, who left you" he came a little closer, his eyes were drifting between brooch and the glass man sipping on to

"no, I was an asshole, I cheated on him"

Gulf chuckled,,, "wahhhhh, same story, me too.... I cheated on my lover too" ,


"Cheers to the cheaters in the house",  he hooted loudly, his voice got lost in heavy music and unheard to the drunk people around them....

He doesn't give a damn, what he said, what he does, and to whom he has to lie, he could say anything, do anything, to get that precious in his collection, so tonight he will be a cheater, even though he never been in a relationship before if it gets the deed done then cheater it is..

"Are you on a guilt trip??" he laid again on the counter resting his head on stretched arm, making sure his lean body on display for the eyes of the ogling man...

The man averted his gaze from the tempting body in front of him, "kind of"

"Wanna forget it??", "I can fill the gap",

A thin finger traced the man's biceps seductively making other one shiver "or maybe more than that" "or can be your rant buddy, exchange stories", "it is up to you which offer you will choose"

The man was looking at the drummer with the gapped mouth, and lustful eyes, the offer was good he has nothing to lose, and how can he say no, for the candy in front of him, he licked his lips, eyes going up and down to others lips to his mole on chest, he pulled him little closer breathing the same air as him, "Filling gap sounds good"

Gulf chuckle, once a cheater will always be a cheater, guilt trip my ass...

"So do you wanna go somewhere, you know to fill the gaps??"


And like that he succeeded in taking the brooch holder out of the bar, sorry for the mistake gonna be ex brooch holder out of the bar, and moved to the nearby motel. He is familiar with staff as they are familiar with him, who wouldn't be when he is here every weekend with someone new.

Sometimes because of his passion for pretty things, sometimes just because of pure lust, and sometimes to just clear his head, whatever the reason is, he would be found in this motel every weekend, but never stayed a night, he just do the deed and came out like nothing happened, with the pretty things along with, nobody files a complaint against him, they assume they lost it in somewhere, or were too ashamed to let anyone know where they possibly lose it.

And the man with whom, they spent the night was a rich guy, why would he steal something cheap or things which he can buy easily, moreover woman would find it hard if their sparkly earrings were stolen by a guy who didn't have piercing,  unaware of the fact that Gulf has a thing for sparkles...

This night too he came out of motel with his perfect dishevel hairs, and button-down shirt showing marks of his wild night, was he happy... yes, he was he had placed the hummingbird on his chest, ahhhh looks at it dearly caressing his precious,

I had paid a lot for you tonight, do you have any idea, how boring and lousy it was, but for you my precious he kissed the brooch, I need to pay and I paid well didn't I... he smiled at the brooch and moved ahead to his apartment,

huhhhh... what an awful night, that idiot was good for nothing, built can't tell how you would perform, can't stand after one round, good for nothing, and he has the audacity to cheat, he should be happy if someone wanted to be with him, with that stamina, loser...

But good thing is, he got what he wanted, he clutched on the brooch, unlocked the apartment, and placed the brooch in the drawer, with 40 of others, each thing in his apartment has its place, he is a clean freak, and his collection should be perfectly displayed for his eyes but hidden for others,

He lives in high luxury apartment, money was never an issue for him, he can buy anything. Come on; a successful musician, with composing skills, whose performance goes houseful on every weekend, can earn that much; to have a decent and over the top life, and he has no responsibilities to pay off, so he is better this way...



"How is this dress??"

Mew averted his gaze from the phone to the woman in front, "No try the other one", "too much skin"

"Mew.... but I like it" she wined in tiny..

"I wanted a traditional wedding Prink, dress as per church"

"But it is fully cover"

Mew massaged his head, they were arguing over every single dress for an hour, and it is really getting on to his nerves, is it that difficult for this woman to understand what decent clothes look like. 

They have never fought in their three-year relationship, and since they had decided to get married they were arguing over every little thing, every single f**ing thing, from dresses to choice of venue, to food choice, to theme...... to everything, were they this different.... 

Mew never thought about it, how they spent three years together, what changed within these months, are they gonna be like this for rest of their lives, they can't.... right, they loved each other for three years,  and now getting married within two months...

"This is good, we will buy it" prink's voice drags him to the place where they are..

"No we will not", "Is it called covered??" "I can see everything apart from n***les, and "where the fu**k is back of this dress??",

"Mew.... it is my wedding dress and I wanted to wear it"

"You are not getting married alone, I am getting married too"

"You are one of those men who suppress women",

He massaged his neck, "you can go all naked after taking vows in church"

The staff was gaping hearing the banter of the couple, when they entered staff was going crazy over the couple, they felt like a match made in heaven perfect, beautiful, supermodels kind of couple, to whom everybody envy, but once Mew started pointing out mistakes and his aura changed from lover to this. 

The staff gets shrunken to the skin, they can't afford to make high profile client angry.....only the designer was aware of Mew's temper..... he had first face the temper when Mew asked for traditional clothes, but the designer put his touch and make it little modern as per the style and Mew baffled, when he said traditionally it means traditional, nothing can change it.... And he was aware right now the young lady can't understand that her man doesn't like to mold things up. 

One can say he is a young man with an old soul and heart, maybe it was the impact of his grandfather on him, that even after leaving he is still living in him through his values...

"You are disgusting," she remarked folding her hands in front of her almost naked chest...

"Yes I am, and now this disgusting man wants you to wear a descant dress for a church wedding, you can wear anything after that",

"I am telling you I want this"

"And I am requesting you to wear a simple dress", he said with greeted teeth and towering over her, 

"Have I ever stopped you from anything??" 

"No... I didn't... ", "I just want a proper descant wedding with my loved ones", "and as per my grandpa last wish to see me get married in church and I will do that", "if you want destination wedding you can wear this half-naked dress or whatever you call this but, not in church; is it that hard for you to understand."

"No one care about his last wish, he is already in a coffin" she huffed out loud crossing the arms in front of her chest..... 

The staff, the designer, everyone present there gaped at her response, they can sense it, even the birds out there can sense it, that it was the wrong choice of words in one phrase..

His fist tightens in response. He looked at her un-flinched, "Say a word again and you will be standing alone at the altar"

She looked at him and then at her surrounding everyone was watching her, and she was watching the face of man she loved for three years, it felt like a cold slap on her face, he said those words in front of everyone, isn't she allowed to wear whatever she wants...

Does she have to do it in future too, to go along with his choices, today it was grandfather wish, next would be mothers' wish, then father, sisters, and then...... do her wishes doesn't matter, she was halted at the same spot for a while, with red eyes and threaten tears lingering around the corner,

He was annoyed to the max, even her hurt face doesn't bother him much, he can't understand her reason, it is waste of time, he ordered the designer as well as their staff, 

"if you let her go in any kind of funny dress which is not good for the church, I will make sure you will pay",

He gave a last not-so-friendly stance to his fiancé and stormed out of the place, he needs to cool down... it is almost ten in the evening may be little liquor and smoke can help him out..


Gulf was performing, as usual, looking for something which can fetch his interest, apparently, nothing seems alluring to his eyes, it was their last song of the night when he saw a pale face in the crowd, it was far from the stage, over the bar counter the lighting was not proper, making harder for him to see, but he can see sparkles, is it dim light creating a mirage for him, the said man felt like drowning into alcohol, he was chugging the drinks like he is thirsty for million years, 

The song ended and Gulf's feet lead him towards the man, closer he gets high his pulse gets, he can see the man was shining under the dim light, is it because of his pale complexation or he had put some pixie dust on him..

Whereas Mew didn't notice someone sitting beside him, that someone touched his shoulder, he didn't seem to pay attention, 

Gulf cleared his throat but no, no response...his side profile looks angelic though, must be a rich brat, clothes looks expensive too, and the cologne was hitting Gulf on different levels, he licked his lips and moved a little closer to have a sniff, 

ahhhh nice fragrance, it felt clean even in a place like this he felt man smell clean, don't know how to explain apart from clean, he has a thing for clean and sparkles..

He needs his attention, he wants him, right here right now, he bumped his shoulder with other's

"Try this one, it is the best choice here" he offered the drink, the man didn't face him still showing his side profile,

"Not interested" even his voice is nice, how would it feel moaning under him, Gulf felt hot with the thought,, he can drive this man crazy, he is gonna beg whole night, and his face will look like pink tourmaline shining beautifully ...the mere thought makes him excited, need little more coaxing,

"you didn't taste it, how do you know??"

"don't want"

He still is not looking in my direction, it is the first time it happened, people go crazy if gulf talk to them, but he is ignoring his mere existence, maybe he had not seen his face yet, he needs to put few efforts to twist his neck to his direction,

"you seems new, I never saw you here"

Mew was irritated he wanted to have few drinks to calm his nerve down, the nearest bar he got and now this chatty human don't want to leave him alone, he clenched the glass to suppress his feeling, and turned his face with greeted teeth, saw the pretty guy in front, he sure has good features but not so amusing that stand out for him, and when he saw that smirk of the guy, and everything got dragged down once he saw the cocky smirk on guys face, he knew the guy is well aware of his charisma, but nobody mess with him, and he means nobody, and moreover he looks like a kid...

The music seems void and lights make the pale person shine more with dim lights, he has a perfect sculpted face... Gulf gulped to suppress his thirst for the man,

His eyes shimmered a little, the guy has handsome face a praise worth, his front profile is as killer as his side profile, and then hear those words and his cocky smile vanished,

"Enough drooling over me, can I have my peace now"

huuhhh, did he just say drooling, huuuhhh, who me?? he rolled his tongue, he would punch him for saying those words, he should be thankful to those features, 


Cocky, he guesses, so he is also well aware of his charm, nice nice good competition, and greater difficulty, greater would be the fun, but it will be smooth with few more drinks, you need to be patient Gulfieee.. 

Gulf tried multiple times to coax the guy it was hurting his ego, his pride was ravishing every single time, he got rejected in one night from the same guy, that he never got rejected in whole life, it was utter humiliation, he didn't reject him on any basis, he didn't look at his direction, not even glace, his every question, every flirtish move, his display of neck, and skin doesn't get the attention, his every trick failed utterly, come on..... how can his chest mole could fail..

Finally, he gets the full attention, and Gulf's heart swelled at the victory, finally, the man looked at him from up and down, 

But the gaze was different.... the man sighed like he was disappointed, no one gets disappointed by looking at him, 

The man's gaze locked on chest... And Gulf smiled, my mole never failed me do they, but to his surprise, Mew started buttoning up the shirt buttons, what.... why... it was his best view...

"Hey kiddo, are you even legal??, don't say things like this, people are not decent" and he patted on his head, settling down those disheveled hairs, combing them like little kids

Sigh, " I am getting married in two months, little frustrated"", "huhhhhh.... so, if you don't mind can I enjoy my peace"

Did he just called me kid, I am fu**ing 25 years old adult and he called me kid, from where do I look like a kid, I am almost taller than him, maybe slimmer but, how can he call me kid, i am shaving for 8 years, and paying my bills for a long time now, can't be a kid, do I look like a kid, is he questioning my masculine side....

See the engagement is not an issue, because people do things even though they are engaged but he said kid.., kid.., kid the word keep on ringing in Gulf's head,

He was rejected, 

First time in his life, 

He didn't get his sparkle of the night, 

First time in his life... 

He couldn't get the nectar

Again first time in his life..


Hye, thank you for giving it a try, and sorry for the mistakes, feel free to share your views😊😊

I Will update on Wednesday or Saturday most probably💜💜
