
Published on: August 25, 2021..

Imp: There are few terms used in this chapter which, I guess most of you are aware of, but if there is a fraction of people who are not then read this or for better explanation google them:

Asexual: the person who lacks sexual attraction to others, they can be romantic but not physical.. something like that, it is the basic definition of a broad spectrum...

Demisexual: who feel sexual attraction after making an emotional connection, fall under the asexual spectrum, but if they find someone with their emotional inclination they can be sexually active...


Knock knock

Finally, after weeks of waiting and hallucinating the knock on his door for the umpteenth time...

the real knock tapped on his door, he ran towards the door but stays there for a while, he was excited with anticipation as well as nervous, why the hell he is nervous, it is not like he don't know who is behind the doors, but he is the reason why he is nervous too...

He touched his burning cheeks and fanned on his face, padded left and right few times...

Knock knock

he squealed again, what is wrong with him, calm down Gulfie calm down... 

he brushed his hairs and finally opened the door with pink dust on his cheeks...

Mew was standing there in his perfect suit, with plastic bags in his hand...

Gulf fidget again, "Ummm Hey"

Mew chucked and lightly tapped on Gulf's nose, while entering into apartment handing him the plastic bags as he removed his shoes and started undoing his coat...

Gulf followed him with a plastic bag in his hand and red cheeks..

"It looks like a new place"



"It looks more lively, I like it" 

he checked out the things Gulf has changed, the darker black couch was replaced with light gray, walls are too painted in light colors, the curtains were of pastel shade, the area was filled with scented candles and succulent plants..

he entered into the bathroom, it was the same almost except lightning was changed, he looked at his toiletry still there on the shelf he smiled..

and came to the kitchen area, saw the crumpled note on the refrigerator, he folded his lips to retaining them to smile so widely, Gulf was busy in arranging the things in place, he came from behind and snaked his arms to others waist, resting his chin on others shoulder, Gulfs' movement paused for a sec, and then he resumed with stretched lips...

"Why did you changed??"

"Nothing particular, for fun" come on he is not gonna tell he was almost insomniac for a while...

"Do you need help??"

"I don't want dishes on the floor"

"But you like to see me on your floor"

Gulf looked at him from the side, and chuckled

"You are reeking..How much you smoked, ??"

"Just few"

"In numbers??"

"Fifty sixty cigs"

Gulf turned back to see Mew, and was welcomed with bloodshot eyes, "Do you want to die early??"

Mew just squeezed Gulf, tightening his grip on others waist, "Usually it is eight or ten, i am not a series smoker, but in these past weeks it just"

Gulf put his hand on Mew's hand understanding what other was referring too, "So everything is settled now"

"Not exactly but kind of"

Gulf hummed in response, the dinner was quiet, they sit facing each other, mew took Gulf's feet between his legs, making Gulf pause for a sec, he felt his stomach churn he looked at Mew but the other just smiled at him, it didn't helped his thumping heart, come on it is just a simple gesture he has gone through wild things in his life, he can't be blushing and having breathing difficulty with simple clawed feet..

Mew found it amusing seeing Gulf shy and all but he likes it more when he talks so he started the random conversation...

"I met a Karen today"

"Did you??", "What she does??"

"Her apartment was leaking, so she wanted me to do the plumbing"

"What??" Gulf chucked, "that's ridiculous"

"Yaa", "she made a mess, we need to call guards to take her out"

"And then??"

"Then i did her plumbing"

Gulf gawked, "You did??"

Mew pinched on others' nose, "Kidding", "What about you something unusual happened"


"Like what??"

"I agreed to take part in an experiment,"

Mew chuckled, "What kind of experiment??"

"I don't know, the one who offered can explain it better"

"Give me a little bit of idea, maybe I can help"

"Okay, so say there is subject M and subject G"

Mew chuckled, "okay tell me about these subjects M and G"

Gulf chewed his lips, "It was subject M idea he should explain it"

"I can try to decode this subject M"

"So, how I put it in words".... "Subject M didn't get found of people in general", "And his previous relations were with women so far, but then one day this subject G came and turn his world ups and downs and i mean really ups and downs, subject M hated his guts, and tried to make him suffer, you know play the part of evil......but soon something clicked so he offered an experiment to get to know better"

"what clicked??"

"That is what we are gonna find out" Gulf frowned not understanding the last part,

"Is it still wanna see him cry part"

"No..." Mew looked directly into his eyes assuring, "he is over with that" 

"Okay....And what about subject G??"

"You tell what about subject G, why he agreed to be part of the experiment"

"I don't know, it sounds fun", "What if I messed up, I mean subject G messed up"

"Subject M can mess up too"

"Nahh he doesn't look like, that kind"

"He is"

"Like how??"

"Like how his fiance stayed by his side for money, and he didn't even realized it"

Gulf felt guilty... "Sorry"

"No... thankyou, otherwise I would live with a lie"

He gave a genuine smile to Gulf...

"So, your experiment means you were never with a guy",

Mew nods his head, gulf nods too in understanding..

"Hmmm, So you want to have s*x with me"

Mew choked on his food, Gulf gets up and patted on his back, handing him water, "Jeez, eat slow"

Mew coughed a little, took few sips of water, "you can't say things like that out of the blue"

"What out of blue, i was talking about basic human needs, s*x comes under human basic needs"

Mew coughed more, "I know that", "But you don't talk about it like you are talking about the weather"

"Can't talk..... why??, How old are you??"

"I am turning thirty"

"What thirty, you are five-year elder to me", "Why didn't you stop me while i talked to you like we are peers"

"I like how you talk to me"

"Then why can't we talk about s*x??"

Gulf looked at Mew in horror, "Don't tell me you are a virgin??"

Mew turns red again, "I am not" he took both of their plates and placed them in the dishwasher like he saw Gulf doing that earlier.

Gulf followed him back, "So, you don't like to talk about s*x" he giggled

Mew's face turn red, "Don't say that"

"Don't say what, is it S*x??", 

Mew washed hands and came to the living area ignoring the other who was clearly mocking him, Gulf followed him and found new amusement in teasing Mew, 

"Come on, it is just s*x"

He sat beside Mew on the couch who was still ignoring the younger, Gulf giggled and started chanting like a kid in Mew's ear, 


Mew flipped Gulf to the side holding his hands making younger to pause, he hold his hands,

"I don't fu*k around Gulf"

Gulf nodded his head, "I get that you are loyal types"

Mew attached their heads, "It is different"


"I don't talk about s*x on the first day of relationship" Gulf gulped feeling nervous all of the sudden, are they over, cause he doesn't like it.

He was listening to him all attentive, "You can say, I don't feel aroused"

He frowned again, how he can't be aroused, "You have erection issue",


"hmm, yaa, I had seen your morning wood"

"You really like to talk about d**ks and s*x right??"

"You left v**na, i can deal with them occasionally"

Mew groaned, "Don't talk about that which you don't have, and if you are with me you can't have one either"

"Ummm sorry" he scratched on Mew's forearm

"So, ummm", he was trying to find proper words...

"committed some kind of celibacy oath??"


"S*x after marriage kind of thing"


"You are asexual"  It will be over if he is asexual, Gulf has high s*x drive, it can't be possible for him to be with asexual...

"Not exactly, but i think kind of demisexual"

"Seriously no, But still it is part of asexual", "I think I will die with blue balls with you"

Mew chuckled, "I will fulfill your needs"

"And I will feel like a jerk forcing you"

"Ohhhh come on"

Mew pulled him and made him sit on his lap, Gulf adjusted himself, this kind of intimacy is new to him, he doesn't go around sitting on peoples laps, 


he does... but only for the fulfillment of basic needs, he is not aware of this kind of thing, where he is fully clothed and feel like his body is on fire and the simple hot breath of other fannings on his neck can give goosebumps to his whole body...

"so you had done it in past unwillingly??"

"I had" Mew accepted the fact that he had done it, just to please his partner when he was dying in discomfort..

"That would be uncomfortable"

"It was, but I survived"

"Promise me you will tell me if i make you uncomfortable"

Mew felt warmth spread in his heart,"I will"

They fell silent for a while, "You don't find me attractive??"

"You are handsome" he traced others face, and ears

"But not sexually"

Mew chuckled again, "I told you I am demi",

"Yaa ya I get that emotional attachment thing"

"I liked your company that is why I want to try, see if it goes well, and so far I like it"

"It is only half-day"

"Can't I be happy in half-day" 

He wiggles on Mew's crotch, "What is the benefit of this pack here","if you are not gonna use it"

Mew chuckled again, squeezing him holding him in place to stop his movement, "Time will decide whether it will be used or not"

Gulf huffed in response, "I guess I am the horny one in this experiment" 

Mew chuckled again, making his chest go up and down, Gulf felt the laugh on his back making him feel warm somehow,

"What about kisses??"

"I am ok with kisses unless you have herpes" He played with Gulf's ears.. Making Gulf moment halt for a sec

He punched lightly on Mew's chest, "I don't"

"So how many experiments you had done so far" Gulf teased him..

Mew snicker back, "Three, but this is the first time other subject know it is an experiment"

"So did you sleep with your three experiments"

Mew chuckled again, "you are not over with that s*x part??", 

"Am I making you uncomfortable??"

"No, you are not"..."I slept with two, the second one didn't even last six months"

"you take six months to sleep with"

"It can take more than that too, or it may never happen", "But as i said, I had done things for others"

Gulf was having a hard time believing how can this person have so less s*x drive when he looks like s*x god..


"I am really doomed right" he sighed and rested his doomed head-on Mew's shoulder..

They stayed there in silence, Mew swinging their bodies left and right in a soothing pace, Gulf felt contend his eyes lids were heavy, he can sleep like this... 



"You can turn me down from here if you want to"

He looked at Mew upward, does he want to back out??, he does.... come on... what is there apart from s*x, it is really hard to imagine being with one person, and having s*x with one person, and here the one person is not even ready to do so until he feels like he is attached to him, the cons of getting in this experiment are greater than pros..

But then again he looked at Mew's eyes and got trapped the way he looks at him...It is different, he liked the way he looked at him, he caressed corners of Mew's eyes, Mew leaned on the touch and pulled him in a tighter embrace...

He has the chance to say no, he would be free from any relationship burden, and he could enjoy as much he wants without someone waiting for an answer,

But it is also true that no one is gonna hold him like he is doing right now, nobody is gonna bring dinners and breakfast to him, nobody is gonna cuddle him to sleep, and nobody is gonna look at him and only him as he does... 

He can experience it as long as he wants, if he can compromise the s*x part, Sigh... he smiled at him,  

"I like challenges, bring it on",

"You know what it means right??"

"I may not be in a relationship, but I know how it works", 

"ummm hmmm"

"Yaaa... It means we can suck on each other only, no hanky pancky in-between", "and yes i am aware you are possessive types"

he placed his hands on his face, being overdramatic, "I am doomed", "I willingly agreed to have blue balls"

Mew laughed wholeheartedly again, pulled Gulf closer

"You really likes to talk about d**ks and s*x", "And I am not possessive types..."

"When i say you are then you are" "Period", 

"And who doesn't like to talk about s*x, stay in my company, I will train you" 

"wow.... my boyfriend gonna give me s*x education"

Butterflies did hula hoops in Gulf's stomach, BOYFRIEND...  BOYFRIEND... BOYFRIEND..., Woooiiiii... He squealed inside, and tighten his grip on Mew's arm..

"What??, we can't go around calling each other subject M, and subject G right"

"Subject M and subject G sounds cool though"

Mew sniffed on Gulf's hairs chuckled again..

 "you should be happy you have the face of Danburite"

"You are comparing me with the gem"

"Kind of, but i like pixie"

"You like sparkles??"

Gulf was caught off-guard with a simple question, how does he knows he likes sparkles, did he knew about him and his secret, 

"How do you know??"

"It is your third time comparing my face with something shiny.. so, I guess"

"Ohhh, yaa, yaa that could be... ha ha ha" he smiled awkwardly and rested his head on Mew's shoulder....

Mew interwind their fingers, it is surprising how easy it is for him to hold his hand and to make him sit on his lap, Mew was surprised by his own behavior, the urge of being with him and hear him, he can't understand it, 

The way he talks and blurted out everything without any filter is so fresh and welcoming, he liked how easy it is to let him know about his sexuality, which he never disclosed to his past relations, even to his family, they just assumed he didn't like intimacy...

His teenage was difficult when he got grossed out by any kind of physical touch, gender never matters, it was a hard time but he learned to deal with it. 

But what power does this guy possess, how can he be at this level so soon, it is exciting as well as makes him anxious of his own actions... but at this moment he was happy, he has no need to pretend, he has no need to be in command, he has not many expectations with this relations, but he is enjoying it... 

"So what you are looking for.... In Me??"

"Nothing, just happiness, like I felt a few weeks ago, being your companion, feel being free, feel free to laugh, and that is that for now", "and see if it works"... he rubbed his face on other cheeks..

"Aren't you too touchy for being categorized as demi" coz as per Gulf knowledge demi's are not physically touchy...

"I can't help it" again rubbed his face on Gulf's cheek... 

"Did you..." do the same with your girlfriend, he was about to ask but got paused as Mew's phone rings,

"My sister is calling", he picked the call and rested his chin on Gulf's head

"Yes, Min??",

"I can't today"

"Tell mother I am busy"

"Ummm...Yes, mother..." Gulf can hear a stern voice from the other side, the lady was quite furious and scolding him..

"I will be there"

"No i am not staying in hotels"

"No not in the office"

"I will be there"



Mew detached himself from Gulf, both felt the loss of warmth around them, it felt nice talking while snuggling, he put on his blazer and put the tie in his pocket, gulf watched him in silence,

"Being good son??"

"No being bad actually, I have not met my parents since the day of marriage cancellation", "so I have to go"

"Will you come back??" suddenly the cast of lullaby he felt a few minutes ago vanished...and he was wide awake...

"I don't think so I can be back today" he looked at the watch, "It is 11 already", "i will not bother you"

"I am not bothered, I will wait if you want to"

Mew played with Gulf's ear again, "No, I won't tonight"...

He stepped towards the door, followed by Gulf, who is grumpy all of the sudden, got trapped in doubts,

"Our experiment is still on right??"

"It is... until you want it"

He holds the door looking at Mew's back, 


He turned back and cupped his face in his hands, and joined their foreheads together... Gulf puckered out his lips out, Mew chuckled but gave a quick pack on his nose, it was a feather touch...

"My granny would kiss better than that"

Mew laughed again putting his hand on chest, and crushed Gulf's face in between his palms, "You are Cute" 

Gulf blushed again...he is used to hearing sexy, beautiful, handsome, sassy, and every word of being charismatic.... CUTE..., CUTE... CUTE how can he say cute... why does his every simple word turn him into a teenage girl..

"And I just realized you are taller than me"

Gulf patted on Mew's head to hide his blush and giddiness, "Awww, Shortie"

Mew rolled his eyes but didn't leave the apartment they were both standing at the door, looking at each other, swinging their interwind hands...

"I need to go"


and with that the door closed, Gulf flumped in front of the closed-door like a potato with rosy cheeks, rewinding the whole night and revelation he had... so he is in a relationship with a demisexual now, wow just wow... 


Before anyone got offended with demisexual...and contradictory behavior of  Mew towards Gulf being too touchy, I want to say this is fiction, I used this definition to justify why Mew doesn't sleep around or being physical with others or don't feel comfortable easily with others, 

here what Gulf changed, nothing... he just provides comfort which Mew seeks for, and the laugh he never had which steered his emotions, and leads spike of his interest in Gulf for no particular reason, yes he one time may think about him physically, and which made him more sure that he can be with Gulf...

Thank you for reading, voting, commenting💜💜
