Chapter 75: Friends or Foes

-Kouta's pov-

"Huh?" I thought to myself as I felt I was being followed for the last 5 minutes. "Hmm..." Stuffing my hands in my pockets, while avoiding Hikko, I turned back to where I was going until hearing someone call out to me.

"Kouta!." I looked to see that Kosuke and two of his clan buddies were with him. "What is it and how did you know I was?" I asked.

"Anna was able to locate you and plus I thought you could use some help." Kosuke explained. Frowning a bit, I bonked him on the head. "Ahh?! What was that for?" He asked.

"For what reason do you think I need your help, Kosuke?" I asked. "...You haven't changed at all. You still get into trouble and I've always got to save your bu-." I was cut off mid-sentence when I was hugged from behind. "Wh.. What the?!"


-Kosuke's pov-

I watched as my older brother was 'attacked' from behind by a peachy red head girl as she yelled 'Kou-chan'. Kouta was nearly knocked off his feet from that and turned towards her. "Huh? Shizuka?!.. When did come here?!" He asked.

"How rude. I came here looking for you after I couldn't find you at Ayu-san's place and now i'm being treated poorly." The girl Kouta called 'Shizuka' says, pouting as she let go of him. She almost complete looks like a mirror reflection of the blue clansmen, Andy. "..Sorry.. I was just surprise to see you here so soon." Kouta says, scratching his head. "And please be careful next time. Hikko's in my jacket pocket and I don't want him being crushed."

"Alright.. Anyway, who are these guys?" She asked him, looking at me, Chitose, and Bando before looking back at him. I heard as Kouta grieved and introduced us to her. "Shizuka, this is my little brother and his buddies. Kosuke, this is Shizuka Miko, my girlfriend."

"Huh? You never told me that you had a brother. I was wondering why he looked almost like you, why haven't you told me before?!" Shizuka complains, lightly hitting his chest. My brother sighed and removed his jacket, draping it over her head. "I get it.. I don't need another lecture now." He said, irritated. "...Saito gave you a hint on where I was?"

"Yeah." Shizuka says, putting Kouta's jacket on. "How do you keep so much warmth in here, Kou-chan?" She snuggles into his jacket further as Kouta just looks at his phone. "I always have it when I'm out and please stop calling me that when other people are around." He says. "Plus we've got to get rid of those dead clansmen."

"Alright, Alright.. Let's go." Shizuka says, tugging on his arm leading the way.

"Is it just me or does your brother's girlfriend look like that blue." Bando whispers to me as we trailed behind them. "I know.. But she's also very pretty." Chitose adds.

".. For your information, I can hear what you're saying!" Kouta snaps as he looks back at us with a frown on his face. Slowly, he turns his face away from us and look to a building. "What is it, Kouta?" Shizuka asked.

"..... It's nothing..." Kouta shakes his head and continues on.


-3rd pov-

"Hehe.. He just doesn't seem to leave his guard down.." A young man says, pulling at his crooked collar of his jacket. "...Hikaru, why do you bother on following them?" A small two-tailed fox says to him as it stood on top of his shoulder. "He killed your last body a few months ago..."

"But I regenerated to this new form." Hikaru says, looking at his hands as he moved his fingers. "Besides I was a bit rude to him in the first place."

"That was your fourth body he killed of yours." The fox says, before biting at his beanie. "Let's go now. I'm hungry." Hikaru laughed a bit and petted the fox's small head.

"... How about some delicious mochi later, Kira?" Hikaru suggested. The small fox tilted her head at him as she wagged her tails. "This new body of yours really does change your personality... But fine, mochi sounds like a pleasant snack."

"Really?.. How different?" Hikaru asked, which made Kira turn her head and mutter. "You didn't even noticed.. Just how thick headed have you become?" "Kira-chan, I heard that you know. You are on my shoulder.. next to my ear." Hikaru says.
