Chapter 6

I do not own K, only the characters I have made up.

Hey guys I hope you enjoy my story.

Not sure when I update cuz I get busy mostly my anime or other fanfics.

Back to chapter6
-Fushimi's pov-

Six days had already past since Ukina start to stay with me. There has also not been another attack from the dead clan, yet.

While we were walking to get some food for dinner, I heard someone yelling, "Saru, hey!" When I turned around, I saw Misaki there with two members of Homra and a guy I never seen before.

As we walked over to them, Ukina had started run to the mysterious guy and hugged him saying, "Yosh, where were you," nearly tearing up. I heard him muttered "Ukina."

All of us were shocked from that. " do you know her, Yosh?" Rikio asked.

-Yoshi's pov-

I was about to answer Rikio's question when I heard a gun shot. Ukina's quick instinct, has instantly forced us out of the bullet's path. Shocking all of us in surprise.

"Shit, that was a rifle's bullet," I said as I look around to see where it might have came from.

"Yosh..." Ukina said in a nervous voice as I saw her with Saru, holding his hand, and standing close to him.

I sighed then told them, "Let's hurry and get out of here, before who ever shot at us wants to try again."

-Timeskip- 15min

We had all entered to the bar, to find Mako smoking at the bar and talking to Izumo. Then he looked at us when we came inside.

-Izumo's  pov-


"You are hiding something aren't you."Anna had said 10 minutes after they had left.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Anna."

"Yoshi only talks to you, Kosuke, and Eric. I am just wondering whys that."

"Maybe, because he is shy and doesn't feel like talking to anyone else that he doesn't know." Bando had said as he came in with Shōhei, Yo, Masaomi behind him. Eric was just sitting down reading a book.(I didn't want to be alone so he is there.)

I just sighed, it was a bit hard to keep the secret that Yoshi is a girl and that she was going to be hunted if she dressed like it.'I wonder how long she is going to wait to tell them that.' I thought to myself until the bell on the door jingled and I saw him, a person that I haven't seen for 3 years or so. (Mostly a year before Totsuka's death.)

Mako Barok an old member of Homra until he left after he had told Mikoto, he had to leave Homra to return to the colorful clan, The Watchers and not to be marked as a traitor because he still thinks of Homra as home and his color. Then he explained that he was going to hunted soon by another clan, that we did not know of and he did not want us to get hurt for his mistakes.

"Hey, there it's been like forever, Mr.Kusanagi," he said with a poor smile as he walked to me and sat down, while the other looked at him then returned to their conversation.

"Yes, yes it has so what brings you back here, Mako?' I asked.

He sighed and pulled out a cigarette, placing it between his lips grabbing his lighter, burning the tip of it and huffing smoke out."Well, I know that one of my fellow clansmen is with your guys right now. Cuz, I just spoke to Yosh a while ago about 'him' and you guys." he said as I moved a ash tray to him, understanding what he meant.

"Hmm.... is that so. How did you did you find out he was here?" I asked while cleaning a wine glass.

"I sensed his aura coming from here and wondered how Homra has their aura back after the fall of the Sliver king's Sword on the slates." he said huffing out smoke again then putting it out into the ash tray.

"I am still wondering how you guys still have your aura."

He just smiled and answered with a shrug of his shoulders.

"So what are you going to do now?"

He closed his blue eyes and took out a notepad from his pocket and sliding it to me and slowly says, "I was coming to get him so we can meet up with the rest of our fellow clansmen and try to hunt them down or leave Shizume City."

While he had said that he tapped his fingers saying something in Morse code 'Hopefully you are seeing this, I came here to get Yoshina because the dead clan is close to finding her here and I don't want you guys to be targeted, meet us at the address in the notebook, go to the alley near it, someone will meet you there and take you guys to us, ok.'

-End of Flashback-

When I heard the door open again, I saw Yoshina, Yata, Rikio, Kosuke with them was Fushimi and a sliver haired girl.

Mako hopped off the chair and walked to them, smiling and said "Seem, that you have found her, Ukina."

"What...her?"Yata said as he looked at Yoshiana, blushing.

Me, Yoshina, Eric and Kosuke face palmed ourselves. After that Yoshi had hit Mako hard on the head that he was squatting down covering his head, while laughing a bit.

"You can't keep your mouth shut can you, Mako." Yoshina saying that while giving him a mean glare.

"Hehe....well you should stop hiding yourself, your real self." He said as he standing up.

"Wait, hold on a second you are...a girl?!?" Bando said out of disbelief and nearly falling of his seat.

-Yoshina's pov-

"I am going to kill you in your sleep, Mako." I said coldly with my red aura surrounding me. Shutting up everyone and backing away slowly.

"Heh.... Ok let's not go there alright, I am sorry," he said with his hand together in apology.

"So what are you doing Mako? I thought you didn't like coming here," Ukina said break the tension.

"What I can't go see an old friend," he said.

"So...uh.. You are a girl, why didn't you tell us?," Chitose asked with a surprised face.

"Umm....well, it wasn't really anything to worry about but the dead clan find me." I said as I scratch the back of my head. I was unable to think of what to say next.
This part took the longest to think of so next chapter is going to show another new character maybe.
And there maybe a fight.

I hope you like my story comment if you have any suggestion and most I am pair Fushimi and Ukina together. I don't know who to pair Yoshina with Kosuke or anyone from Homra expect Eric, I got someone in mind for him.☺️😉
