Chapter 29: Brutal Times

-Haruto's pov-
Few hours ago

"Nothing has changed, Ayu.. His plan remains the same." I told Ayu over the phone as me and Inga sat on top of Shizume's building. Inga was laying on his back in his red panda form next to me.

"Sigh... Thanks for telling me.. Since their plan is the same and now that his clan shown themselves you can go back to Yoshina." Ayu says.

I sighed, looking at the bunny in my bag. "Hopefully she doesn't set her punishment on me to brutal.."

"She's been lonely since you left.."

I chuckled, "Well that's mostly your's and Shido's fault for that. You two ordered me to spy on the dead clan with Inga. Beside don't you think Renji will hit both of you after I explain myself."

"Ehh.. Now that you mention it.." Ayu's voice trailed off thinking of Renji hitting him. "Anyway you should get going."

"Yeah, you're right. See ya, Ayu." I said, ending the call. "Inga, let's go now." Grabbing my bag and stood up. Inga poof out of his animal form to his human form. He yawned and rubbed his eye. "So where exactly are we going? Yosh could be anywhere in Shizume City." He stated.

"Simple Inga, Ukina's birthday soon so she's probably out looking for a gift." I said, standing on the edge of the building.

"You know someone could see you standing edge if the sun wasn't in their faces." Inga smiles playfully. "If that ever happened you'll probably get put back into mental therapy for your suicidal thoughts again."

"Shut up. Beside no matter how times they try it doesn't work for me at all." I informed, getting off the edge. "Yet every time before I joined the colorful clan Yoshina always stopped me. It was annoying at first, but then I started liking her company." I smiled looking at the sky. "Lets go now." Inga jumped, transforming into the red panda onto my back. Climbing to my neck and holding on my black short sleeve blazer for dear life as I jumped some roofs.

"Haruto, why do you let Inga just lay on your shoulder?" I heard Shohei asked.

"It's very annoy when he just tugs on my arm or jumps me. Since he likes hitchhiking on people's shoulders, I told him that he had to stop jumping on me unless he wanted to have to walk all the time than riding on people." I stated, as Inga climbed to my head to lay down.

"Mako." Inga said in a small voice and jumped on Bando's head.

"Huh.. Damn." I muttered jumping away from an attack from Mako. Since we were right next to the baseball field, I landed right on the 3rd base. "You missed Mako-kun." I shouted at him.

"Fuck you, Haruto. Tsk. I thought I could get you off guard." Mako spoke, moving his glasses up.

"Well you failed and I thought Ren was going to attack." I said, looking around for the other twin. Mako also looked around then cursed, "Dammit, Ren!"

I heard a sound of metal hitting each other all of a sudden. I sighed heavily and jumped up, kicking Ren in the back and did a triple back-flip. "Terrible timing, Ren." I said. He cursed and sat up rubbing his back. "When did you start using just a plain metal chain?"

"I forgot the blade at home. I only had the chain with me." Ren explained, wrapping the chain up. "And Yosh-chan, why didn't you tell us that Haruto was a spy?!"

"That's not my job." Yosh replied, her head on top of the stuffed bunny. "Mako, how did you know that Haruto wasn't with the dead clan?" Shohei asked.

Mako pointed to the sailor bunny and said, "The bunny was pretty obvious. That's how Haruto gets out of most Yoshina's punishments."

"Then why did you attack him?" Kosuke asked.

Ren answered, "We wanted to try to beat him, but it became another failed attempt. Hasn't it, brother."

"You were late, Ren. But still either way it would still have the same damn output." Mako sighed heavily.

I laughed a bit, "That's because I know your fighting styles and timing very well. Did you forget that I trained you guys as well as Yosh-chan, Tashi and Ukina."

-3rd pov-

"Damn then you must be stronger than Kusangi-san." Bando said, "Will you get off of my head?!" He eyed at Inga, who was still on his head. Inga jumped off, transforming back to his normal self. He crossed his arm behind his head and smiled a bit. "You're no fun, Sunglasses." Inga said.

"Bando, before you yell at Inga know that he doesn't really know you guys." Mako informed him before he could yell. "That also includes Haruto as well."

"Mako-kun... Shut up.." Haruto said, a bit pissed off. "And I know I still don't understand why you wear those glasses.. You have perfect vision like Ren over there."

"Why does that matter to you, Haruto?..... Besides I've got my reasons." Mako spat. "Anyway don't you want to properly introduce yourself."

"Fine what the heck. Haruto Yin. I'm 21 and in charge of protecting Yosh-chan." Haruto says. "The brat's Inga. A strain as you saw and 15."

"You forgot to mention suicidal." Ren added.

The three Homra looked at him with a I-don't-believe-it look. Haruto was quiet, then pulled Ren into a head lock. "You could have let them find out on their own, Baka!"

"Hey, Haruto. Shouldn't you call, Ayu-san?" Inga said, jumping him. "Or else Reiji-san's going to give you brutal punishment or a lecture."

Haruto clicked his tongue as he let go of Ren. "Lectures come from Shido-senpai. And Yosh-chan and Reiji-san both give brutal punishments." He said before wiping out his phone. "But fine I'll call Ayu-san."

"Yin-kun, did you get stabbed in the gut?" Mako asked.

"Ehh... Yeah, how can you tell?" Haruto said, scratching his chin as he waited for Ayu to answer.

"Haruto, there's a sword sized cut in your shirt." Yoshina pointed out.

"Oops, I forgot about that." Haruto nervously laughed. "Oh Ayu-san.... yeah I got there before anything bad happened." He walked off a bit from the others to talk with Ayu.

"He's seriously suicidal?" Shohei said, as a single sweat drop was on his head.

"Yeah, it was Yoshina's idea for him to join." Mako said.

She glared at him before punching his face. "If I didn't he would have killed himself or kept going though those therapy sessions."

"Ow... Either way he hurts himself or gets hurts to near death, Yosh-chan." Mako said, rubbing his cheek. "Brutal."

"Yoshi-chan, later do you want to get some cotton candy flowers from that store?" Inga asked her, tugging on her black jacket.

"Okay, Inga." She replied. Inga cheered and hugged her side.

"You act like a child even though Haruto says you're 15!?" Bands yells.

"...So loud and annoying.." Inga pouts, still hugging Yoshina.

"Oi Haruto, you done talking to Ayu-san?" Ren called.

"Yeah, I'm done let's head to Ayu's. Your brother better not beat me to a bloody pulp." Haruto walked back to them, scratching his head.

"He'll probably just chop your head." Yoshina says, walking off with Inga.

"Ehh... Yosh-chan, don't just walk off like that." Haruto told her in a calm voice, which stopped her. It only lead to him being kicked in the gut. "..So.... Brutal.." He grunted, holding his stomach.

"Shut up."
-3rd pov-

"Ayu-san, you here?" Haruto called out entering the shop. "Ayu?"

A small dark figure stocked him as he continued through the shop but before the figure could do anything Haruto spoke, "Hello, Ukina-chan. Trying to scare me?"

"Dammit." The small figure complained removing the black cloak. Ukina pouted a mask was on the right side of her head, she wore a white dress and dress shoes. "You're no fun, Haruto." She muttered.

Haruto chuckled and patted her head. "Next time don't wear dress shoes they click against the floor boards."

"Noted.. Inga, want to play guess the sweets?" Ukina asked the violet red panda. 

"Hell yea!" Inga jumped off Haruto transforming back into his human form. It was notably seen that Ukina was taller than him. "Let's go." The two left before Haruto could stop them.

"U-chan. Inga. Didn't stop for my to ask her something. *sigh* I guess we're going to have to enter blindly." Haruto said, slightly laughing. He stopped at the door to ask Yoshina a question, "Ehh Yosh-chan, what did you do after the day?"

Complete Silence  

"Yosh-Ahh!!!" Haruto cried holding his head. Yoshina had chopped him hard on the head and walked past him, entering the house part of the building. "What the hell?" 

Mako stopped next to him muttering, 'Did forget what you made her go through... Baka' before going through the door. 
