Chapter 16:Story of Red

Hopeful I get done with the fight with scenes with the colorful and dead clan before the end of the part.

Note that I am writing this little thing before writing the real story because I have to say this.

'Comment what you guys think of my story it is really hard for me to tell if you guys are enjoying it. So tell me pls and thank you.'

Now here is the story.

-Tashsi's pov-

After having that chat with Reiji, I had to deal with a confused blonde as we helped his fellow clansmen and King. "Oi, stop zoning out, while you are looking at me, man." I said to Eric as he just stares at me.

"Eh.., s-sorry about that." He says, looking away to launch a attack on a dead man.

-timeskip-3 minutes

"I think that's all of the dead clansmen here." I said, looking around. "Where the hell is Mako and Yoshina?"

"Last I saw they ran after that ex-clansmen from your clan." A guy with a fedora said.

I sighed and walked to one of the dead clansmen's remains, looking through the pocket of the clothes left behind after his body was disintegrated.

"What are you doing?" The red King said. (Note that Tashsi doesnt know the red clan that well like Yoshi and Mako.)

"Searching the pockets to find an I.D or something..... It's a habit and I sometimes take their cash." I said, sticking my tongue out just for fun.

"So now what?" Chitose asked.

"Hmm.... You guys should group back up with Specter 4 and the sliver clan. I am going to find where that bastard and two idiots went." I said, after look at that dead clansmen wallet.

"And leave you alone. No way at least take one of our guys to go with you." Kusanagi said.

"I don't need help. As you can see I can handle myself pretty well."

'Just stop complaining an take a red with you, Max.'

"Stop getting into people's problems will you, Milo." I said to Wise Wing that Milo was controlling.

"Seriously, how are you guys talking through animals that can't talk." Eric said in English.

I ingored him, waiting for an answer from Milo. 'Just go and find them with some help, Tash. It will help you not get burned since you know two of them have red aura.' That was all from him before he left with out an answer from me.

"Motherf-er." I mumbled to myself. "Fine.." Looking at the red clan while pouting.

"So who wants to go with her to find where they went off to." Kusanagi asked.

I looked around at the red clansmen and decided to make it quick and choose Eric. "Come on Eric let's get going." I said pulling him by the arm.

-Mako's pov-

"Dude, Yoshina did you just blasted him through a wall." I said in a stoic voice.

"Do you really think I care. Mako." She said, with a 'I don't care' face.

I sighed, then turned around to see wise wing on a railing watching us. At the last second, I sensed and dodged a blasted from Haruto.

"Just give up already. The other two already left and probably waiting on you, so just stop and leave." I said, not really caring if he goes or not.

"Tsk..... Why do you still care about me when I left her for dead and joined the dead clan." He said.

".....I don't really care if you live or die. I am just saying it for your own well being. But all I want to know is this why did you leave us?" I asked still in a stotic voice. "You still care about Yoshina, even if you don't know it....Haruto."

Silence surrounded the three of us. Both Yoshina and Haruto look at each other both clinching their swords. "So that's your answer. You still have that option you kno-.." I didn't finish my sentence when a aura lash had made me and Yoshina move out of the way.

"Oi... Shut the hell up. He left because he has gotten bored of waiting for trouble with you colors and decided to cause trouble." The third in command, Stephano answered for Haruto.

"I don't trust shit from someone of the dead clan, only if he answers it himself, honestly.!" Yoshina said with her voice in rage.

-Tashsi's pov-

'Where the heck are they?!" I thought to myself. "Damn, I should have used the owl to help me find them."

"Couldn't we just follow the trail of rumble and ash." Eric said pointing to the a hole in the wall with fire at the sides. I face palmed myself for not realizing that.

We found them with the third in command of dead clan. We were on the third floor, most of the railings were destroyed. "Sigh...... Here, emerge this with some aura, then throw it." I said to Eric as I have him a round ball.

"What is it?"

"Gun powered wrapped in clay. You should probably throw it fast once emerging some of your aura or else we dead." I said, as I saw his worried and scared face. I giggled at the site of his face.


"Nothing and you should throw it now." I said to him, while trying to stop laughing. The ball turned a sort of red color then, was thrown at the Haruto and Stephano quickly.

Stephano tried to use his aura to shield them both from the ball, but it didn't work. The ball went through his shield and exploded in the faces.

"Nice shot." I said to Eric, giving a thumbs up and a smile.

"Max, did you use my clay bomb?" Mako asked, without looking at me and Eric.

"It was the only thing I had on me, Mako." I said to him as me and Eric dropped down to where they were.

"Never mind... Thanks." He said stoically.

After he said that, Eric pulled me to him all of the sudden. Until I realized why, the third in command had thrown a piece of the building at us. "Thanks for saving me." I said. He nodded.

We saw those two come out of the smoke with small injuries and bruises. "Let's just go. Before the kings and the others get here and then we can't escape. So come on or I am leaving you, Stephano." Haruto told him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He growled at us then they both left the tower. "Sigh..... Finally, I was wondering when they will leave." Mako said, bluntly. "Let's go gold and Reds."

The four of us left to meet up with the other clans.

-Milo's pov-

After I had answered some of the blue king questions, Mako, Yoshina, Tashsi and the red clansmen, Eric.

"I was wondering when you guys were coming." I said to the four of them. Yoshina and Mako just gave me a hardcore glare, that cause me to sweat a bit.

Their glare broke off when I felt Ukiana poke me in the side. "Huhh.."

She motioned to the three kings. "Oh yeah. Thanks you for reminding, little Uk." I said, looking at the kings and their clansmen.

"I already know that the red clan knows Yoshina and Mako pretty well, mostly just Mako." I said, gesturing at them. "Oh, and also what happen with Haruto, you two?"

"....He escaped with Stephano after Tashsi and Eric showed up." Mako said tiredly.

"Ahh.... I thought Stephano left with Rhul and Zeus but never mind." I said, shaking my head slightly in disappointed.

"Anyway, now since they are here, I can introduce us. I am the third in command, Milo Hedge. A multi-color clansmen of the colorful King." I said, rolling up my left sleeve exposing my insignia on my forearm and showing them.

"Mako Barok, sliver and the one with the sickles is my twin brother, Ren. He is grey." Mako said, as both of them expose their insignia. Mako's on the right side of his neck, Ren's on his right side of his collarbone.

"Yoshina Mori, red clansmen. She's Ukiana, the colorless and also a strain." Yoshina said.

"Tashsi Max, gold and the animals are sort of medium clansmen...sigh..... The cat is lucky, the owl is named Wise wing. We only use them for communication or other things." Tashsi said, showing her insignia that was on her lower left of her stomach.

"So why did your clan and the dead clan stay way from the us?" Shiro asked.

"We like to keep our existence hidden and not to let others get hurt from being in our fight. And keeping a relationship with clan will show a way for the dead clan to get under our skin and hurt the people we care about. We don't want that to happen to anyone, that's why I left Homra, so no one would get hurt cause of me." Mako said, stoically.

"But since November 15, it seem that it was unavoidable." Max said.

"The slates were restored but three were forced into our clansmen, which you guys know which had those slates." I said, looking at Ukiana, Mako and Yoshina. "The others are probably looking for new candidates. The gold King has already been chosen and the rest that have been chosen are unknown."

I sighed, and turned to my fellow clansmen and said, "You guys can go head home now. I am will meet up with you guys later." They nodded and put back the cloaks, and mask on then left.

Mako and Yoshina stopped half way, removing their mask a bit and look back at me and the kings. After a brief few minutes they left the tower.

Looking back at the kings, I walk towards them and said, "I will answer the rest of your questions, you have."

The blue King nodded and lead the way.

-Timeskip- Morning 8:20
^Homra bar^

-Kōsuke's pov-

"I wonder where the other colorful clansmen are. Cause Milo just told them to go home. We need a better explanation." Yo said.

Kusanagi was on the phone with the blue's lieutenant about what the third in command has told them about his clan. 'Yoshi where are you?" I thought to myself before I heard the door open.

A black haired girl came in, then Chitose had decided to say hello to her. "What brings a girl like yourself here?" He asked. His question lead him to a hit on his head and the girl being irritated.

"What was that for mi-.." Rikio didn't finish his sentence when Ren had walk in, looking at the girl and Yo then said, "Ahh.... Did someone piss Yoshina off."

The whole bar was in complete silence after what he said. Yata's face was completely flushed red. The silence and Yata's face caused Ren to laugh hysterical. I looked back at the girl that had hit Yo. Her black hair was down and reached to her shoulder blades. She was wearing a black hoodie with a dark grey jersey under it. She also wore black short that reached her mid thighs, along with knee high socks and Uggs.

After a few minutes of Ren's laughing, he stopped to catch his breath. "I had forgotten that you guys never seen her look so feminine." He said, putting his hand on Yo, who was still shocked.

"Well this is going to take a while for them to process." Yoshina said, scratching her head.


It took a while of shock for us to process Yoshina's appearance. Ren and Yoshina were sitting at the bar. Yata and some of the others left for patrol duty. The ones still here were me, Eric, Chitose, Bandou, Kusanagi and Anna.

"So where is Mako?" Kusanagi asked.

"Umm.. Oh yeah, he is on a date with Asuna." Ren said.

"Asuna?" Kusanagi questioned.

Ren had gotten out his phone and showed him a pic of her.

"Now I remember. She used to come here with him before and after he joined Homra."

Ren nodded and decided to play a game. Yoshina was talking to Anna about something. "So what brings you two here?" Anna asked her.

Our kings question had gotten ours and Ren's attention. Before Yoshina was able to answer, Ren had spoken. "Ukiana had told us that you couldn't read the address, Mako gave you."

Kusanagi nodded. "That is because it's in Latin for some reason." Yoshina said, then muttering "stupid Ayu."

"Who's Ayu?" I asked her, which caught her off guard a bit.

"He 'retired' senpai of our clan." She said.

"What hold on now I thought you said their was only 9 clansmen of the colorful clan. How is there another one." Yo asked.

"She did say he was retired." Ren said. "Anyway you guys want to come over our place." Ren's face had a mischievous grin on.

Within a few seconds, he was down on the floor, his arms wrapped in front of his stomach in pain. We all looked at Yoshina, who was acting innocent.

"Ahh....why.." Ren says still in pain.

"Did you forget Reiji and Satio are coming today."

"Agh..... I know but did you have to hit me in the stomach, so hard."

She didn't answer, only got up from her seat and left. Leaving Ren on the floor in pain. I tried to go after her but Ren had gotten back on his feet, his hand on my shoulder, shaking his head. "Trust me. You don't want to piss her off more." He said.

"So where is she going?" Kusanagi asked.

"Probably head to the airport or getting some food. And I have a question, how did you guys find out Yoshina was a girl." Ren said.

"Yeah how did you guys find out." Bandou said.

"Well it was the third day after me and Eric brought her here." I said.

November 24; 3rd person pov
Note: I am writing Yoshina as a he because they don't know she is a girl yet.

"So Yoshi how's your arm?" Rikio asked.

Silence stood there until a thumbs up answered the question. "Do you have anywhere to go, or someone you can call." Kusanagi asked.

He reached in his pocket to show them his beaten up phone and shook his head. "Oi, are you like antisocial!? If not just say something then gesturing to us." Yata nagged at him.

The only thing Yoshi did was stare at him then said, "Shut up, you high tempered crow."

"Huhh.... Why you little shiiittt..." Yata yelled while being held back by Rikio and Bandou.

Yata being held back had amused him causing him to grin. "Anyway, why did you guys bring here instead of a hospital?" Chitose asked kōsuke.

"Well... Um.. It sort of hard to explain." He said, then looking at Yoshi who was sitting on the couch watching Yata cool down from his little rage quit.

"So Yosh, you said that you had blown some guys headquarters, why?" Kōsuke asked.

The question had Yoshi look at him for a bit then to then ceiling. "Sigh...... They're the gang called the 'Blood Smith'. I blew the warehouse cuz one, they were after a guy that had ran way from them and second I have a history with those bastards." He said, clenching his fists.

"How's about we go for a walk." Rikio suggested.


Yoshi, Kōsuke, Eric, Yata, Rikio and Anna were walking around the mall, until someone had seemed to notice Yoshi and jumped in front of him and said, "It been a while hasn't it Yos-hi.."

The guy hadn't finished his sentence because he had been punched in the gut by Yoshi. "Sorry, but you should know not to do that, Cosmos." He said.

"It's.... Okay....I sort of deserved it." Cosmos says in pain.

"So who are you?" Rikio asked.

"Oh, I am Cosmos Jess, an tattoo artist. And a friend of Yosh." He said putting an arm on Yoshi.

"Anyways what do you want, Cos?" Yoshi asked pushing his arm off."

He whispered to Yoshi, "Gang members have been looking all over for you. What have you done now, to piss that gang off?"

"Don't worry about me, I can handle myself. But first how many?" Yosh asked.

"Five of them, three of them has pistols the other two, knives." He whispered.

Yosh just smirked pulling his hood over his head. "See ya." Cosmos says, waving as he left.

"What was that?" Yata asked.

Yosh ignored his question and started to walk. The rest caught up with him and stopped occasionally at stores for 1 hours until being stopped by 3 guys in front of them.

One of them spoke, "Your that guy that raided our warehouse and killed our leader aren't you." Pointing at Yosh.

"I have no idea what you guys are talking about." Yosh said.

"Is that so......maybe this will jog your memory." Another guy said, aiming his pistol at Yoshi's head.

"You better just come with us or else we will kill your friends." Two guys said coming from behind them.

"We don't want trouble." Rikio said, trying to avoid conflict.

Yosh said nothing but walked to the guy holding the gun to his head. His hair had covered his left eye, then stopped when the gun had touched his forehead. "You guys are sure shit heads..." Yosh said, then red aura started to surround him and heating up the metal of the gun.

Before the guy was able to drop the burning gun, Yosh grabbed the gun, and punched him in the face. After doing so, he shot the others members at their weak points of their bodies. One that had gotten punched tried to get back up by a wall but was stopped when Yoshi had placed his foot next to his face.

"I have a message for you to give to the rest of your stupid gang. You will stop going after me and Tec, and your stupid gang will dissolve, got it. Or I will murder every last one of you." Yoshi said coldly, aim the gun at his head as his red aura surrounded him.

He nodded. "Then get out of my sight or else." Yoshi said moving away from the guy.

The gang members quickly left from his threat. The Homra member watched as they leave then looked at Yosh who was playing around with the gun he had stole from them.

"What.? The gun is on safety." Yosh said.

"H-how did you do that?" Yata asked, his face was scared.

"Damn it. I didn't think this through." Yosh mumbled to himself, removing the magazine from the gun and putting the it and the gun away.

"How do you have aura when the slates were destroyed?" Anna walked up to him.

"Ahh...hum... I am a colorful clansmen." He muttered loud enough so they could hear.

"Your a clansmen of the what color. There is no such thing as a colorf-" Yata didn't finish his sentence because Yoshi had punched him in the stomach.

Yosh was irritated, his eyes turned into a dark red. "It's never a good idea to infuriate me after what you just saw Misaki." He said, starting to walk away from them until a hand had stop him.

Yoshi's flames emerged only trying to scare the person who's hand was on his shoulder. But the person's hand didn't move away from his shoulder, and now was getting slightly burn from his flame. As a result, the hand started to grip his shoulder painfully which had caught his attention. He look at the person who was gripping his shoulder.

It was Kōsuke. He was gripping Yoshi's shoulder from the burning pain he was receiving from Yosh. Quickly Yoshi had extinguish his flames after see Kōsuke in pain from it.

Kosuke groaned from the burning sensation in his hand after removing his hand from Yosh. He looked up to see Yoshi looking down in guilt. Eric quickly went to his side to see the burn on his right hand. "Sorry." Was the only thing said from Yoshi.

^Kōsuke's pov-

After leaving the mall Yosh had not spoken once, only looking down in shame. It was my fault I got burned by him, I guess he was only trying to scare me to back off but I didn't and now the others and himself are putting the blame on him. Yata, Rikio and Anna went off by themselves to get some food. As for me, Eric and Yoshi headed back to the bar.

On the way back to Homra, Yosh stopped at an alley, look at it. "What's wrong, Yosh?" I asked.

He said nothing for while, until he had said, "I want to check on something if that's okay with you guys."

Eric looked annoyed from his question. "Depends on where it is." I said ignoring Eric's expression.

"It's nearby, I just want to see if anything had happen there." He said not bothering to look at me.

He lead me and Eric to a warehouse like building. Yosh had stopped at a rusty metal door, putting his hand on it and examining it carefully. After a few minutes, Eric had spoken. "So why are we here?"

Yosh like always remained quiet until he started to bang on the door multiple times. "Tec, open the damn bloody door will you or else I am knocking it down like last time." He yelled.

The door sprung open fast, revealing a 23 year old, dirty blonde guy who was panting. "I thought I told you to call when you are coming, Yosh." He said. "Uh....aren't you guys from Homra?"

"Yeah." I answered, as he open the door wider letting us in.

"I never expected this. Yosh what happened?" He asked.

"Nothing worth mentioning expect for shooting at gang members." Yosh said taking the gun and magazine out from his pockets.

"Ah.. I see but that doesn't really explain the Homra members here." He said to him.

Yosh just shrugged, handing him the gun and magazine then heading for the stairs, entering a room. "Ah...that little bastard." He said, "Oh... My name is Tec Pastrami. And you two are?"

"Kōsuke Fujishima and he's Eric Sōlt." I said.

"So how do you two know Yoshi?" Tec asked.

"We found him in an alley injured."

"Hmm... snickers.."

"What's with you?" Eric asked.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." Tec says trying not to smirk.

"Anyway how do you know him?" I asked.

"Yosh helped me when I was getting chased by a gang. The reason why is that I wanted to quit but they said that they 'needed' me." Tec said, heading to the fridge for a drink.

After Tec had gotten a soda from the fridge, his gaze was caught on my burnt hand.

"Let me guess, Yoshi accidentally burnt you." He said walking to me. He grabbed my hand to examine it then, placed his soda on it. The coldness from the soda had stung the burn making me flinch.

"Huh... Hold on a sec. I will get you something it help with your burn." He says, walking off with his soda.

After Tec had came back and help treat the burn on my hand, Yosh came back but is wearing different clothing. He was wearing dark baggy jeans and a oversized punk shirt along with the jacket I had given him. Beside the new clothes, his hair was dripping wet and was more darker than before.

"What?... I decided to shower and change from the blood covered clothing I had on, it reeks." Yosh says, getting a soda from Tec.

Without realizing that Tec was whispering something to him, he sighed and used his aura to dry himself.

"So are we done here?" Eric asked impatiently.

"Yeah but first Tec do you have a phone I could borrow until I can get a new one?" Yosh says to Tec.

He nods and walks off somewhere. Yosh looks at me and Eric as he sits down on the couch, only to put his head down in shame.

I walked up to him and place a hand on his shoulder. "Listen, I know you didn't mean to burn me so no need to feel guilty about it." I said trying to cheer him up.

"You're a really different guy, Kōsuke. But still why do you want to help me when the only thing I will ever do is hurt people." Yoshi says in english.

I was shocked by his words. Unable to say anything.

-End of flashback-

"Wait are you just going to leave us in suspense! Just like that." Bandou says loudly only to be hit on the head by Kusanagi.

"Eric do you want to tell the rest of the story to them. I am going to see where Yoshina went off to." I said hopping off my seat and leaving the bar after seeing Eric nods his head.

I will continue the flashback on how they found out Yoshina was a girl, in the next chapter.

Comment on how this part is and what you enjoyed about.

This is the freaken longest chapter I have ever made in this story.

See ya .3. -3- ^0^
