Oxytocin- Jenna Ortega

Word count: 5610

***inspired by the song "Oxytocin" by Billie Eilish***

"I can not believe this!" You yelled as you flopped down on your couch, your script in hand. You had been working on Scream Five and Six, your character being pretty big, and you were finally getting a love interest, but you couldn't be more pissed off.

"I'm sure it will be fine," Melissa reassured as she sat down next to you, "You only have to pretend on screen, you're an actress, it's what you do!" She had been your best friend since scream five and practically lived with you.

"I don't want her to be my love interest." You spat. It was said that your character was to be the new partner for Tara, and there were supposed to be at least five or six different romantic scenes amidst all of the chaos.

You and Melissa had been reading over your scripts when you saw the fact that Tara pulled your character, Nyla, into a different room to have a 'talk.' Both of you were going to confess your feelings and have an intimate moment during this 'talk'.

Now, this shouldn't be a problem. You were an actress like Melissa pointed out, but the main problem was that you hated Jenna. On the first day on set for scream five, you had overheard her talking to Mikey about how shitty of a person you seem to be.

Now you know that she was only saying this because of the things shown in the media. You had an ex who after the breakup had made you look like a seriously awful person. But soon after the accusations, they were proven to be a liar, and your name was cleared.

After all of this, Mikey had come up to you and apologized for not giving you the benefit of the doubt, and the two of you had become decently close. Jenna however had never brought it up, so you had never treated her as kindly as you did others, furthering her dislike for you.

"You just have to tough it out," Melissa continued, standing up and grabbing a quick drink from your fridge before sitting at your table.

"Tough it out?" You grumbled as you moved to join her, plopping your script on the table. "This is more like enduring the worst few months of my life." You watched as she rolled her eyes and thumbed through her script quickly.

"Come on, let's practice, ill play Tara." She smiled as she found the right page, giving you a few moments to get your bearings and begin the scene.

"Okay, okay, fine." You grumbled, taking a sip from her drink before starting. "Hey, what's up?" You said, this conversation beginning moments after she pulled you into a room away from everyone else.

"We, uh we need to talk," Melissa said, really channeling the awkward aura that Jenna gives off when she plays Tara.

"Yeah of course, what is it?" You replied, trying to think of what you would do when you were actually face to face with Jenna and needing to say these words.

"I just wanted to say something before I never got the chance to tell you ever again." She stuttered.

"Tara, you know you can tell me anything." You said softly, you could tell that Melissa knew this would be a hard scene for you to film by the way she looked at you speaking these words.

"Y/n." She spoke suddenly, no longer reading off of the script and just looking toward you. "You've got this, okay?" She was more serious this time, wanting to make sure you understood the words she was saying. "I know you don't like her, but you will be fine, you're both actresses."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Thanks." You smiled as you saw the genuine look in her eyes, "I just wish it didn't have to be this difficult."

"Just think," she began as she stood up, pacing around your trailer. "By this time tomorrow, you will have already filmed this scene, and you'll be stressing about the next one. So why not just go day by day."

"Why do you have to have such good advice?" You groaned, leaning back in your chair and regretting the fact that you had asked her to help you. "Cuz knowing me, I will listen to your advice and then not do it."

"That is why I'm going to make sure you do it." She smiled, walking over to you and grabbing the script out of your hand. "So I want you to practice this and only this tonight and then I will be there tomorrow to watch."

You just looked at her wide-eyed as you realized that she really wasn't going to let this go until she helped you get over your anxiety. "I hate you." You grumbled as you grabbed the script back from her and prepared to practice again.

"You love me and you know it," she smirked as she sat back down, "let's practice this until we get it right."

***time skip***

It was the next morning when you woke up to your alarm clock going off at 6. You and Melissa had stayed up until midnight practicing your scene for today and now you had it down to an absolute science.

"Good morning," Melissa said as she handed you a cup of coffee, "you ready for today?" You just groaned and sat up, taking the cup from her hand before looking around a bit.

"Why the hell are you so happy this early in the morning?" You asked as you stood up slowly, stretching out your body and chugging the caffeine she had given you. She just laughed at you before grabbing her things and taking the empty cup from you.

"Because I'm excited to see our hard work pay off." She smiled. She truly was an amazing friend and you were surprised she was so willing to help you through this. "Now, you ready to get over to hair and makeup?"

"Yes, yes I am." You just grabbed your phone and slid some shoes on knowing that you would get your costume for the day and look more put together as soon as you got hair and makeup done.

Melissa just held your trailer door open for you as the two of you stepped out into the world. The sun was barely up and the air was cold as you began to cross through all of the trailers, some of your co-stars leaving at the same time as you.

"You know, I am actually kind of less stressed about today." You smiled at Melissa. But as soon as you did so, Jenna walked out of her trailer, the cold glare she sent you sending more chills down your spine than the fall air.

"Hey Melissa," she smiled before turning around and walking away, not acknowledging you other than the single nasty look she had given.

"I lied." You hissed as soon as she was out of earshot, "today is gonna fucking suck."

"Do you even know why she doesn't like you? I mean I know why you don't like her, but still." Melissa whispered. You knew that this 'feud' between you and Jenna could probably be resolved with a single conversation. But it was a conversation neither of you were willing to start.

"I don't know, I guess I've always been kind of cold toward her." You said, kicking your feet on the pavement as you realized how dumb it sounded saying it out loud. "Ever since I heard what she thought about me."

"And does she know you heard her conversation with Mikey?" Melissa continued, the two of you reaching the hair and makeup trailer, you holding the door open this time.

"No, I don't think so." You replied, waving to your stylist with a smile as you and Melissa sat in chairs right next to each other.

"So she just thinks you hate her for no reason?" She asked, her voice slightly stern as if she were yelling at you for this dumb hatred.

"Yeah, I guess so..."

"Y/n y/l/n!" She said, scolding you quickly. "The two of you need to talk."

"I know, I know!" You groaned, you had tried to talk to Jenna the same day Mikey had apologized to you, but she just walked away, not caring what you had to say. "Every time I tried she just ignored me, so I stopped trying."

"That is no excuse," Melissa laughed. You knew she wasn't seriously mad at you, but she did think you were being pretty ridiculous. "If I am there will you guys talk?"

"Probably not," you admitted, smiling at the floor. "I have performance anxiety." This comment made both of you burst out laughing, your stylist also giggling behind you as she got all of your stuff ready.

"I'm gonna drop this for now, but I will pester you until you talk to her." You knew she wasn't kidding, if Melissa wanted something done, it would be done. Just then Jasmin walked in, looking just as sleepy as you had minutes before.

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you guys are here." She smiled as soon as she saw the two of you. "You are literally my favorite people and I need a dose of your humor." Her compliment made you smile as she sat in the chair on the other side of you.

"Happy to see you too Jas." You smiled back at the woman. She had always been so sweet, and it surprised you how much she and Mason seemed like actual twins in real life sometimes.

"You ladies ready for today's outfits?" Your stylist asked as she walked in front of all of you.

"Yes, get me out of these pajamas." Jasmin smiled, speaking for all three of you.

"Then let's get going."

***time skip***

For your character, you were wearing black jeans and a purple zip-up hoodie with your hair in a half-up half-down style. You were always thankful for the outfits you were given because they pretty closely resembled your actual style so you never felt uncomfortable.

"Damn girl," Mason joked as you walked on set, him and Jack both standing near the back as they waited for shooting to start.

"Hey, eyes up here." You laughed as you pointed to your face. Mason knew you liked women, but the two of you always joked like you had a thing for each other. "Who are we still waiting on?" You asked as you looked around the room.

"Just waiting for Jenna and Devyn," Jack replied quickly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He was a very charismatic guy, but for Ethan he had to act super awkward, so he often acted that way right before filming too.

"Oh there they are," Mason pointed as the two of them walked on set at the perfect time. Devyn immediately walked over to the three of you with a huge smile on her face. Jenna followed behind but stayed pretty quiet.

"You ready for today?" She asked everybody, her smile lighting up the room. She was much like her character Anika in real life and everyone just absolutely loved her.

"Ready as I'll ever be," you smiled back, trying to give yourself a sense of confidence you didn't really have.

"Oh yeah, that's right," she smiled looking between you and Jenna suddenly, "you guys have your kiss scene today." You just gave a small smile and a nod as to avoid saying anything you might regret.

"Yeah, it's gonna be interesting. Im kind of excited" Jenna suddenly said, her voice catching you off guard. Not only did she speak on the fact that you two had to kiss, she used 'excited' in her list of descriptors.

This sentence was the opposite of what you had expected and anyone could see that by the look on your face. You honestly looked like a deer in headlights just staring at the small girl.

"What about you y/n?" Mason asked, seemingly oblivious to the stunned state you were in. "I know this is your first acting job, how do you feel?"

It was true, this was the first thing you had been in other than a couple TV commercials so it was pretty nerve wracking to begin with. Now you had to do something you never had before.

"Nervous to say the least," you smiled lightly, trying to ease the tension you felt growing in your own chest. "I've never had to film a scene like this before."

"Oh, it's pretty easy." Mason smiled as he pat you on the back. Of course you were nervous to film a scene like this in the first place. But you were even more nervous since you had to film it with Jenna.

"Maybe y'all should practice before? Just so you're not in front of everyone." Jack said suddenly. This suggestion made your heart leap out of your chest and your mind wander.

"Wait, that's a great idea!" Devyn smiled, practically shoving the two of you together. "Just go over there somewhere and practice."

You didn't even get the chance to object before Mason and Devyn pushed the two of you down the hall, Jack giggling like a dumbass.

"Come on," Jenna hissed as she began walking, you knew the two of you weren't actually going to practice so this would give you the chance to finally talk to her.

So when she ducked into a supply closet, you followed, taking a deep breath and preparing what you were going to say. But as soon as you began to talk you were shushed by her lips on yours, the shock running through your body.

"What?" You asked as you pulled away, surprised at the girls actions. "I thought we were gonna talk." She just rolled her eyes at you before grabbing your collar and pulling you down to her level as she kissed you again.

The way she kissed you didn't feel forced or rushed, it was slow and thought out. "Do you wanna talk or practice?" She mumbled as she kissed you again.

You knew now that it really was her intention to 'practice' so you kissed her back, her soft lips tangling with yours.

You brought your hands down to her waist, holding on to her as she grabbed the back of your neck, kissing you deeply.

The way you felt at this moment was a way you had never felt before, your mind was racing and you weren't sure what to do, but your body took over.

You walked her backwards with your hands on her hips as you continued to kiss her, the motions growing more and more rushed, her fingers tightly tangling in your hair.

As you walked her as far as you could, her back touching the wall, she let out a soft groan, your knees buckling at the sound.

You had no clue that she could have this kind of effect on you and you don't know where these sudden feelings came from.

"Okay," you breathed, deciding that you had practiced enough and that you were ready to film. But as soon as you began to pull away, she did something unexpected.

"No," she breathed, sounding needy and desperate as she tried to pull you back by the back of your head. But as soon as she said this you could tell she didn't do it on purpose because she flushed red with embarrassment.

You didn't want this to now be more awkward than it was before, so you just listened to her, reconnecting your body with hers.

As you kissed her this time you felt her teeth on your bottom lip, slightly biting as she pulled your hair. You had no clue she was this good of a kisser, and you weren't sure what to do.

So you slid your hand down her waist, pulling her thigh up to you as you continued to kiss her. You leaned into her more, suddenly wanting to be no where else but here.

Then there was a knock at the door.

The two of you practically flew off of each other, you trying to fix your hair as Jenna smoother out her clothes.

"It's almost time guys," Devyn said from the other side of the door. Thankfully not opening it to see to and Jenna. I mean of course they knew you were kissing in there, but they didn't know you were kissing.

"Be right there!" You yelled back through the door, trying to calm your nerves as you realized what just happened. You turned back toward Jenna who was now a deep shade of red, biting her bottom lip awkwardly. "I'm gonna, uhm, go." You said suddenly.

Then you quickly left the room with no more words spoken between the two of you. You weren't sure what to say even if you had stayed. But now you knew that you could never look at her the same again.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Devyn asked as you caught up to her. You were speechless and unsure of what to say so you just held up a quick thumbs up. But thankfully at that moment you saw Melissa, and knew you needed to talk to her.

"Oh hey Melissa," you smiled, trying to stay calm even though you were internally freaking out. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" Thankfully, since she was your best friend, she knew how to read what you were saying.

"Yeah of course, come here." She then began walking away from everyone else, your footsteps following her closely. "What's up?" She whispered as soon as you were out of earshot.

"She kissed me." You blurred out, your face felt hot and your palms were sweaty. A gorgeous woman had kissed you and now you didn't know what to do.

"Didn't we know that was going to happen?" Melissa asked, clearly referring to the scene you were about to film.

"No I don't mean a TV kiss or a practice kiss.. she kissed me." You whispered, looking the woman in her eyes as you put emphasis on the words.

"Oh shit," she whispered, a smile creeping onto her face. "Well, did you like it?" You blushed and looked to the floor, unsure of what to say.

It was definitely unexpected and you would go so far as to say enjoyable. But you weren't really sure how you felt because, at the beginning of today, you swore she hated you.

"I don't know... I think so." You finally admitted, your gaze remaining on the floor. I mean you would be lying if you said she wasn't attractive, so naturally, kissing her was amazing.

"Okay well then, I think today will go just fine." She smirked, patting you on the shoulder. You knew she was only slightly making fun of you for being so nervous.

Just then the very person you had been talking about came forward. She was still red but had clearly composed herself a bit before coming up to you.

"It's time." She said softly, not even waiting for a response from either of you before she walked away, going over to where Devyn and Jasmin were standing.

"Let's do this." You exhaled as you looked at Melissa, some of the nervousness from earlier returning.

"Yeah," she smiled as she began walking, leading you over to everyone else, "you've got this."

You, Devyn, and Jasmin walked on set, all of you sitting on the couch while Mason and Jack went into the kitchen. Melissa and Jenna then walked out of the 'apartment' and shut the door, preparing to walk through it.

"Action." The director said loudly, the scene quickly beginning. Immediately you threw a piece of popcorn at Jasmin as she switched through channels on the TV.

"Mindy," you groaned, tossing another piece of popcorn at her, "just pick a channel and stay on it." Devyn laughed before looking between the two of you.

"For once, I actually agree with Nyla." She smiled. It was always weird when you had to use character names, but it was just second nature at this point.

Just then Melissa and Jenna walked through the door, the two of them silently arguing about something. "Sam, can you just leave me be?" Jenna hissed at her on-screen sister.

"You didn't take your taser with you and you promised, so no." Melissa snapped back, slamming the prop taser on the table in front of her.

"Woah, what's all the ruckus?" Mason smiled as he and Jack walked into view.

"Chad, stay out of it." Jenna hissed, she then walked over and flopped down on the couch next to you, stealing the popcorn bowl from your hands. "What are we watching?" She asked.

"Mindy can't decide so I guess nothing." You replied quickly, sending a glare toward the girl with the remote. But before she could say anything, Jenna leaned across you and grabbed it from her, switching on some random channel.

"Chad can you grab me a drink?" Jasmin yelled, Mason then walked out of the kitchen, Jack close behind.

"Nah we are leaving," then without another word, the two men slipped out of the door. Jasmin throwing up the middle finger to her fake twin.

"I've got you," you smiled, standing up and heading for the kitchen, unaware that there was someone right behind you.

You grabbed a drink from the fridge and as soon as you turned around you saw Jenna's small frame.

"Hey, what's up?" You said, acting slightly concerned that the girl had just appeared.

"We, uh, we need to talk." She hissed, looking over her shoulder to make sure no one was walking in.

"Yeah of course, what is it?" You set down the drink that you were holding and leaned against the counter behind you, your hands resting on the tile.

"I just wanted to say something before I never got the chance to tell you ever again." She stuttered, taking a step toward you, her sleeves balling in her fists.

"Tara, you know you can tell me anything." You said softly as you looked into the girl's eyes, the deep brown color engulfing you.

She then just stepped forward, placing both of her hands on the sides of your face and connecting her lips with hers.

You acted surprised and leaned back slightly, grabbing onto the counter behind you for support. Noticing this she took a step back, her character's nervousness growing.

"I- I'm sorry I should've-" she began, but that was your cue to stop her. You leaned forward and kissed her quickly, taking her hand in yours as you did.

"Hey, what's taking so lo-" Jasmin yelled as she walked into the room, her eyes growing wide. Mindy catching Tara and Nyla kissing was where the scene ended, the director yelling cut

"Y/n," the director spoke, his voice harsh but not in a way that scared you. "For that second kiss let's get more passion and less softness. And both of you act more surprised when Jasmin walks in."

"Got it." You smiled, backing up against the counter again.

"Okay let's just re-film that bit." He gave Jasmin time to get out of the room and for you and Jenna to get back where you were standing previously. "Action."

"I- I'm so sorry I should've-" And this time you stepped forward, one hand behind her back as you kissed her. You pressed your bodies against each other so hard that you needed to help her catch her balance as your lips touched.

"Hey, what's taking so lo-" Jasmin's voice rang out, and this time you acted much like you had in the storage closet, jumping off of one another swiftly.

"Cut! That was much better, thank you!"

After that you all refilmed the entire scene another four or five times, making sure you had plenty of scenes to cut between and edit together.

At the end of it all you and Jenna both just stood there looking at one another, unsure of what to do. In that moment you didn't know if you wanted to kiss her again or if you wanted to ignore the situation. Thankfully, someone spoke.

"Next we have the long scene with Mason and Jack so you ladies can all go back to your trailers for the rest of the day!" One of the managers yelled, her voice pulling you out of your stupor.

You weren't even sure why but in that moment your feet seemed to carry you away and you got back to your trailer in record time, your heart pounding.

You couldn't focus and only one thing was replaying in your head over and over. When you and Jenna were in that closet... She pleaded for you to come back. And you couldn't for the life of you figure out why.

But whenever you got in your own head like this, your first instinct was to clean, so that's exactly what you did. You changed out of your costume and into simple sweatpants and a T-shirt and then began cleaning your entire trailer.

About thirty minutes into this there was a soft knock at the door, and assuming it was Melissa, you yelled for her to come in. You heard the door open and close, yet no one spoke, causing you to turn around and stop scrubbing the counter.

As soon as your eyes met with Jenna's, your heart stopped, and your mind went blank. She was the last person you had expected to be standing in your trailer and you didn't know what to say to her.

"Oh hey," you smiled, peeling your headphones off of your head and setting the rag down on the counter behind you. "Uhm, what's up?"

"Can we talk?" She mumbled, you just nodded and pointed to the kitchen table for her to sit down which she did quickly. You stayed leaning against the counter, and before you could ask what this was about, she spoke. "Why do you dislike me?"

"I don't dislike you, You replied, recalling the things you had heard her say with Mikey a year prior. Even though they hurt at the time, after today you couldn't possibly dislike her.

"What? You've been cold to me since the first day we met, so I've just done the same." She said quickly, her tone becoming defensive as she spoke.

"I was only cold to you because I knew what you thought of me." She just looked at you with a confused expression before you spoke again. "I heard you and Mikey talking about how I seem like a shitty person all because of what my ex said. Which I want to remind you, none of that was true."

She seemed silent as she finally realized why you had been so cold toward her. From the get-go she hadn't wanted to get to know you because of an assumption she made, and she hadn't realized that you knew of her initial thoughts.

"I know it's not an excuse," she began, her voice low and quiet as she contemplated the words to say. "But at the time, I didn't know who to believe." She was referring to you and your ex. You had known that the two of them had worked on a project once before, but you never thought that would have had an effect on what she thought of you. "I didn't know you, and I knew her, so I just went with what I thought was right." You understood where she was coming from, but that didn't make the humiliation you went through any less real.

"I get it." You whispered, leaning farther into the counter. "And it wasn't fair of me to be so cold to you without ever trying to have a conversation." Her eyes seemed to light up as she realized you weren't still mad at her.

"So, you're not still upset about what I said?" She asked, her voice cautious as she stood up from your table.

"It was a year ago and I know that's not how you feel now." You smiled. You weren't sure what either of you felt but you knew it was no longer hatred, and that you appreciated.

"Well, I definitely don't feel that way anymore." She smiled as she took a step toward you. Her voice was still a bit cautious as she said these words.

"How do you feel?" You asked quickly. You wanted to know if she was just going to act like you were another co-star, or if she wanted to try and be friends. But what you didn't expect was what she did.

"I feel," she began, getting closer to you than you had realized as she practically touched your body with hers, "like I really want you to kiss me."

This was the last thing you assumed she would say, but you wanted nothing more than to do just that, so you did. You leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, a smile growing on her face.

"Y/n," she smiled as she grabbed onto your shirt.

"Mhm?" You replied, unsure of where this was going.

"I know this is sudden... but after kissing you in that closet today..." Her words were spaced apart just enough to keep you wondering where she was going. "I couldn't deny how much I wanted you any longer."

Her words sent you into overdrive and you weren't sure what to do. You had never had anyone speak to you the way she just had, and it made you feel things you never had before.

So you just kissed her again, flipping the two of you around so she was now against the counter as your tongue swiped over her bottom lip.

Your hands rested against the counter, trapping her between you and it, but that was just where she wanted to be. As you pressed your knee between her legs she whimpered into the kiss, butterflies erupting in your stomach.

Her hand came up to cup your face, her rings making you shiver. She then pulled away, her hand sliding down a bit as her thumb rubbed over your bottom lip. The way she was looking at you as she did this drove you absolutely feral.

"God you're beautiful," she breathed, making you blush not only under her touch but her words as well. She then began to kiss you again, her breathing heavy as the two of you fought each other for dominance.

You used your slight advantage and began kissing her neck and jawline, her hand moving to the back of your neck as she tried to pull you closer to her. You just sucked and bit at her neck, hearing her small groans.

You had no clue where these feelings had come from, but your sudden hunger for her was overwhelming. As you marked her collar bone you couldn't help but let out a small whimper at the taste of her.

"Jenna," you mumbled into her flesh, she just grabbed the bottom of your jaw, pulling you up to look at her. "Please."

"What is it love?" She asked innocently, her neck covered in small marks from you. "What do you need?"

"You." You breathed quickly. She smiled widely at this and began walking you backward through your trailer and into your bedroom. You weren't sure what you were doing, but you knew you wanted to do it.

You returned your lips to hers and began kissing her as you sat back on your bed, her straddling your lap almost instantly. "You know," she said in between kisses her voice rough, "I have always found you so attractive."

"The same goes for you." You hissed as you returned your mouth to her neck and jawline, grabbing the bottom of her shirt with your hands and pulling it off of her with ease. "You're the most beautiful woman I know." She laughed heartily at this before grabbing your face in her hands.

She pulled you up to look at her much like she had done moments before. "Then why haven't we done this before baby?" You were dumbfounded at her words. The way her voice sounded mixed with what she actually said had your mouth hanging open in awe.

You couldn't even form the words to respond, you just looked up at her as she traced your bottom lip with her thumb and smiled at you. You couldn't stop yourself from leaning forward and beginning to kiss her exposed chest, feeling her hands in your hair.

Her hands then moved to your shoulders as she pushed you, causing to lay on your back. And while she was still straddling your lap she now towered over you, her hair falling in your face.

She began to kiss your neck like you had done to hers, the feeling sending shivers down your spine as your hips bucked up.

She then stood up quickly, grabbing her shirt and sliding it over her head quickly. "Wha- what?" You said bewildered as you sat up, grabbing for her waist.

"Oh baby," she smiled, coming back to where you could hold her but not leaning down. "You have to take me on a real date before you get all of this." She smiled. She then just pressed a soft kiss to your lips and walked out of your trailer, your mouth hung wide open.


100th chapter woohoo!!

Okay guys, this is officially the longest chapter I think I have ever written in my life. Did we like the length? Are we okay with the shorter ones? Let me know what kind of thing you guys enjoy.

Also, let me know what suggestions/ requests you have! Now that I finished this, I would really like to know what kind of stuff you guys want to see.

Love you all and thank you so much for being here for all 100 chapters!!
