Confession: part 2- Jenna Ortega

Word count: 1606

"That was the gnarliest movie I have ever seen," Mason said as the end credits for Midsommar rolled. He and Dylan had disgusted looks on their faces, all of you girls laughing at them.

"That was awful," Dylan added, his face scrunching up even more.

"It was your pick dingus." You laughed, chucking a piece of popcorn at him. It hit him right between the eyes and he slumped over the couch, pretending to be dead.

"Well I better get going," Jaz said, standing up from your couch and grabbing her bag from the floor next to her. "This was really fun, let's do this again." She smiled, waving at all of you before opening your front door.

"Bye Jaz!" You yelled as she walked out, your voice echoing through your apartment. "Well, what do you guys want to do?" You then asked, turning your attention to the remaining people in the room.

"How about some board games?" Mikey suggested, and everyone nodded in agreement. You started to stand to get the board games, but Mikey pulled you back down, her hands on your arm. "Let me get them, just tell me where they are."

You could practically feel Jenna's stare as Mikey touched you, and you couldn't help the smile that grew on your face. Jenna wasn't a person who got jealous easily... but right now... she was jealous.

"They are in the cabinet next to the kitchen table, let Dylan and Mason help you pick."

The three of them walked into your kitchen, leaving you and Jenna alone in the living room. You turned to her, about to speak about what had happened earlier, but Mikey cut you off.

"You guys wanna play spin the bottle?" She piped up, walking back over to the two of you with an empty beer bottle in hand. 

"I don't think-" you began, but again, you were cut off.

"Uhm, hell yes." Dylan said, returning to his spot on the couch, "I mean come on, there are three hot girls here." You all collectively rolled your eyes at Dylan, you throwing another piece of popcorn at his head.

"Dylan, you're a dumbass." You scoffed, moving from your seat on the couch to the floor. Mason lushed your coffee table to the side of the room, and everyone else settled on your rug. "Okay, which wants to spin first?" You asked nervously, hoping that no one would land on Jenna but you.

"I will," Dylan said, a huge smile on his face. He placed the bottle in the center and gave it a huge spin, looking between you girls with a smirk on his face. But as the bottle slowed to a stop, his smile dropped being replaced with a look of fear. It had landed on Mason. "Wait, do I have to?!" He questioned, looking between the floor and the other boy.

"Come here!" Mason yelled, not giving Dylan a chance to process what was happening before he smashed his lips onto the other boy. Both of them immediately pulled away, Mason laughing while Dylan wiped his face on his sleeve.

"Dude!" He yelled, punching Mason. You, Jenna, and Mikey burst out laughing at the actions of your friends. While Dylan continued to be dramatically disgusted, Milkey reached down, taking the bottle in her hand and spinning it.

Your smile quickly dropped when you realized that it had landed on you. But just like Mason had done to Dylan, she didn't even give you a moment to process before she reached behind your neck and pulled you in, kissing you deeply.

Now if it was any other day you would have reciprocated the kiss. But after finding out how Jenna felt about you, and vice versa, you remained stiff. You could practically feel Jenna's stare boring into your skull, but you couldn't help but smile. She was jealous that someone else was kissing you... and she wasn't even trying to hide it.

***time skip***

After a few more rounds of spin the bottle and a very heated game of Monopoly, everyone decided they were ready to go home, well, almost everyone. After you had said your goodbyes to the boys and Mikey, you turned to Jenna, preparing to do the same, but she just gave you a small shake of her head.

"See you sometime soon?" Mikey asked, turning around in the doorway and facing you.

"Yeah, for sure." You smiled as you began to wave goodbye to her, but she had different ideas. She wrapped you into a tight hug, even going as far as to wrap her legs around you like a koala. You hugged her back just enough so that she wouldn't fall to the ground.

"Alright, bye," she smiled, waving to you and walking out of your front door. You shut the door softly and turned around, expecting to meet Jenna's gaze, but you were surprised not to see her anywhere.

"Jen?" You called out, turning the corner to your living room, and there she was, sitting on your couch curled into a little ball. You went over at sat next to her, not sure how to start an incredibly awkward conversation about your feelings for one another. I mean at the beginning of today, you were nothing more than friends, but now... now you wanted to be much more. "So," you muttered, turning to face the small girl.

"So..." she repeated, her voice small and weak. Her brown hair fell in front of her face as she turned toward you, and you brushed it back behind her ear. This caused a pink blush to form on the girls cheeks as she turned away from you. You quickly grabbed her chin so she would face you again, I mean, if you wanted to talk, she would have to be able to look at you. But instead of talking, she did something you both enjoyed much, much, more.

She leaned forward and connected her soft lips with hers, the world falling away as you melted into each other. You never knew that sharing a kiss with her could change the way you feel entirely. I mean you had always noticed her beauty, but now that you have this connection with her, you have begun to notice the little things.

You noticed the way that she covers her face and blushes profusely when she gets embarrassed.

You have noticed that when she is jealous she gets quiet and has a thoughtful look on her face

And most important of all, you noticed how she likes to be kissed.

You cupped her face with one hand while the other reached around her, wrapping her waist and pulling her closer. This action pulled her onto your lap as your mouths moved in sync. She pulled away for a moment ad you were scared you had done something wrong, but you quickly realized that wasn't the case.

She stared at you deeply with her brown eyes, her hair falling elegantly and perfectly framing her face. She smiled softly as she just gazed at you, taking in every small feature on your face, and you did the same to her.

"God, you're beautiful Jen." You whispered, tracing small circles on her back.

"says you," she blushed, placing her hands behind your neck.

"Yeah, says me." You replied, kissing her again as the butterflies in your stomach rose. She slightly bit your bottom lip causing a groan to leave your lips. You could feel her smirk at what she had just done, causing you to blush, a little bit out of embarrassment, but mostly because you were flustered.

"Hey, y/n! Sorry to barge in but I forgot my phone... oh." Mikey trailed off as she walked into the living room, seeing Jenna on your lap as the two of you made out feverishly. You thought she was sad, or even mad, but you had never expected the reaction she had. "My god! Finally!" She yelled, grabbing her phone off of the coffee table and not caring about you and Jenna.

"Finally?" You questioned, holding onto Jenna's waist as you peered over her shoulder to see Mikey. She just smiled at you, putting her hands on her hips, reminding you of a mother scolding her children.

"Yes, finally!" She repeated, "Jenna has been gawking at you for weeks, I seriously don't know how you didn't notice." You looked at the girl that was still perched on your lap, an innocent smile on her face.

"Really?" You asked her, your voice raising at the sudden shocking information. She just gave you a little nod, her smile growing at your realization. 

"Why else do you think I was being so flirty?" Mikey added. Now you and Jenna were both confused at this, so you turned your attention back to her, pushing for an explanation. "Well, I figured that if I made Jenna jealous enough, she would have to admit her feelings for you." The both of you just gave her a shocked smile, no words coming out of your mouths. Of course, this was all Mikey's plan. "Anyway, carry on." she smiled, giving a small wave and exiting your apartment, this time with her phone in hand.

You and Jenna burst into laughter, and the only thing that kept her from falling off the couch was your arms, still wrapped tightly around her waist.

"So..." she smiled, her laughter calming as she gazed into your eyes again.

"So..." you repeated breathlessly, unsure of what to say.

She just leaned down and kissed you again, her soft lips making everything right in the world.
