Confession- Jenna Ortega

Word count: 1649

You stood in your kitchen with Mikey, laughing as she failed miserably at cutting a carrot. The scream cast was just having a little get together at your house before the release of scream five, and you decided to try and make some snacks.

"You are making this way harder than you have to!" You laughed, taking the knife away from Mikey and grabbing a carrot. You chopped it with ease and dropped all the peices into the bowl, handing the knife back to Mikey. She tried to chop a carrot again, and sent it flying across the room and over the counter, hitting Dylan in the face. "You would think as the killer, you would be better with a knife." You joked, taking it from her once more and finishing with the carrots.

"Okay, it's not my fault that the carrots are running away from me, it's their fault." She pouted as Dylan threw the vegetable back at her. You looked up at the rest of your cast mates, all of wich were sitting on the barstools at your countertop. Mason and Jasmine were sitting next to eachother, Dylan was next to them, and Jenna was next to him with two empty seats on the other side of her. As you looked at the small girl, she seemed lost in thought, playing with the rings on her fingers. She had a glare on her face as she looked at Mikey, her jaw clenching every so often.

"Okay y/n, do you agree that it would have been a great plot twist if Chad and Mindy had been twin killers?" Mason suddenly asked, taking your gaze away from Jenna. Before you could even think of a response, Jasmine was answering him.

"No dip shit, that is way too predictable." She said, using her hands to talk as she almost spilled her wine. "I mean come on, twin killers would have been everyone's first guess."

"Not mine!" He argued, trying to explain why it would have been an amazing idea. Mikey placed her hand on your back as she walked by you, letting you know that she was behind you so you didnt step back. Now normally this wouldnt have caught your attention, except for the fact that your heard Jenna scoff quietly. At first you though her reaction might have been to Mason and Jaz, thinking they were arguing over nothing. But you quickly realized that wasnt the case, because now the two of them were talking about their shared love for Neve Campbell.

"Okay guys, uh food is ready." You said reluctantly as you looked at Jenna. Her expression was filled with anger and a hint of annoyance, but you couldn't tell why, and you werent going to put her on the spot by asking in front of everyone.

"Oh hell yeah, food!" Mason said as he completely stopped listening to whatever Jaz was saying. Everyone got up from their seats, grabbing all of their drinks and some of the food as they made their way over to the living room, everyone but Jenna.

"Hey Jen, you okay?" You whispered softly, putting your arm around her as you spoke. She leaned into you, but her body was tense and she didnt seem like she always did.

"Yeah I'm good," she responded, standing up from her chair. She walked to the living room where everyone else was and curled up in the corner of the couch, clearly lying to you about whether or not she was okay. You grabbed the rest of the food and made your way over, setting it on the coffee table before sitting next to Jenna. Mikey flopped down on the other side of you and grabbed the remote for the TV.

"So guys, what do we want to watch?" Mikey asked, turning the TV on and flipping through stuff.

"Uhm how about we pick a genre first," Jaz suggested. The four of them started talking, but your only focus was on Jenna, her body language being drastically different than normal. Mikey put her hand on your leg to get your attention, and Jenna's demeanor changed again, your confusion growing.

"Y/n, will you break the tie? Me and Mason want to watch the original scream, but Dylan and Jaz think we should watch Midsommar." You turned your head to face the rest of the group.

"We have had enough Scream in our lives, definitely Midsommar." You said, trying to finish this conversation so you could focus on Jenna. But then she suddenly stood up.

"I'll be right back guys, you can start the movie without me." She said quietly, walking down the hallway toward your bathroom. Everyone just nodded their heads and Mikey began searching for the movie, but something wasnt sitting right with you.

***time skip***

It had been almost thirty minutes since Jenna had disappeared to the bathroom, and you began to get worried.

"I'm going to go check on her," you said as you stood up, all of your cast mates were too interested in the movie to care. You made your way around the corner and down your hallway, stopping at the bathroom door. "Hey Jen you okay?" You asked, knocking lightly with your knuckles.

"Mhm I'm fine," she said quickly, but you could tell by the tone of her voice that she was lying.

"Can I come in?" You asked, shuffling your feet as you waited for her answer. But you didnt get one, instead the door flung open, revealing the small girl sitting on your bathroom counter. "What's going on?" You asked quietly, walking in and shutting the door behind you as you stood across from her.

"Its nothing, it's stupid." She said, turning her head to the side and avoiding eye contact with you. This behavior was very strange for Jenna, she was always truthful, but today she is just acting so different.

"Jenna I have eyes," you smiled, stepping toward her and putting your hands on either side of her body, "I can see how you have been acting all day. So will you just tell me what's wrong?" She brought her eyes back to look at you, her jaw clenching as she contemplated speaking.

"Fine." She sighed, "I dont like how Mikey is with you." She said quickly, this time she didnt avert eye contact, she looked right at you, the truth in her voice catching you off guard. Why would she care how Mikey acts around you? And it's not like Mikey is mean to you, in fact she is the opposite.

"What does that mean?" You chuckled, genuinely not understanding what Jenna was trying to say to you. She sighed deeply and leaned against your bathroom mirror, throwing her hands to her face in frustration. "I'm sorry Jen I'm just confused," you cooed, setting a hand on her thigh. At this her body shuttered and she sat still for a few moments, confusing you even more. She removed her hands from her face and looked at you, her face flushing red and her pupils blown.

"Jen?" You asked, but she suddenly closed the gap between the two of you, tugging on the collar of your shirt and kissing you suddenly. You were not expecting this whatsoever, but you also werent mad about it, so after a few seconds you accepted her kiss, setting both of your hands on her thighs.

"Now do you get it?" She asked, pulling away and refusing to make eye contact with you. That is when it finally clicked in your head. Jenna was jelous of the way Mikey acted toward you, the flirting and the touchiness.

"Oh," you whispered, looking deeply at her as you processed the situation. Her jaw continued clenching as the silence in the room went on for longer and longer. You began to speak but suddenly were cut off.

"You guys okay?" You heard Jaz yell from down the hall, your heart racing as you realized how you and Jenna looked.

"All good, be right there!" You responded, hoping that no one would come down the hallway to check on the two of you. You returned your gaze to Jenna and watched as she looked away from you, the embarrassment in her clear. But that last thing you wanted her to be was embarrassed or uncomfortable, so you did what you thought was best.

You reached your hand up and brushed her hair behind her ear, cupping her face. She turned to look at you, her eyes full of anticipation. You attached your lips to hers slowly and softly, her body relaxing under your touch as you kissed her.

"Let's go back out there and we can talk about this later, okay?" You whispered softly, kissing her again. She smiled a little bit, a breath of relief coming from her as she realized that this wasnt as awkward as she had thought. "And dont worry about me and Mikey," you reassured, kissing her once again.

Before she could respond you walked out of the bathroom, returning to your couch and waiting for her to return. As she came back down the hallway and settled back on the couch next to you, you placed your hand on her leg, giving a reassuring squeeze as you looked at her.

"Everything okay with you Jenna?" Mason asked, the attention in the room turning to her.

"Yeah, I was just feeling kind of sick," she said, her lie would have been convincing if you hadnt known otherwise. "But I'm feeling much better now," she looked at you and smiled. Her demeanor had completely changed from earlier, she went from angry and jelous to giddy and embarrassed.

As the movie continued playing you thought of the conversation you and Jenna would have later, and you were sure it would contain more kissing, and that you were looking forward to.
