The Second Meeting

Back in cheetah territory, Chausiki wonders what Jacques is doing right now.
Chausiki: "I hope Jacques remembered our official date night."
Punaia: "Sis, I'm sure he will. Besides, you made the first move. I wish I could be as bold as you."
Chausiki: "Thanks little sister, but you still have one more year before Mama and Baba will let you have a potential mate."
Punaia: "I know. It is just very hard because somedays I see this lone male cheetah who comes around occasionally, and he's not from our tribe. Oh, the way he strafes near our borders makes me melt inside."
Chausiki: "Oh, interested in a guy from outside the tribe, huh?" (chuckles)
Punaia: "Yeah, but I never got the courage to walk up and ask him out. Yet even hang out."
Chausiki: "Just follow your heart and you'll know the right time to tell him."
Punaia: "Wow, thanks Chausiki. You always give me good advice when I need it. Also, who is Jacques and what kind of furry is he?"
Chausiki: "Well... he's a strong, compassionate black leopard who I've fallen in love with."
Punaia: "Woah, a rare black leopard furry! You're so lucky. Does Mama and Baba know about this?"
Chausiki: "No, they do not. And it's best that they don't know now."
Punaia: "Why not, sister?"
Chausiki: "Because it's too soon."
Punaia: "You will tell them eventually, right?"
Chausiki: "Of course I will. I have to go meet my lover tonight, but I'll be back okay. Don't tell anyone!"
Punaia: "You have my solemn word! Have fun. Good luck out there!"
Chausiki: "Thanks, lil sis."
She hugs Punaia before heading off to the kopi to meet Jacques.
......Nineteen minutes later......
Chausiki: "Can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him how much I want to mate with him!"
Chausiki, then heads on top of the kopi where she and Jacques met previously. She searches for him after a few moments.
Chausiki: "Jacques! I am here! Where are you? Jacques?"
Jacques: "Hey Chausiki, what took you so long?"
Chausiki: "You beat me to the kopi this time? How?"
Jacques: "Let's just say, the guards in my village never look for secret exits near the main gate. Plus, I got up after sleeping for five hours. Clever right?"
Chausiki: "I'll say. I like a male who can be as stealthy as me and knows when to strike."
She blushes and smooches his cheek.
......Flashback to thirty minutes ago......
Jacques wakes up and tries to sneak away from Legadema without making a peep. He accidentally steps on a piece of wood.
Jacques: "Time to see the night. Oh crud."
Legadema: "Mmm, where are you going sweetie?"
Jacques: "Uhm... I'm just going stargazing."
Legadema: "May I join you?"
Jacques: "It's a long way from here, Legadema. I don't want to worry about you getting lost."
Legadema: "I can handle long distances."
Jacques: "Legadema, I need you to stay here in case anyone asks about my whereabouts. Alright?"
Legadema: "S'Jaak. Hyena furries hunt at night and they don't care about territorial boundaries. It would be awful if I lost you."
Jacques: "I'm not dying tonight or any other night."
Legadema: "Alright, just please... please be careful, S'Jaak."
Jacques: "I will Legadi."
She pecks his cheek.
Then as Legadema finally goes back to sleep, Jacques finds his way to the kopi rock formation and patiently waits for Chausiki to arrive.
......Flashback Ends......
Jacques: "Well my sweet cheetah lady. I am at the top of my class when it comes to stealth."
Jacques winks at her and cups her chin.
Chausiki: "What do you plan do with me, handsome?"
Jacques: "I have some creative ideas."
Jacques then plants his lips upon hers. She in turn, succumbs to his advance and moans from the pleasure. Their lips separate slowly.
Chausiki: "Wow. Easy there, tiger."
Jacques: "Did you want to tell me something or ask me something, my lovely Chausi?"
Chausiki: "Heheheh! Actually, I wanted to ask you if wanted to participate in a mating ritual with me?"
Chausiki smiles with hope of in his upcoming response.
Jacques: "Chausiki, I would be honored to mate with you."
Chausiki: "Really? Yes! Thank the spirits! I was so afraid and nervous to tell you before!"
Jacques: "You shouldn't be Chausi."
Shortly afterwards, Jacques gently picks her up and carries her to their favorite spot at the peak of the kopi. He places her down with care.
Chausiki: "Muungwana kama huyo!" (Such a gentleman!)
She giggles with satisfaction.
Jacques: "Jitayarishe uzuri wangu wa kiungu." (Get ready my divine beauty.)
Moments later, Jacques and Chausiki start making out real hard. Chausiki dons a sultry expression.
Jacques: "Are you sure you are ready for this, Chausi?"
Chausiki: "Yes, my Jacques, I am ready. I've wanted you so badly since the moment I saw you."
Jacques: "Mwwaah. Let's get started."
Chausiki: "Yes! Oh yes! Yes, Jacques! Please make me yours!"
Jacques: "As you wish! Hahahahaha! Woooo!"
Chausiki: "Mmm, I love you! Mmm!"
They complete their lovemaking four hours later and collapse on the soft ground. Jacques and Chausiki reclothe themselves and look at the stars. Both take a few breaths of content from their shared experience.
Chausiki: "You are amazing Jacques. I hope we can do this again sometime."
Jacques: "Me too Chausi. Does tomorrow night work for you?"
Chausiki: "I wish I could, but my parents want me to marry this jerk named Athuman tomorrow night."
Jacques: "Your parents arranged a marriage for you?"
Chausiki: "Yeah unfortunately, but I don't love him, Jacques. I'm in love with you and only you. Besides, I can object to it since I don't agree with arranged marriages anyways. Then I could maybe... join your village."
She cups his cheek with one paw and kisses him deeply.
Jacques: "Chausi, my tribe isn't very accepting of unannounced newcomers, but I can put in a good word for you."
Chausiki: "Yes! But wait, how will I get in?"
Jacques: "Don't worry, I'll take care of it. And if they don't like it. We'll make them accept our relationship. Then all nights in the future will belong to us."
Chausiki: "Mmmwah! Okay. I hope so."
Jacques: "Hey, ain't nobody's tangoed with a black leopard before. I'd fight for you, regardless."
He sends her a wink with his smooth tone.
Chausiki: (giggles) "You are so brave, cute, and funny."
Jacques: "Natural warrior right here, baby."
Chausiki: "See ya later, Jacques. Dream and pray for me, okay?"
Jacques: (winks) "Will do."
As the night nears its end; Jacques and Chausiki separate and return to their respective villages for at least few hours of rest before the sun rises.
