A Feast To Remember I

Jacques and Thabisa walk in front of the others on the way back to Leopard Village.
Jacques: "Hang in there Legadema, we're almost there."
Legadema: (coughs) "Thank you."
She faints into unconsciousness. Jacques takes her into the village infirmary.
Jacques: "Can you save her?"
Imka: "I'll try, but I'm going to need help. You and Thabisa must bring me some medicinal green leaf and aloe herbs from the top cabinet."
Jacques and Thabisa grab the requirements for Legadema's recovery. Twenty minutes later, Imka injects Legadema some antibiotics on her side wound.
Legadema: "Ugh! Ow!"
Imka: "Easy, you've been out for a bit, but you'll be alright."
Legadema: "Where's Jacques? I want to see him."
Imka: "Jacques! Legadema wants to see you."
Jacques "Hi, Legadi."
Legadema: "Hey, S'jaak."
Jacques: "Are you feeling any better?"
Legadema: "Yeah. A little. Ugh! It still hurts on my left side."
Jacques: "Yeah, that hyena furry got you good. I bought you some food in case you were hungry."
Legadema: "Thanks. You're very kind."
Thabisa: "Ahem."
Legadema: "Oh and thank you too, Mrs. Imka and Thabisa. For helping to save me."
Jacques: "If you ever need anything just give me a call. Okay?"
Legadema: "Will do. I hope you enjoy the feast."
Jacques: "Thanks. See ya a little later. All right."
Legadema: "Wait, I have to tell you something once we return from the feast." (smiles)
Jacques: "Um okay. See ya then. I promised to teach my sibs and other young cubs how to hunt."
Legadema: "Yeah, see ya then."
Jacques returns to Chausiki at his parents' house.
Chausiki: "Jacques, you're back!"
She hugs him in relief.
Chausiki: "My goodness! Are those slash marks?"
Jacques: "It was nothing I couldn't handle, sweetheart. I'm fine, Chausiki. I am fine."
Chausiki: (smiles) "That's good. Thank the spirits. Mwah. Did you find the others?"
Jacques: "Yeah, I found them. A lot of hyena furries ambushed them and tried to make them part of their afternoon meal."
Chausiki: "They are just as awful as before. The Quamaati Clan is the only group of hyena furries in Afrimalia who'd do something like this."
Jacques: "Well, they won't be doing much if they try attacking this village."
Chausiki: "You sound so sure."
Jacques: "I'm not. But I must defend our home. And you gotta be confident with these sorts of things."
Chausiki: "So, what are you thinking?"
Jacques: "I think Leopard Village needs to upgrade their defenses, but my father makes all the major decisions when it comes to the tribe's safety."
Chausiki: "You should tell him that. You are a skilled warrior. I'm sure he'd listen to his own son."
Jacques: "I'll try talking to him after the feast. I swear."
Chausiki: (smiles) "Come on, your siblings have been busy helping me with the infants."
Jacques and Chausiki walk back into the chieftain's household.
Jacques' siblings carefully place Ayanna, Nia, Baako, Taruso, and Ebéle onto the bedding they created to avoid waking them up.
Jacques: "So sibs, how were things here?"
Latari: "Ayanna, Nia, and Ebéle were cute little angels the whole time."
Jacques: "How were Baako and Taruso, lil bro?"
Xevoso: "They wanted to crawl all over Chausiki."
Abimbola: "They pulled on my whiskers."
Chausiki: "I had to save you from their paws, Abimbola." (chuckles)
Abimbola: "I don't want to take care for them anymore. I am out of here."
Taruso mews out waking up to Abimbola's footsteps.
Chausiki: "Awwww, he misses his older brother."
She picks him up cradles him in her arms.
Taruso: "Aaaa... Abi!"
Abimbola: "Did he almost say my name?"
Jacques: "I believe he did." (chuckles)
Chausiki gives Taruso to Abimbola.
Abimbola: "Hey, lil bro."
Abimbola tickles Taruso, causing him mew and giggle.
Abimbola: "He is silly looking."
Latari: "Abimbola, he is not silly. He is just being so cute. Right little T?"
She pecks him on his little forehead.
Taruso: "Abaa." (babbles)
Latari: "Awww! See, he just likes you."
Xevoso: "Okay, I like bonding as much as the next cat, but when are we gonna eat?"
Chausiki: "Relax Xevoso, we are all going to eat soon."
Xevoso: "Oh yeah! Finally! I'm starved!"
Jacques: "Hold up now, you have to watch over Baako and the other young cubs."
Xevoso: "Seriously? Why?"
Jacques: "Yes, you are going to for care them while the rest of us head to the banquet. Also, because they need supervision, and you need to work on bonding with them more."
Abimbola: "You heard him brother. You didn't even help calm them down or hold any of them when we asked you."
Xevoso: "Fine, I will watch over the annoying little screamers."
He crosses his arms.
Chausiki: "Xevoso, don't call them that. They're just looking for attention aren't you?"
Baako and Ebéle coo innocently in response.
Xevoso: "I'm sorry, I mean the future hunters of the leap."
Chausiki: "Much better."
Jacques: "Make sure they are asleep and smiling by the time we get back okay."
Xevoso: "Alright, deal."
Jacques: "Want a free ride Chausi?"
Jacques lifts her up in his muscular arms.
Chausiki: (blushes) "A free ride? Oh my... such a gentleman."
Latari: "Can't wait to try out those choice cuts from the wild elands they bought back. I can just taste them already!"
Abimbola: "Same here, sis."
Jacques: Relax you two, everyone will receive their share. Afterwards, everyone except Xevoso leaves the chieftain's house towards the center of the village for the big feast.
Xevoso: (shouts) "Hey! You all better save some for me! You hear!"
Taruso whimpers slightly and was about to cry before Xevoso rocked him a little to calm him down.
Xevoso: "Easy lil bro. I gotcha, I gotcha."
The other young cubs start to whine for attention by pulling on his tail.
Xevoso: "Okay, okay what do want?"
One of the infant cubs licks the bottom of their lips and mews.
Xevoso: "Oh, you are all hungry? Well, so am I."
He says with a sarcastic and pouty tone.
Nia: "Abimba...?" (coos)
Xevoso: "No, Nia. Abimbola is not here."
Suddenly, all cubs' stomachs start to grumble.
Xevoso: "Okay, okay I will find you some food."
He sets Taruso down in the nursery.
Xevoso: "Stay here, I'll capture catch us our own dinner."
Xevoso leaves the house and finds a wild gazelle herd on open plains. He sneaks up close and spots a small calf to feed himself and the infant cubs.
Xevoso: "I've got this. I gotta do this."
Xevoso crouches down with his bone spear lowered and his paws silent. Inching forward, he rushes towards his intended target and throws his spear at the calf's left hind leg.
Xevoso: (whispers) "Hah! Got him."
He approaches the dead calf and removes his bone spear. Xevoso then stalks near one the streams and strikes through two eleven-inch African Pikes. You Xevoso then drags the prey items back to the main house.
Xevoso: "Guess who's back. The food is here."
The infants coo and mew cheerfully at his return. He sets down the food and cuts pieces of the fish and the gazelle flesh and cook's pieces of it for himself and the little cubs crawling towards him.
Xevoso: "I suppose a feast of our own is called for since we weren't invited. Right Taruso?"
Taruso and the other little cubs clap and crawl towards him and start chewing the cooked meat on their plates.
Xevoso: (sighs) "This is going to be a long afternoon of babysitting. Oy vey."
He chews on piece of flesh and wonders what's happening at the big feast.
