Parenthood I

(The appearance of Jacques and Chausiki's new cubs.)

......Nine months later......
Jacques is moving some furniture into his and Chausiki's new house.
Jacques: "It feels good to have a house of our own. And it costs us nothing. Aside, from the solar panels of course."
Chausiki: "Hehe, not to mention buying baby clothes and formula from the city."
Jacques: "Yeah, and that too. I'm glad that I got the chance to marry you. I can still remember the first time we met. It was like fate just waiting to happen."
Chausiki: "Honey... it was blessing. Blessings are never by chance. Mwah."
Jacques: "Those heartbeats are becoming very rapid, my Chausi."
Jacques places his left paw on his wife's belly.
Chausiki: "Hehe, they're gonna be runners."
Jacques: "That's going to mean a lot of responsibility. Isn't it?"
Chausiki: "Of course, it will. For both of us."
They nuzzle for a moment. Suddenly, Chausiki starts to feel a sharp pain in her abdominal region.
Jacques: "Is it a craving or a contraction? I caught a wild hare in case you're having anymore cravings?"
Chausiki: "Thanks honey, but I... ugh! Oh geez! Jacques!"
Jacques: "Chausi...?"
He swiftly comes to her aid.
Chausiki: "The cubs are coming!"
Jacques: "Right now!"
Chausiki screams out loud.
Jacques: "I'll get the others to help."
He runs toward the center of the village.
Jacques: "Everyone please listen! Chausiki's water broke, and she is about to have the cubs!"
Titus: "Where is she now?"
Jacques: "She is still in the house, but I need to get her somewhere now. What about that spiritual pond right outside the infirmary. Can we take her there?"
Aurora: "Take us there, sweetie. Chausiki is going to need some privacy while she gives birth."
Jacques: "Okay! Hold on Chausi, I'm coming."
Xevoso leads Taruso over to Chausiki who is now calmed down a little despite the immense pain she's enduring at this moment.
Chausiki: "Hi Xevoso, what are you doing with the cute little 'whisker puller' there?" (chuckles)
Xevoso: "Hehe, yeah, he's fine. He is just being a little fussy when it comes to me straying too far from him."
Taruso: "Xevo!"
Chausiki: "Aww, he likes staying with you. You're a good big brother to him. Just like how Jacques protects you and Abimbola."
Xevoso: "Yeah, I guess so."
Abimbola then leads Baako and Ebéle to the infirmary.
Abimbola: "I am here, and I got them. Still following me, though."
Latari: "These other two little angels are wide awake and very happy today. Aren't you?"
Ayanna: "Latari? Where, Momma?"
Latari: "She's already at the infirmary, Ayanna. You wanna go with her or stay and play."
Ayanna: "Stay and pway!"
Latari: (chuckles)
Ayanna coos and laughs; clapping her little paws together. Nia is also looking at Latari with a wandering expression and joins in their merriment. Jacques on the other paw, brings convinces them to come along as he carries Chausiki to the infirmary. When everyone arrives, they watch as Aurora and some of the other female furries help Chausiki and Legadema through the birthing process.
Chausiki: "Jacques, can I hold your paw, please?"
Jacques: "Of course you may, Chausi. I'm here."
Jacques holds her paw, causing her to squeeze it so hard like her life depends on it. While in the room next to Chausi's, Legadema is also undergoing the labor of her own cubs.
Legadema: "Ahhhh! Hello! But my cubs are also on the way! Aaaah! My gaaah! I need a paw to hold!"
She roars as her water breaks abruptly.
Legadema: (roars) "Oh my gosh! Is this supposed to be happening! Gaaah! I feel so wet! What are the odds of me making it through this?"
Olamani: "Child, please relax. You're going to get through this. Okay?"
Chilolo: "Yeah, you'll make it, kiddo."
Legadema: "Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad."
......Two painful hours later......
Chausiki: "Aaaahhhhh! Come on! Oh my gosh they're coming now! Ahhh!"
Then one by one, Chausiki gives birth to three little leopeetah cubs. One cub black as night cub and two with fur as golden as the sun with faint brown spots.
Chausiki: "Hey there, sweeties."
The tiny newborns cry out for attention.
Jacques: "Hey, there little guys. One of them looks like me."
Chausiki: "Hehe, meet your Daddy, he's not as wild as he looks."
Jacques: "Hey..."
Chausiki: "Hehehe. Mwah!"
Aurora: "Congratulations my dears! I'm actually a grandmother."
Titus: "Hehe. Yeah, congrats to you, my son."
Jacques: "Thanks, Dad."
Jacques and Chausiki nuzzle each other.
Thabisa: "Hey, uh... I wanted to say that... your kids are very adorable. And... I uh wanted to know if you'd let me be their godparent. Maybe? I'm sorry for what I did to you last year. Can you forgive me? I have grown tired of this guilt burdening me."
Jacques takes a moment and looks her in the eye for signs of sincerity.
Jacques: "Alright, Thabisa. I forgive ya. You can be an Auntie to... Uhm...? Babe, what are we going to name them?"
Chausiki: "For ours, I was thinking maybe, for our sons, Noah and Omari and for our only daughter, Rehema."
The little babies start looking around and mew slightly. Aurora picks up Chausiki's newborns who try to wiggle out of her paws.
Aurora: "Aww, congratulations. Look at you... I'm your gran-gran and there's grandpa."
The cubs start cooing and reaching out for their mother.
Aurora: "Okay, okay... there ya go."
She cradles them and hands them over to Chausiki.
Chausiki: "Hey babies. It's okay. Momma's still here."
She nuzzles them gently as the little leopeetahs settle in her arms.
Chausiki: "My goodness, they are so gorgeous. They've got your eyes."
Jacques: "Handsome ones, aren't they?"
Chausiki: "Hehe, so happy."
They nuzzle again before Jacques holds his offspring.
Jacques: "Hey there... it's your dad. I promise you three are going to live a long and great life."
The tiny newborns settle into his arms as the family moment continues.
Thabisa: "I do admit, my nieces and nephews look super cute!"
Chausiki: "Thank you, Thabisa. That means a lot."
Thabisa smiles with a welcome relief for the first time in so long.
Legadema is still in labor.
Legadema: "Oh my gaaah! Why aren't they out yet?"
Olamani: "It takes a while sometime honey. Just take some slow and steady breaths, alright."
Ten minutes later, she starts getting more contractions and starts to birth her cubs.
Legadema: "Oh finally! They're coming!"
Olamani: "I see one and it's a little boy!"
Legadema: "Ahhh!"
Olamani: "Alright, and here's one more, Legadema. But... oh no..."
Legadema: "What? Mom? What's wrong?"
Olamani: "One of them isn't moving. The baby girl isn't moving."
Legadema: (breathes heavily) "No. What do you mean she's not moving!"
She starts shedding tears.
Olamani: "Imka? Could you check for a pulse?"
Imka: "I sure can. Give me a moment."
She feels for any sign of life in the newborn leopard cub.
Imka: "She will be okay; I just need to place her into the spirit pool outside of the infirmary." Imka then places the newborn into the spiritual water. The newborn's little body glows with the essence light itself. The cub opens her green eyes and begins to mew out for attention. Then Imka returns Legadema her second cub alive and well.
Legadema: "Oh my baby! Aww, my gosh! Thank you, Ms. Imka."
Imka: "Of course."
Imka smiles and feels good about her accomplishment.
Legadema: "As for you two, I think I'll name you, Nevuu and Uzima. Welcome to the world little ones."
Nevuu and Uzima coo adorably.
