New Faces

......Meanwhile back in Leopard Village......
Legadema has been waiting in Jacques' room; hoping for his safe return.
Legadema: "Where could he be? It's been too long. I gotta go find him."
She gets up and heads towards the exit door.
Latari: "Legadema? Where are you going?"
Legadema: "I want to make sure Jacques is alright, Latari."
Latari: "Jacques will be fine. He can handle himself."
As the two were talking, Jacques appeared with Chausiki in his arms on the outskirts of the village.
Legadema: "Oh my goodness. Jacques, you're okay! I was so worried!"
She nuzzles his side, making Chausiki glare at her slightly.
Legadema: "What happened out there?"
Jacques: "I'm fine, Legadema. I just rescued this poor cheetah girl from a vicious pack of painted dog furries in the northern territories."
Legadema: "Who is she? Do you know her?"
Jacques: "Yes, I do. Her name is Chausiki."
Legadema: "Is she injured?"
Jacques: "Yeah, let's get her inside. Quickly."
Legadema: "S'jaak? Aren't you glad I'm okay, too?"
Jacques: "That is great Legadi. Glad you're feeling better."
Jacques rushes into his parent's house and places Chausiki on his bed. He puts a bandage on her wound.
Chausiki: "Jacques? Who was that?"
Jacques: "Just a close friend. She was one of the first furries who accepted into the village."
Chausiki: "Seems a lot like she's into you."
Jacques: "Chausi... I..."
Then Legadema receives a group text from the chieftain, Jacques' father.
Legadema: "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Jacques! We have to get her to the infirmary!"
Jacques: "Why? What is it Legadema?"
Legadema: "New cubs are coming! I am so excited! Come on let's go!"
Jacques: "Okay Legadi, I will meet you there."
Legadema: "Mwah! You better hurry, or you'll miss the new bundle of cuteness. Hehehe!"
Jacques: (chuckles)
Chausiki: "Okay, I gotta ask you now because I'm not liking it! Are you with that leopardess girl or me?"
Jacques: "Chausi it's..."
Chausiki: "She kissed you and I don't like sharing my mate with other females! I swear if she..."
Chausiki growls and hisses.
Jacques: "Chausi, relax. I promise you are the one I truly want to be with okay."
Chausiki: "Really? You have no feelings whatsoever for any girl but me?"
Jacques: "Yes my Chausi. This I swear."
Chausiki: (smirks) "Come here brave warrior."
She grabs his cheeks, pulling him into a deep two-minute kiss.
Chausiki: "Mmmmwwah! Now you can go and see what your family wants you to see, and I will be waiting for ya, baby."
Jacques: "Rest up okay."
Jacques caresses her cheek and nuzzles her.
Jacques: (purrs)
Chausiki: (purrs)
Jacques then heads over to the village infirmary to see what the fuss was really about.
Legadema: "Awwww. Jacques, look!"
Jacques sees the whole leap surrounding Aurora and Olamani holding brand new cubs in their arms.
Aurora: "Oh Titus, look they're already teething. So cute."
She nuzzles her newborns with care.
Titus: "They sure are Aurora. Handsome looking, aren't they?"
Aurora: "Two of them have your eyes and one has mine."
She sighs with a joyful pride in her heart.
Then Olamani's cubs cooed a little bit seeing their mother's eyes for the first time.
Legadema: "Oh gosh, they are all so cute! Aren't they Jacques?"
Jacques: "Adorable."
Olamani: "Hey you two, come over here and meet them."
They come over and hold them all in their arms seeing the innocence in their eyes.
Legadema: "Hi there, I'm your big sister and I'm going to help protect you from any harm that comes your way."
She cradles her two little sisters as they fall back to sleep, while Jacques holds his three siblings and watches them squirm slightly.
Jacques: "Yeah you'll be experts at survival when ya grow up, just like me."
Legadema: "You are going teach our little sisters and your two baby brothers about survival?"
Jacques: "Yes, of course I don't mind teaching them everything I know about the world we live in."
Legadema: "Jacques, they are only newborns. You need to wait until they come of age."
Jacques: "All right. Alright, I promise."
Imka: "Congratulations, to both of you."
Mandla: "Yeah, congrats."
Imka: "Where is Thabisa?"
Mandla: "Not sure. She is probably out doing something, darling."
Imka: "Well, she should be here. This is a precious moment for our tribe. Honey? Can you please go find her?"
Mandla: 'Okay. But I'm telling you she's probably fine."
Imka: "Thank you, hun."
Mandla leaves the infirmary and searches for Thabisa.
