We spent the next hour just unpacking and building my bed frame as well as my wardrobe. The whole time, he kept asking me questions about myself. I thought it would've been difficult for me to pretend that I didn't recognize him as being a member of a big Kpop idol group, but with him constantly having the conversation turned toward me, I didn't have to do anything but tell him about myself.

"Wait, you are a software engineer at Google? No way," he says with an impressed look on his face. "I didn't go to college, since I just ended up doing some media work right out of high school."

Media work, eh?

"Yeah, I can't believe I got the job. What kind of media work do you do?" I try to turn the conversation back to him, but he deflects by saying, "Oh just some music production in a studio. So, how come you can speak Korean so well?"

The conversation continues like this. The only things I got out of him were that he had recently been living with a lot of friends, but it had been getting tiring, and they each began wanting a little bit more living space.

"We all still live within this neighborhood, actually! So I'll introduce you — you said you don't have many friends right?"

I give him a pouty look. "It's not my fault I just moved here, I swear I'm not usually a loner!"

He laughs and holds his hands up as if to say, "take no offense."

We begin pushing furniture against the walls, and the room starts to take shape. I step back and marvel at how quickly everything was put together, before turning to him with a grateful look on my face.

"Are you hungry? It's on me. It's the least I can do for all of the help you gave today."

He smiles big, and his eyes turn into crescent moons, before he excitedly says, "There's this restaurant I've been wanting to try out down the street. Let's go there!"

Jeongin turned around, and started putting on his shoes, while I grabbed my coat and hat.
