Author's Note: Hello to my few readers! Thanks for sticking with the story thus far. The guy on the left in the photo is what I imagine Jeongin to be wearing. Couldn't find a cropped photo, and didn't wanna crop it. Haha, just deal with me dealing with it. Thanks again. Enjoy the next four chapters! 

Yeona's POV

I wake up the next morning before my alarm goes off. The sun is shining into my room, lighting up the foot of my bed. A flood of memories from the night before rush into my mind.

After signing the NDA, Jeongin asked me out on a date. Wow. It was honestly adorable, the way he asked. His ears turned a little red, and his pretty fox-like eyes drifted to the side of the room, trying to avoid my eyes. I said yes without hesitation, and seeing the relief flood into his eyes made me feel so warm. He left shortly thereafter, but not before cheekily saying that he'd pick me up ("Jeongin, you live next-door, if you didn't do at least that, we wouldn't be going out," I replied, laughing).

It felt like high school, to be honest. The nervous atmosphere, mixed with feelings of excitement for what was to come. I hadn't felt this way in a very long time, as my two short relationships during college were the last I had. I was still a little cautious about the whole thing in my head though. Just a little. I didn't want to think about the future, to be honest, because right now was the light hearted part. We weren't officially together or anything — just two adults about to try out dating. I didn't need to worry about being an ordinary corporate slave who ended up dating an international star just yet. We would talk about it when the time came, if it did. It definitely will, I think excitedly, flailing my arms and legs in bed, suddenly overcome by happiness. I hugged my pillow and sighed with content.

I wasn't sure what we would end up doing tonight, but knowing us two, it would probably just be a casual meal at a hearty restaurant, and some ice cream while walking around the city. The whole day at work, I could barely focus. I chose to do all of the tickets that required little to no thinking — client support, documentation, etc. I was buzzing on the inside, and fighting to keep it from spilling out. I didn't want my coworkers to know anything was going on in my life outside of work. I didn't want anyone to know anything because of the risks involved in the inevitable questionings that would follow. So I kept my mouth shut, I kept my smile under control, and I put my head down and just worked.


It's Jeongin, he's probably texting about plans!

Jeongin: hello how's work when will you be free?

Yeona: hi work is work. I'm free at 5:30! What's the plan :)

Jeongin: ok im thinking about just getting some nice warm soondubu at that place down the street from home? Are you down for that?

Yeona: ye ok down for it. It's cold today.

Jeongin: I'll keep u warm :-)

I chuckled, before zipping my mouth shut and carefully looking around to make sure nobody noticed. Jeongin was flirting with me. What a weird turn of events. I let myself smile a little.

At 5:30, I go down to start my commute home, and see a familiar figure dressed in black jeans, a long tan overcoat, and a beanie. He's staring intently at the other entrance. I grin from a distance — I've spotted him before he's spotted me — and come up behind him, and tap his shoulder. He whips around with an initial look of surprise, before seeing that it's just me and smiling.

"Hi Yeona! Thank god, I thought I had missed you."

"You didn't say you would pick me up from work!"

"Yeah, but I said I'd pick you up, and obviously you're not going to be at home, so I came here! It's not far from JYP anyway." He smiles big at me, and I admire his ...well his everything. For the first time since meeting him, I was allowing myself to see him not just as a friend but also as a man. Someone I was attracted to.

"Shall we get going?" He asks me, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes, sorry," I laugh, having been caught.

"I know, I'm just so good looking, aren't I," he teases as he laughs and begins walking. I roll my eyes and follow him to the subway station. 
