Yeona's POV

The date was going well, very very well. I know it's cheesy but I felt like a new person. This feeling of warm fuzzy electricity of liking someone was newer to me. I had forgotten how it felt. Flirting with Jeongin was fun, and still having him to talk to about everything was even better. Our relationship was better this way — as if it was always meant to be more than friendship.

As we started walking over to the bingsoo house, I asked him point blank, "So, does your manager hate me?"

"What?" He looks at me with surprise. "Why would he hate you?"

"Well, I'm sure I've just made his life a whole lot more complicated." This was honestly on my mind a bit. I didn't like being a burden on people, and just my existence in Jeongin's life would make me exactly that.

"Oh, no. No, don't worry about that. He knows exactly what he's doing. Anyways, he's already had to learn how to handle this kind of stuff with Felix being in a relationship." Jeongin looked up a little, thinking. "Yeah, come to think of it...this is probably a bit easier for our manager to handle."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Felix is dating a guy. And yes, we support him, 100%! But not a lot of Korea might, and my manager would have to block this kind of negative publicity. He has to be the barrier, to a certain point."

I nodded, understanding that this was a bit more traditional, and therefore more convenient, as far as handling public sentiment.

"You know though, we can go on double dates with Felix and Jason now!" I sneak a look at Jeongin, hoping I haven't crossed a line in our early relationship for suggesting double dates.

His eyes widen, and he replies excitedly, "Oh my god, wait that would be so fun."

I smile in relief. "Yeah, it'd be nice to get some perspective on how this all went for them. They're the only other ones with similar situations."

We arrived at the bingsoo place to see it swarmed with other young adults, many of which were also on dates.

"Yikes...it's a little crowded here. Do you wanna go to a different place?"

I look around and agree, "Yeah, this is a little too much. There's another place down the street right?"

We continue walking, and Jeongin asks me, "So how is work going?"

I grimace a little internally, before replying, "It's...okay. I mean, I can't complain, can I?"

"What do you mean?"

"I probably told you this before, but like...this just ain't it. But it pays the bills — well too. So how can I complain?"

"What is it that you would rather do?"

I flush a little, embarrassed. "Don't laugh at me."

"I won't!" He insists.

"I have always wanted to try acting."

"Really?!" He looks at me with surprise. He continues, "You should totally talk to Hyunjin about it. That would be so fun."

"I don't know about acting in Korea though — my Korean is still lacking a lot. At most, if there were any such roles, I could be that random English speaker in films or dramas or shows."

"Yeah, I'm sure Hyunjin knows a lot about it. Wow! Acting!"

I shrug, a little embarrassed that I had even told him about my silly dream. Truth be told, I had been working out and working on my body a lot because I wanted to be at my proudest point — healthy, fit, and I admit, thin.

I did this all of the time leading up to Korea because I wanted to have at least my confidence, if not opportunities to show it at auditions. But I wasn't sure if that would ever happen, especially considering my bulky shoulders. I love everything about climbing except the toll it takes on my ideal size of arms, shoulders and back.

I was suddenly deep in my thoughts of self-doubt and self-deprecation, feeling sorry for myself when Jeongin popped his face in front of mine, stopping me in my tracks. I blink a couple times, realizing that we had been walking in silence for a while.

"You okay?"

I frown, and say, "You're quick to notice things. I was just getting in my head about something stupid."

"What was it?"

"It's stupid.. Just. I love climbing, but I want to do things that traditionally require me to not have these massive shoulders and arms and back. But I'm also doing well with climbing right now, so...I dunno, it's a constant dilemma."

"Hey, if it makes any difference, I've never noticed that your arms were out of the ordinary, other than that they don't look useless. And if you're doing well with climbing, let yourself do that for now. You have plenty of time to try other things, but being strong? A lot of that is thanks to our glorious youth."

I laugh at him, and playfully shove his shoulder. "Get outta here."

"No really, you have that competition coming up right?"

"Yeah, I mean, it's just a local competition. It's just for fun."

"But if you do well, that's also good. And could open doors to other things. Maybe you'll be sponsored, or get chosen to model clothes!"

"Me? Model clothing?"

"Yes! Stop being like that, have some confidence, woman!" He grabs my shoulders and jokingly shakes me as if to say, Snap out of it, lady!

We burst out laughing. I feel the tension toward myself slowly melt away as I look at where I'm at right now. I'm walking to dessert after dinner on a first date with Yang Jeongin, an idol I've admired for years. I was climbing well, I was earning a living, I was learning at work, I was feeling love. Why be hard on myself when the people who matter are rooting for me anyway?

I smile at Jeongin and boldly grab his hand, pulling him in the direction of the bingsoo house. The second that my hand grabbed his, my heart skips a beat, and I swear his must have as well. We pause and look at each other lovingly, smiles on our faces, before interlacing our fingers with one another, and heading inside.

A/N: that's it for this weekend ;) hope u feel warm and fuzzy inside like I do, even though i'm single af and not in seoul and not yeona:)  
