A/N: Alright my friends! I am all (most) moved into the new house, and wrote 2 longer chapters in the meantime. I hope you enjoy them!! Also added this photo of Jeongin bc I saw it on pinterest and boy oh boy....he is man. 

Yeona's POV

I lay awake in bed, frowning. I've been like this most nights because I'm trying really hard to be the forgiving and understanding and independent girlfriend that Jeongin needs to have right now. But this is a relationship, not a one way street. I always had this thought — that I deserved some level of attention as well.

I scrunch up my face and exhale sharply, as I bring the heels of my palms to my eyes, rubbing them.

It's not like he doesn't love me, he's simply busy. On tour. Because he's a globally known celebrity with millions of fans. And despite all that, he loves me.


That's Jess's ringtone. I had switched all of my ringtones so that I knew who had texted me. I didn't want to get my hopes up with every new text, only to be crushed that it wasn't from Jeongin. Is that extra? Whatever.

Yeona get the fuk up out of bed we are going out tonight

I rolled my eyes. This was classic. She knew that I was feeling down because of my outward frustration when climbing today. Jess was becoming one of my closest friends in Seoul, making sure to prop me up when I was feeling down. I couldn't hide my feelings from her — she could sense them too easily.

I'm sleepy

Hell no, Yeona, that sucks bc I'm at your place right now. Buzz me up

I sit upright, and drag myself out of bed, before clicking on the intercom. There's no way she's actually... Through it, I see Jess's expectant face. I sigh, and buzz her in. A couple minutes go by, and I hear the doorbell ring.

The second I open it, she goes right past me to my and Jeongin's room.

"Ma'am, what are you doing?" I ask her pointedly.

"God, I still can't believe you live with Jeongin from Stray Kids of all groups, in this massive apartment," she mutters in response, scanning her eyes up at the high ceilings, at the size of the closet.

"Excuse me," I ask her again, as she begins to rustle through my walk-in closet.

"I told you, we're going clubbing tonight."

"What?! You said we were going out not clubbing," I whine to her.

She flips around and pops out her hip to the side, putting a free hand on her waist.

"Look, Yeona. I get it." She waves her hand in the air. "Your boyfriend is an idol and is on tour and you can't see him. Boohoo, honey, it's not like he isn't thinking about you every day, and wishing he had the time to talk to you more!"

I scoff at her harsh words.

"Look," she sighs. "You need to take advantage of this time on your own and fucking get out there and experience the city alone."

I'm silent. She's likely not done with this lecture.

"You and Jeongin started dating basically right when you got to Korea, meaning that you have unintentionally become a codependent unit."

I open my mouth to interject and she cuts me off before I can even start.

"You have. I know you don't like that especially because you're a 'strong independent woman who don't need no man'," she puts air quotes around the outdated phrase. "But you have become just that. Face it. You need to reevaluate who you are without Jeongin, and this is the perfect time to do so."

We're both silent, as she stares deep into my eyes, knowing damn well that she's right.

I throw my hands up in the air and concede, "Okay! You're right! God." Putting a hand on my face, I rub between my eyebrows, realizing that I had become exactly the type of girl I hated — nothing without her boyfriend beside her. With newfound motivation, I push aside Jess, and go to the section of the closet with my going-out clothes.

I pull out a pair of wide legged pants, a lace corset top, and a thin but structured blazer — all black. Jess sits on the ottoman in the center of the closet (Okay, yes, it's a very large closet...one of the perks of Jeongin's salary), as she giddily watches me transform from my sweatpants clad mess of a self into my sharp don't-mess-with-me night-out look.

I keep my hair simple. It's already pretty long, right past my shoulders, so I curl the ends a little just to give it a little life, and I blow-dry my long bangs to sit lightly on my cheekbones. I decide on doing a simple eye of light shadowing, thin cat-eyed eyeliner, and mascara, but put in some gray colored contacts to give them a pop. On my lips I put a darker burgundy to match my mood. Finally, I'm all set. I grab my clutch, put on my blocky heels (we don't want to be stabbing anyone's feet at the club), and turn to look at Jess.

I have never seen her more excited. I roll my eyes, grab her arm and link it with mine, and drag her out the door. 
