The Komore Teahouse

You didn't get a chance to respond. She annoyed you a little but you decided to ignore it and go pick up the snacks. When you got to the city, you looked around for a shop to buy from. What kind of food does Thoma like? Is he more of a sweet or savoury person? What goes well with tea? What type of dessert would match with the type of tea you were having? You were having trouble deciding but decided to buy a box of macarons. Since you weren't sure what kind of macarons he likes you bought a box that provides different flavours. It was in a cute box, pink with a red bow on the front. Maybe you should pick up a treat for Taroumaru. Though you weren't sure what to get him, maybe you will buy him something the next time you see him. You took about 30 minutes, it was time to go. Maybe you should stop by Yoimiya's and fix your outfit? Why did you care so much? Though, you still felt the need to look presentable and so you fixed up your look a little bit and then headed for the Komore Teahouse. You were wearing something fancy since you met up with Ayaka. It was a long purple kimono you received from Yoimiya. You had passed by this teahouse many times, it always looked so private. The teahouse wasn't far from you, it was 5 minutes away. Your stomach started fluttering, like it was filled with butterflies. There was too much going through your head to even think properly. You were getting anxious with every second, unaware that you made it all the way to the Komore Teahouse. You were too nervous to even go in. You were thinking too much about what he thought of you. Did Yoimiya speak the truth? Was this actually a date? Of course it wasn't, it was supposed to be a hang out. Even though you were nervous, you suddenly just felt the confidence to go through. You looked around, it was quiet. You spotted Taroumaru at the front desk. You waved but felt stupid because he wouldn't understand. Taroumaru started wagging his tail. You weren't sure if you could pet him or not, but you decided to call out for Thoma.

Y/N: ...Thoma?

You place down your gift on the chair next to you while taking a quick glance at the items surrounding you, this place looks fancy. About five seconds in you hear a voice.

???: Hello Y/N! It's been a while!

You look around, seeing if there was someone else in here, but there was no one except Taroumaru.

Y/N: Taroumaru?

Taroumaru: Yes?

You gasped, was Taroumaru a special dog? Why can he talk? You felt stupid talking back to him but it's not like you had any choice. Thoma wasn't here anyway.

Y/N: Do you happen to know where Thoma is?

Taroumaru: Hmmm, I'm not sure. The last time I saw him was-

Suddenly, he stopped talking.

Y/N: Taroumaru?

You could hear some snickering behind the counter, you were very confused. Until it clicked.

Y/N: Thoma!

Thoma popped up from behind the counter.

Thoma: Man.. I was hoping that would last longer.. I couldn't help myself! Sorry about that..

He scratched the back of his head while giving you a warm smile. Then, he went around the counter and stood in front of you. He then did something unexpected. He reached out for your hands and enclosed them in his. He looked you straight in the eyes and spoke.

Thoma: Thanks for coming Y/N!

You both paused, staring deeply into each other's eyes. Thomas' eyes were a beautiful shade of green, matching the colour of a green apple. His eyes were so vibrant, yet so warm and caring. You could tell what type of person he was just based on his eye colour. You were trapped in his caring gaze, and he was trapped in yours. Your face starts feeling hot. You both never let go of each other's hands. Though after a few seconds you broke out of it and spoke.

Y/N: Oh! I forgot to tell you, I brought you something!

Thoma: Oh?

You went to grab the box and presented it infront of him.

Y/N: Here! I bought a box of macarons, though I wasn't sure what flavour you like so I just bought a mixed pack. I hope you like it!

His eyes lit up.

Thoma: Thanks Y/N! But, you really didn't have to do this! I could've just whipped something up for us.

Y/N: It's alright! I wanted to repay you for spending the day with me yesterday.

Thoma: Never feel the need to repay me for things like that! I enjoyed yesterday, that was all I needed as payment.

He truly had a way with words that made you feel comfortable.

Thoma: Well why don't you go sit in that room? I'll bring you some tea. I already finished up my duties here so I'm free now.

Y/N: Alright!

You made your way over to the room he pointed at. It was very clean and fancy. The sun was peeking through the big windows surrounding it. There was a table and two chairs waiting for you. You sit down on the chair closest to the window. What if you two were awkward? Sure, yesterday wasn't awkward but today might be. You needed time to chill out but while taking in deep breaths he walked in the room. He was holding a silver tray, it had a tea set similar to Ayaka's but instead of it being blue it was red with golden lines and with a black ribbon on it. He had the macarons placed down in rows, they looked scrumptious. You could see why he was hired to be a housekeeper. He's quite efficient.

Thoma: Here it is!

He placed the tray down on the table, taking a seat in front of you. He poured out the tea and gestured for you to take a sip. You picked up the cup and took a sip. It was lovely, it was the perfect temperature. It tasted like strawberries with a hint of raspberry. This was the best beverage you have ever drank.

Y/N: That was so good!

Thoma: Right? It's my favourite tea!

Y/N: Well then you have good taste Thoma.

Thoma: I suppose. Well, go ahead. Eat a macaron!

Y/N: Okay then!

You looked at all the different colours, but decided to go with the red one. You took a bite. It worked with the tea very well, you found out that the flavour was strawberry.

Y/N: This one is really good! I think it's strawberry..

Thoma: Well if you already tried that one I guess I'll go with the... purple one! Hopefully it's good..

He picked it up and took a bite, and suddenly his facial expression changed. He looked like he was in heaven/ He was kind of cute like that.

Thoma: That one is so good! I think it's taro..

Without you two knowing, you both took a macaron similar to the other's outfit. It seemed like it was intentional, but it wasn't.

You both had a fun time chatting, you thought it was going to be awkward but it wasn't! You were relieved it went this way. You both finished up the tea and the macarons. It was getting dark outside.

Yet, you didn't want to leave. Spending time with Thoma was fun, and you wanted it to last. It went silent for a moment, both of you aware of the time. But then you spoke.

Y/N: You wanna go outside?

Thoma: Sure, a little fresh air is good for us!

Y/N: Great!

You both stand up and make your way outside. The weather was nice, just a little chilly. You weren't sure where to go, but Thoma led you to a balcony a little further from the teahouse. It was facing the moon. You both stand there and rest your hands on the railing.

Thoma: The moon's beautiful tonight..

He didn't just say that to start off a conversation, the moon was actually beautiful tonight. It was a full moon, it has a certain gleam to it that makes it addicting to look at. Your eyes were attached to it, it was surrounded by the brightest stars you have ever come across. You were enthralled, leaving a fascinated look on your face.

Y/N: It's very beautiful..

Thoma: This is one of my favourite places to be whenever I need alone time.

Y/N: This is a very nice place!

Thoma: Right? Though it's sort of chilly, are you feeling it?

Y/N: Just a little, I'm alright though!

Thoma: Hmm..

Y/N: Huh?

Just then you felt something warm on your back, you turned to see Thoma putting his red coat on you. That made your heart flutter, but you felt bad. He would've been cold without it.

Thoma: There you go, wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable now would we?

He gave you a smile that made you so warm you didn't even need the jacket anymore.

Y/N: But what about you? Aren't you cold? You should take it back..

Thoma: No, it's alright! My vision keeps me warm enough.

Y/N: If you say so..

His jacket was keeping you warm, the texture was nice. It had a faint scent of tea on it. His jacket felt just like a hug. You were going to start another conversation but as you were about to start you looked up at him. You looked up to him staring at the moon. He looked so calm, like he was lost in his own world. A gentle smile spread across his face. You decided that maybe it wasn't the time to talk and kept quiet. You both stood there for a few minutes, suddenly a shooting star passed by. You and Thoma gasped in amazement, you loved shooting stars. It reminded you of your time in Mondstadt. You and Noelle would occasionally see shooting stars while working late at night, you missed her. She was someone that made your day better, she was fun to talk to and she understood how you felt. Even though you wanted to pursue different paths she still enjoyed her job and so did you. Without you knowing a frown spread across your face. Thoma turned to you.

Thoma: Did you make a wish?

Y/N: Huh? Oh no I didn't, I forgot. Did you?

Thoma: Went by too fast, I'll get the next one I see.

Y/N: Yeah..

Thoma: Is something on your mind?'

Y/N: Just.. thinking about my life back in Mondstadt..

Thoma: Did the stars bring back a memory?

Y/N: Yeah.. I just.. Miss my job. I used to work as a maid for the Knights of Favonius. It was kinda fun.

Thoma: So you used to do what I do.

Y/N: Mhm. I've been trying to find a job ever since I moved here. But I haven't been able to, so I've just been an adventurer doing commissions, sure it's fun but not the kind of fun I want.

Thoma: Hmm..

Thoma started to think, then his eyes lit up.

Thoma: Well I mean we have been short on staff for the past few months, most of them left to go back to being an adventurer after they got their vision back. We lost one of our housekeepers and if you're up for it then would you like to work as a housekeeper for the Kamisato Clan?

You were shocked, you didn't expect that.

Y/N: Really!

Thoma: Mhm, we have been trying to hire people but it hasn't worked. Crazy right? I thought at least some people would want to be a housekeeper but I guess not!

You laughed a little.

Y/N: Well I want to be a housekeeper, and I'd love to be one for the Kamisato Clan!

Thoma: Then.. great! You can start working whenever you please. I just have to check in with Ayaka before you start.

Y/N: Thank you so much Thoma.

Thoma: No need to thank me!

Y/N: There is a need!

There was so much appreciation for Thoma in your heart at the moment. He really offered you a job, and it was something you wanted to do. He has done so much for you and it's only been two days since you met him. He deserved everything, he was such a bright soul. All of these emotions rushed through you and you wrapped your arms around him. He didn't have time to react, sure it was weird but you were so thankful. He put his arms around you lightly.

Thoma: Oh?

Y/N: Sorry about that..

You let go of him.

Thoma: Don't be sorry, a hug is always nice!

Y/N: Well, it's getting late and if I'm going to start working tomorrow then I better get some rest.

Thoma: Wow, you really suit the lifestyle of a housekeeper huh?

Y/N: Mhm, when should I come in?

Thoma: 5:45am.

You were sort of shocked. Does that mean Thoma wakes up early every morning? Now you feel bad taking up his time he could be using on a good rest.

Thoma: Shocked?

Y/N: Kind of.. But alright then! I'll be there!

Thoma: Alright then! Have a good night, I hope you rest well!

Y/N: Same for you!

You waved goodbye and walked away.
