Bamboo Shoots

Yoimiya: Get up Y/N!

After Yoimiya said that, you jolted up. What happened?

Y/N: Huh? What happened Yoimiya?

Yoimiya: You have work!

Y/N: What time is it?!

Yoimiya: 5:50am!

Y/N: Oh.. I forgot to tell you that work starts later today..

Yoimiya: Oh. I'm sorry! You can go back to bed.

Y/N: It's alright.. I should probably get into the habit of waking up early, if you're going to be up I'll make breakfast..

Yoimiya: I do have to make a special firework today so I should probably stay up..

Y/N: What do you want for breakfast?

Yoimiya: Anything! Thanks Y/N!

Y/N: No problem!

You went to the bathroom, washed your face, and then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. What were you going to make today? Something quick, not something tedious. You settled on french toast. It was yummy and fast to make. Cooking was one of your passions, it was fun and the outcome was always delicious. You put on an apron and started to make the french toast, it was pretty easy. You had a certain recipe you always used. It was something you picked up in Mondstadt. You made a huge stack of french toast. It took a while, but you wanted too so you wouldn't have to worry about food later. You called out for Yoimiya so you could eat breakfast. It was 6:46am when you finished making french toast. Yoimiya came running to the kitchen.

Yoimiya: Mm! It smells great Y/N! You should cook more often!

Y/N: Maybe.. Take a seat! I'll bring over the food.

You bring over the plate of french toast and then add your finishing touches. You dusted powdered sugar on the top. Then, both of you served. You both ate and talked about what you did yesterday.

Yoimiya: You and Thoma took care of animals? Cute!

Y/N: Yeah, it was! We also took a nap together.

Yoimiya: Is that why you came back late?

Y/N: Yeah, but we also bought food.

Yoimiya: So, yesterday you went on a date with Thoma basically?

Y/N: Not really.. But kind of..

Yoimiya: See? You admit it! Have you.. Developed any feelings for Thoma? I mean, I know that they were already there before yesterday but.. You know..

Y/N: Yoimiya!

You plaufully slapped her on the arm. She laughed out loud.

Yoimiya: I'm just kidding! Sorta.. Though, I did see a little chemistry when you guys came here to pick up fireworks..

Y/N: You might see chemistry but I don't see anything!

Yoimiya: Listen, soon you'll just have to admit that I'm right and you're wrong about this!

You kept denying it but she kept pushing her point. It frustrated you a little bit, but maybe she was right? This went on for a little while longer until there was a knock at the door.

Yoimiya: You like him Y/N! I know that you like Tho-


Y/N: I'll get it.

You stood up and opened the door, the person who was standing behind the door was Thoma! Oh no, did he hear anything you guys said?

Thoma: Oh, hello Y/N!

Yoimiya was chuckling to herself.

Y/N: Uh, good morning Thoma!

Thoma: Oh, did I disturb something?

Y/N: Nope!

Thoma: Great! Well anyways, I stopped by because I need your help with something if that's alright. I know you don't start work for a little while longer so if you don't want to help then that's okay!

Y/N: I'd love to help!

Thoma: Thank you Y/N!

Y/N: Did you eat breakfast Thoma?

Thoma: Ah, not yet. I couldn't find the time to eat..

Y/N: Well.. I just made breakfast, french toast! You can have some if you'd like!

Thoma: It looks amazing but it's alright!

Y/N: Don't be silly! If we have to deal with the matter urgently, then I'll pack some food up for you! But if not, just take a seat!

Thoma: Well it is pretty urgent..

Y/N: Okay then, it'll be ready in a minute!

You packed a few pieces into a paper bag. You lightly dusted some powdered sugar on the top of it. Sure, it didn't make much of a difference but it was a nice addition. You made sure the bag didn't look messy and handed it to Thoma.

Y/N: Here you go! You can eat it on the way there.

Thoma: You don't know how thankful I am right now Y/N.. I'm starving!

Y/N: No problem!

Thoma: Take your time with breakfast. A rushed breakfast isn't a nice one..

Y/N: I finished breakfast! Just let me change, I'll be ready in a second.

Thoma: Alright.

Yoimiya and Thoma started talking, hopefully she wouldn't say anything embarrassing. You opened your dresser. What's a good outfit to wear? What kind of occasion is it? You put on black pants and a purple shirt. Something casual was nice. You head to the kitchen to see Thoma and Yoimiya talking.

Thoma: Hey Y/N, ready to go?

Y/N: Mhm.

Thoma: Alrighty, let's go.

Yoimiya: See ya later!

You and Thoma left the house, and paused outside.

Y/N: So what do you need help with?

Thoma: Well, tonight the Yashiro Commission is hosting a huge dinner, it's to celebrate how well that meeting went yesterday! Lots of people will be attending.

Y/N: So you need me to help with dinner?

Thoma: Mhm, but not just that. For a certain dish, I need a certain plant and it's pretty rare..

Y/N; So you want me to help you find it?

Thoma: Exactly!

Y/N: Okay then, do you have the rest of the ingredients?

Thoma: Not yet.. The marketplace doesn't open until.. 7:30. It's 7:14 right now so we'll have just enough time to get there. Everything is at it's freshest when they first open so we better hurry!

Y/N: Lead the way!

Thoma leads you to the marketplace. It was packed with loads of people selling goods to others. It was extremely loud and a part of Inazuma you never visited. It was a huge area filled with people.

Y/N: Woah, I didn't expect the place to be this big!

Thoma: Pretty overwhelming if it's your first time.. It's one of my favourite things about Inazuma! We should stay close though. Getting lost in here is terrifying..

Y/N: Okay..

You held Thoma's hand. It was like a sea of people, just imagine if you accidentally left go of his hand. There was no way you were going to be able see each other again.

Thoma: Before we go in, I have a list of the things we need in my pocket..

He pulled a note out of his pocket. It had a huge list of all the items. Thoma's writing was neat, another thing you like about him.

Thoma: Ready?

Y/N: Sorta.

Thoma tightened his grip on your hand.

Thoma: Don't worry, it's not as scary as it seems. Kinda..

You laughed a little.

Y/N: Alright then, let's not waste anymore time.

You took your first step into the marketplace. It was a whole different atmosphere, but you shouldn't be worried. This was probably something you had to do often as a housekeeper. It was pretty loud so it was hard for you and Thoma to talk.

Over the course of three hours, you and Thoma got a lot of the ingredients you needed. Most of the people recognized Thoma. As soon as he came to talk to them they all acted extremely friendly. He really has a place in Inazuman's hearts. You were almost done with purchasing everything, you only needed two more things. One was bamboo shoots and the other was berries. The marketplace wasn't as lively as it was an hour ago so it was easier to chat.

Thoma: Luckily, the items we need are close to each other. This is the last thing we need and then we can take a break.. I'll finally be able to eat..

Y/N: Why didn't you eat on the way here?

Thoma: I wouldn't want to touch the vegetables with the french toast remnants on my hands.

Y/N: True.

You and Thoma walk up to the people selling the goods you need. You decided to buy the bamboo shoots. The man selling bamboo shoots was middle-aged with short, black hair. He had a toothpick in his mouth, somehow it didn't fall when he was talking. You were waiting for him to be done talking with the person who was in front of you.

Seller: Alright, 2000 mora for ten shoots. Thank you, have a nice day.

Now, it was your turn.

Y/N: Hello, can I get 10 bamboo shoots?

Seller: Sure honey, 5000 mora for ten.

Y/N: I just saw you sell ten bamboo shoots for 2000 mora?

Seller: Nah, these are special. Fresh bamboo is expensive!

Y/N: Then why didn't you charge the other person 5000?

Seller: Listen darling, I don't have all day okay? Stop asking me questions and buy them like a good girl.

At this point, you were fuming but kept a calm composure the whole time. Why did he think he could talk to you like this? There was no way you were going to purchase bamboo from this guy. But there was no way you were just going to walk away without saying anything. He was clearly trying to scam you.

Y/N: "Good girl" Am I a dog?

You and the man were arguing for a little while. You wanted to get your point across and you weren't going to stop arguing until it did.
