The Jade Royal Ball pt.3

Finally, it was time for the ball to start.

The guards who waited outside the door opened the large, jade doors for you guys. Suddenly, all of your stomach problems went away. There were two opposing curved staircases which led down the ballroom. You could see Ayato and Thoma waiting at the bottom of the stairs, they both looked incredible! Many people were in the room, it looked sort of crowded. There was loads of chatter, making it hard to hear the classical music that was being played. Many people were serving out drinks on gold platters, though it made you feel anxious. You weren't made for this sort of thing. You all walked down the stairs at the same time, that was when they spotted you. Thoma looked at you with a radiant smile on his face, you smiled back at him. You got to the bottom of the stairs and got a better look at their outfits. It was just basic, black tuxedos but it still looked good on them. Thoma was wearing a red tie while Ayato was wearing a light blue tie. They both wore white gloves which were a perfect fit.

Thoma: You guys look great!

Y/N: Thank you Thoma! So do you and Ayato!

Ayato: Thank you Y/N. By the way, is anyone aware of Hu Tao's whereabouts?

There was something in the back of your mind which sent spikes through your thought process. You had a feeling that something or someone was missing. That someone was Hu Tao. She sort of just slipped away once you reached the Jade Chamber. Where could she be?

Hu Tao: Boo!

Hu Tao had tapped on Ayato's shoulder.

Y/N: There you are! Where did you go, Hu Tao?

Hu Tao: Well, I had to help set up some things for the ball! But, here I am!

Hu Tao was wearing a tuxedo with a long coattail that was shaped like butterfly wings. She had red butterfly clips on her pigtails. She decided not to wear her hat to the event.

Yoimiya: That suit looks great on you!

Hu Tao: Thanks!

Everyone was chatting until a girl dressed in such a lavish dress showed up and took a stand from the entrance of the ballroom. Everything in the room went silent, who was she?

???: Good evening everyone, welcome to the Jade Royal Ball.

People started clapping, you're going to assume that's Ningguang. The clapping slowly faded and the women started to speak.

Ningguang: I hosted this event for a special reason. That reason being the ties that are currently being created between Liyue and Inazuma. Many people from Inazuma have ventured out to Liyue Harbour in the past few days. Even though this event is a little late, I hope you take this as a warm welcome to our nation.

Everyone started to clap again, Ningguang walked down the stairs in your direction. When she got to you guys, it was a little awkward. A lot of small talk, but she also talked about important topics. That's when it was just Ayato, Ayaka, and Ningguang talking. The group split up into pairs, you were paired up with Thoma while Yoimiya was paired with Hu Tao. You and Thoma didn't really have a proper chat today.

Thoma: You look amazing tonight Y/N..

Y/N: You look amazing too Thoma!

You forgot about the present that was in your hands until now.

Y/N: Oh yeah! I got something for you, I hope it's something you'll like!

You handed the box over to him.

Thoma: Thanks Y/N!

He opened the box and the expression that took over his face was a mix of happiness and shock. Definitely more of a happy look than a shocked one.

Thoma: You bought this for me?

Y/N: Mhm! I had to buy it for you, it just reminded me of -

Thoma gave you the tightest hug you've ever received. You didn't expect him to do that, but you hugged him back.

Thoma: Thank you Y/N, I appreciate it. A lot!

Y/N: No problem Thoma..

Thoma let go of you.

Thoma: I was hoping to give this to you sooner but I couldn't find the time..

Y/N: Hm?

Thoma pulled out a box from his pocket.

Y/N: For me?

Thoma: Mhm!

He handed you the box and you opened it. He had bought you a gold hair clip with a white Cecilia outlined with gold in the middle. You were surprised, Cecilias were your favourite flower.

Y/N: I love it! Thank you so much Thoma!

Thoma: I'm glad you like it!

Thoma took the hair clip out of the box and walked closer to you.

Thoma: May I?

Y/N: Go ahead!

He put the hair clip at the base of your bun.

Thoma: There you go..

Y/N: Well then, could I put on the brooch for you?

Thoma: Of course.

You pinned the brooch on the left side of his suit.

Thoma: Thanks Y/N!

The both of you were talking about the ball until Ningguang made another announcement.

Ningguang: I think it's time to move onto the next portion of this event, the dancing.

How would the dancing work?


Okay if any of you have watched Pokemon XY and remember that one episode where they got invited to some dance and like Serena was dancing with Clemont, please know that episode has like inspired this part of the chapter 😭 it sounds a little childish but that's the only reference i have :D

So basically this is how the dance is gonna work.

Pretend that everyone picked out a slip of paper with a certain pattern on it and got paired up with whoever got the same pattern as you. But after a few minutes of dancing, you move onto the person next to you were just dancing with. I guess the person you were dancing with before just stays in the same spot with a new partner idk how to explain it 😭 btw you will know when to switch partners when the music slowly stops and it will start playing again once you have switched partners :DD

Please ignore my bad explanation. I just don't know how to word certain things ANYWAY enjoy reading :)


On your paper slip, there was a diamond. Luckily, you and Ayato were paired up together. This was going to be your first time ballroom dancing and you weren't sure how to do it. It was time to start dancing.


Ayato held your hand and brought it to his face. He gently pressed a kiss to your hand. You didn't expect it at all, leaving you a little flustered. You could see a small smile rise to his face.

Ayato: You look lovely tonight, are you ready to start?

Y/N: Uh, yeah and thank you! I'm not really sure how to start dancing though..

Ayato placed your right hand to his shoulder and held your hand with the other. He placed his hands on your hips.

Ayato: Follow my lead.. You can trust me..

Y/N: Alright..

Ayato was guiding you perfectly, you felt like what you were doing was right. The dance was very coordinated, you and him were swaying across the ballroom nicely. You could tell this is a skill he has known for a while. Ayato smelled like Sakura Bloom and Violetgrass, a fitting scent.

Ayato: I must say, you learn fast..

Y/N: Thanks!

Y/N: You know, ever since we've started dancing I've realised that you're a different person than I thought you were..

Ayato: How so?

Y/N: Well, you seemed so quiet and responsible ever since I started to talk to you. But now, you seem more care-free and talkative..

Ayato: Hm, is that so?

He said in an amused tone.

Ayato: Then I guess you really don't know me.. Though to be fair, I'm not the most open person..

Y/N: You don't seem like the most open person, no offence!

Ayato: None taken. But to change that, let's get to know each other better..

He lifted your arm and twirled you around.

Ayato: What hobbies do you partake in?

Y/N: Well, I like to do loads of things so I don't really have a set of hobbies that I stick to.. What about you?

Ayato: I used to have a few hobbies as a child. But as I grew older, most of my time has been taken up by my official duties.. If you could count work as a hobby, I guess that would be mine.

Y/N: I see.. Hmm.. What's your favourite food?

Ayato: I don't have a favourite food, I'll eat whatever my staff gives me. But if drinks count, I'd say that milk tea is my favourite.. You?

Y/N: Are you talking about that shop in Hanamizaka? I love their milk tea! But back to the topic of favourite foods.. I like a lot of food, so I can't really choose a favourite.

Ayato: It seems like we are more similar than I originally thought.. Interesting..

Y/N: Are you a cat or dog person?

Ayato: Both pets have their own qualities which makes it difficult to pick but, I think I prefer dogs over cats. Dogs are obedient and loyal, while cats can be independent.. You could say I find loyalty an attractive quality. How about you?

Y/N: I love both but ever since I met Taroumaru, I've become more of a dog person!

Suddenly the music starts to fade out, a bummer. You wanted to talk to Ayato more.

Ayato: Seems like our time is out..I'll see you later Y/N.

Y/N: Mhm!

Ayato: Oh, one last thing.

Y/N: What is it?

Ayato suddenly lowered your back, or you could call it a dip. He smiled.

Ayato: There's more to someone than meets the eye..

You didn't have enough time to react. He brought you back up and twirled you away, you were dazed by his movements. You never realised how attractive Ayato was up until now. You were a little dizzy from the twirl which made you rush into the person you were supposed to dance with.

???: Are you alright?

Y/N: Mhm! Just a little dizzy..

This voice was deep and rich, but recognizable. You opened your eyes and spotted Zhongli.

Y/N: Oh, hello Zhongli!

Zhongli: Hello Y/N.

You placed one hand on his shoulder and held his hand with the other. He placed a hand to your waist and the music started to play. Zhongli was wearing a tuxedo with a yellow tie, he also wore a pair of black gloves. He smelled like a very rich cologne. He looked great.

Zhongli: How has the night been treating you?

Y/N: Great! What about you?

Zhongli: It's been treating me nicely, I'm just not one for events like this.

Y/N: Sorry if this sounds rude, but then why did you decide to come?

Zhongli: Well I may not be one for events like these, but I am one for the ties that are being created between my nation and Inazuma. It should be celebrated, and that's why I am here right now.

Y/N: Your nation?

Zhongli cleared his throat.

Zhongli: I said that wrong, I meant to say between my home and Inazuma.

Y/N: Oh alright!

Zhongli was pretty good at ballroom dancing, you both moved swiftly across the floor.

Y/N: When did you learn to dance?

Zhongli: A very long time ago, I'm incredibly unqualified for this..

Y/N: I learned how to dance just a few minutes ago, I think we're doing fine!

Zhongli smiled.

Y/N: Oh, I've been meaning to ask you this..

Zhongli: Hm?

Y/N: Why did you start working under Hu Tao? I mean you're a calm, gentle individual working under a cheerful, passionate individual! The two personalities just don't seem to mix..

Zhongli: I can't stand Hu Tao.

A rude way to put it, but you can't judge him. That's his own opinion. But things weren't adding up.

Y/N: You sure?

Zhongli: Mhm.

Y/N: I've seen how you and her interact, it's kind of like.. A grandpa and their grandchild? I'm not saying that you're old, please don't take it that way!

Zhongli laughed.

Zhongli: Don't worry, I understand what you're trying to say. I suppose you're correct..

He spun you around.

Zhongli: Nights like these are quite enjoyable when talking to the right people, thank you Y/N.

Y/N: No problem Zhongli!

You and him shared a hearty moment. Most of the time you had left with each other was put to good use. He was talking about Liyue's history. You kept questioning him about random things in Liyue history, and he actually had an answer. He was incredibly informed about it, a little too informed. It was like he got first hand experience with most of it.

Y/N: You really know everything about Liyue's history, huh? How did you figure all of this out?

Zhongli didn't know how to respond to you.

Zhongli: Well.. That's a secret. Maybe I'll let you in on it one day.

Y/N: Okay then..

The music faded out, it was time to switch partners.

Y/N: Have a goodnight Zhongli!

Zhongli: You too.

You both smiled and backed away from each other, you spent the next 15 minutes dancing with random strangers. You danced with a jewellery shop owner, a flower shop owner, even one of Ningguang's most trusted assistants! When you finished up your dance with the assistant, you bumped backs with your next dancing partner. You turned around to see a guy with ginger hair and blue eyes standing in front of you.

???: Woah! I'm sorry! Didn't mean to bump into you like that.

Y/N: I'm sorry too!

He put his hand out for you.

Childe: I go by Childe.

You grabbed his hand and gave him a response.

Y/N: I'm Y/N!

The music started to fade in.

Childe: Ready?

Y/N: Yep!

You do everything necessary to start the dance (hand placement). When you began dancing, it was a little choppy.

Y/N: New to dancing?

Childe: Well, I learned how to do it many years ago but I'm not the best at it.. That is why I aim to master it tonight!

Y/N: You started off a little slow but.. Now you're getting the hang of it!

Childe: You sound like you're a professional at this..

Y/N: Nope. I started dancing less than an hour ago..

Childe laughed at you.

Childe: You made it sound like you were crazy good at dancing! Just to find out you've only been dancing for less than an hour!

Y/N: I'm certain that I'm better than you though..

You joked around with him.

Childe: Oh really?

Y/N: Mhm!

Childe spun you around and dropped you for a dip. Though, you didn't feel a hand at your back. Your heart dropped, you weren't sure what to do until your reflexes acted out. You put your arms around his neck.

Childe: If only you had dropped just a little bit more, you would've felt my hand..

Y/N: That wasn't what I was expecting, I thought I was going to hit my head!

Childe: I would never let that happen!

He brought you back up and you returned to the regular dancing hand placement.

Childe: Think you could've pulled that move off?

Y/N: Oh, I definitely could. I could probably do it better too! But I'd rather save that move for another time..

Childe: Uh-huh..

Childe was a nice guy. Very extroverted, kind, and pretty good looking. He sort of reminded you of Thoma. Just a little bit.

Y/N: Don't take offence to this but, you don't seem like you're from Liyue..

Childe: No offence taken, and yes I'm not from here. I come from Snezhnaya! What about you? I know you're visiting from Inazuma but you don't seem like you are..

Y/N: I moved to Inazuma a few months ago, I come from Mondstadt. I used to work as a maid for the Knights of Favonius. Anyway, why are you visiting Liyue?

Childe: Well, you could say that I work here..

Y/N: Oh really? What do you do?

Childe looked a little nervous, like he was trying to find an answer.

Childe: Well, I um.. Work at the Northland Bank!

Y/N: Isn't that place controlled by that organisation.. The Fatui?

Childe: Uh..

Y/N: That organisation originated in Snezhnaya didn't it?

You started putting things together, Northland Bank, Childe, and the Fatui. Was Childe a part of the Fatui?

Y/N: Does that mean that you..

Childe shook his head yes but made no noise. Almost like he was trying to hide it. You were shocked. So you were dancing with a member of the Fatui?

Childe: I knew I messed up when I said I worked for the Northland Bank..

You laughed.

Y/N: It's alright, I won't say it out loud.

Childe looked relieved at your response. You weren't going to judge him. Perhaps he had his own reasons for his involvement with them.

Y/N: But, what are you doing at this dance?

Childe: Well, not for any wrong reason.. I just enjoy social events like these!

Y/N: How did you even get in?

Childe: Well, let's just say I came in as a "plus one".

Y/N: Okay then.. I won't question it.

The music started to go quiet, though it saddened you a little bit. You liked talking to Childe, you guys had some things in common and he was a cool guy. Maybe you'll see him later tonight? You let go of Childe.

Childe: Have a goodnight Y/N!

Y/N: You too Childe!

You back away from Childe and turn towards your next dancing partner. Surprisingly, Thoma was in front of you. He looked just as surprised. He smiled at you and you returned it.

Thoma: Great to see you again Y/N! How has your night been?

Y/N: Hey Thoma! It's been pretty good, what about you?

Thoma: My night has been good as well!

You walked closer to Thoma and placed one hand on his shoulder. You reached for his hand with your other and intertwined your fingers with his hand. He lifted up your hand and he put a hand at your waist. The music started playing again. You were nervous. Yes, you were fine earlier when you were dancing with other people but dancing with Thoma made you nervous. Thoma always made your heart race. Ever since that one chilly moon-lit night, you have been developing feelings for him.

Thoma: Shall we start?

Y/N: Mhm!

Thoma started to lead you. He seemed like he was pretty good at dancing.

Y/N: When did you learn to dance? You're pretty good at it!

Thoma: A few years ago, I had to attend a dance with Milady. Before the event, I practised dancing with her. She taught me how to do this, though I'm not as good as I was back then..

Y/N: Well you're better than me, I learned how to dance tonight!

Thoma laughed. Both of you exchanged smiles for a while, you didn't want to ruin the peace that this moment brought you two. Maybe you shouldn't be so nervous? You kept repeating the same thing in your mind, "just treat it like any other dance". But, how could you? This was the perfect situation and atmosphere for two. Maybe the best approach to your issue is to treat him like a regular friend? All this time you have been thinking about him like he was more of a friend, which has made you nervous. All of this thinking has really made you tense. You forgot how to move your feet and accidentally step on his foot. Great. Thoma had a surprised look on his face, while you were shocked.

Y/N: I'm so sorry Thoma! I spaced out!

Thoma laughed it off.

Thoma: It's alright! Everyone makes mistakes! You should've seen how many times I messed up when I was dancing with Ayaka before the event..

You started to laugh. Thoma always lightened the mood and made things not awkward.

Y/N: Thanks Thoma!

Thoma: No problem!

You both couldn't take your eyes off of each other. Everything about right now felt like it came out of a fairytale. You were the princess, and he was the prince. You both looked the part too. Both of you were entranced by the whimsical waltz that led you across the ballroom floor. All of the nerves from earlier sort of left your body, suddenly you were more confident. Just, treat it like any other dance.

Thoma: I don't know if I mentioned this earlier but, you look beautiful tonight Y/N..

You grinned happily at his words. He said something similar to that earlier. Though this time, he seemed a little nervous saying it to you this time.

Y/N: You did say something like that earlier, it's still incredibly nice to hear though! I know that I mentioned this earlier but, you look attractive tonight..

Thoma: Oh? Thank you but, it's sort of rude saying that tonight in particular is the only time I look attractive..

He was teasing you with a big grin on his face. You decided to act playful back at him.

Y/N: I should rephrase that, you look attractive all the time Thoma..

He looked a little flustered. Both of you were saying things that would never usually be said by you two. You guys were flirting, a little weird but it was cute in a way. It was basically a bunch of compliments back and forth. Thoma dropped you slightly for a dip, you lightly wrapped an arm around his neck. He brought you back up, all you were thinking about was how good-looking Thoma was. He was everything you wanted in a person. You wanted to tell him how you felt so bad but it made you nervous. It could go wrong in so many ways. Just the thought of dating Thoma makes you feel like you're on a roller coaster. You had to tell him one day or else it'll never happen. It's like you've been putting it off, maybe you should tell him now? I mean, it was the perfect moment.

Y/N: Uh, Thoma?

Thoma: Yes Y/N?

Both of you were smiling at each other.

Y/N: I've been meaning to tell you something..

You looked into his eyes with sincerity.

Thoma: What is it?

Suddenly, the music stopped. Though, you still wanted to get your response out.

Thoma anticipated your answer.

Y/N: Um.. I-

Suddenly, your arm got tugged on.

You turned your back to see Chuyi (rude tea lady) standing in front of you.

Chuyi: I think it's time we switch partners?

She had a devious smile on her face.



I hope you guys like this chapter, I've been working on it for the past two weeks. :)
