Bamboo Shoots pt.2/A Big Feast

That's when Thoma headed over to you.

Thoma: Refrain from calling her such names.

Seller: Now you got your boyfriend defending you, huh?

Y/N: We aren't dating and I don't need him to defend me.

Thoma: Based on your personality and looks, I'm going to assume you're the guy who has been stealing from others?

Seller: Huh?

Thoma: While I was buying things I overheard some of the sellers talk about someone who had been stealing from them. I asked them about it and they described you completely. The police wouldn't believe them because they didn't have enough evidence but now I'm going to make sure I get that evidence. Can I examine your stand please?

Seller: Fine, go ahead.

Thoma takes a look at his stand and finds a hidden pocket inside the stand. There was loads of mora! The seller looked nervous.

Thoma: I'm assuming this isn't yours? I'll be taking it, thank you.

He took the pocket of mora and put it in his pocket.

Seller: Well, you still need bamboo shoots right? Come on, I'm sorry. I'll sell them to you for even cheaper, 1000 mora for ten. Good deal right? Just don't tell the police.

Y/N: No thank you, we can find another person. Bye! Oh, and don't try to run away. You will just be in prison for longer.

The seller was shocked and you could tell he was getting angry he was muttering words to himself while you both walked away. Thoma was irritated and you were too.

Thoma: The nerve of that guy..

Y/N: Atleast we won't see him selling things here again.

Thoma: We should return this mora and then buy bamboo shoots.

You and Thoma return the mora to the nice ladies who had been robbed by that guy. They were so thankful, they tried to give you some mora but you both refused. You went to buy bamboo shoots from someone else and got what you needed for a cheap amount. You went to the police and got the guy arrested. After all of that, it wasn't even that late. It was 12:30pm. You and Thoma were drained. Thoma finally got to eat and enjoyed the french toast. You both took a long break. Sitting down on a bench, too tired to talk. Just sitting there in silence. The break you took was one hour, the marketplace really took a toll on you. You and Thoma brought all the items to the estate so they wouldn't rot.

Thoma: Man that was tiring.. We still have to find that special ingredient too..

Y/N: Oh yeah! What kind of plant is it?

Thoma: It's a plant that tastes like a bunch of fruits altogether in perfect harmony. I found out about it a while ago, I used it for a dish once and it tasted amazing. I want to use it again..

Y/N: Sounds great, where can we find it?

Thoma: It grows on trees that bear fruits. We should be able to find it if we look at the trees near the estate. That's where I found that last plant.

Y/N: Alright then let's find it!

After an hour of searching it wasn't looking too good, it was extremely hard to find. That was until Thoma spotted it. There was a lot of those plants growing on that certain tree. It was like finding gold!

You brought the plant inside and you both started to cook. If dinner was at 6pm, you would have just enough time to make all the dishes. He taught you how to make certain dishes and you taught him how to make some too. It was a blast cooking with Thoma. He made simple dishes look intricate. He was great at food presentation. You were going to cut the carrots in a certain way so it made the dish look nicer but it was difficult. Thoma stood behind you and put his hands on yours. He guided you, you looked up to him and he flashed you a smile.

Thoma: The carrots should be thin and cut like this..

Your heart melted, he was so close that it made you nervous. Yo were able to get the hang of it and he commended you. You both continued to cook till 5:30pm. The last dish was a jelly. It was setting in the fridge, it had the essence of the special plant in it. The jelly turned red. You and Thoma took a seat after a long time of cooking. You were about to pass out from exhaustion. That was until the Kamisto Silbings walked in. You had never seen Ayato before. He was stunning. His light blue hair, his outfit, his blue eyes the colour of sapphire. Everything about him was beautiful. The Kamisto siblings were so elegant.

Thoma: Ah, you both are back! We made dinner.

They commended the both of you.

Ayato: Are you the new housekeeper?

Y/N: Mhm! I'm Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Ayato: The pleasure is mine..

Ayaka: Thank you so much for making dinner, you should go rest up now. I'm sure you both are tired..

Y/N: No problem Ayaka, and I'll gladly take a nap after this..

She laughed to herself while walking away. You went to check on the jelly, it was set. You plated it very carefully and put it back in the fridge so it can chill. Thoma was checking on the food, it was all still warm. Suddenly, you heard the door open and guests started to arrive. It was time to plate the food. You and Thoma carefully brought the food over to the tables while the guests were getting seated. You brewed a nice pot of green tea and poured it out for everyone. They all looked so rich and expensive that it intimidated you. After you both were finished putting the food out, you were half asleep. You were extremely tired. Today was one of the days you worked the hardest. Even though Thoma was tired, he didn't really show it but you did. You were about to pass out on one of the chairs in the sitting room when Thoma tapped you on the shoulder and whispered.

Thoma: Tiring day, huh? You can take a nap in one of the guest rooms, I'll guide you there.

Y/N: Alright, thank you Thoma..

Thoma: No problem, come on..

You were both walking down the hallway, you had some energy to make it to the room. You lightly placed his arm around your neck and brought you to the guest room.

Thoma: Have a good rest, Y/N..

He gave you a smile and left the room.

You slipped under the sheets and fell into a deep slumber. The sheets were so warm and comforting, it felt like you were sleeping on a cloud.

After about two hours, you woke up. It was late, and all the guests started to leave. You took a few minutes to fully wake up. You settled the bed in the guest room and left. You saw Thoma wishing the guests well and you headed over there to wish them well too. When everyone left, everything was quiet again.

Thoma: I must say, your cooking is phenomenal.. Did you have a good rest Y/N?

Y/N: I did, and thank you.. I learned some things from you. Anyways, I should probably head back.

Thoma: I'll walk you home again.

Y/N: It's alright Thoma, I don't want to waste your time.

Thoma: No time is wasted, I promise. Let's go!

You and him walk home, you were still out of it a little bit. Making the conversation kind of bland. After a while, you got to the front of your house.

Thoma: Goodnight Y/N!

Y/N: Goodnight Thoma! Oh, one thing.

Thoma: Hm?

You stepped forward and placed a kiss on his cheek. What compelled you to do that? A slight blush spread on Thoma's face, he was kind of shocked.

Y/N: Night!

Thoma: Night..

Excitement spread all over your body, though you shook it off so Yoimiya wouldn't see it. You walked inside and Yoimiya was sitting on the couch.

Y/N: Hey Yoimiya!

She was silent.

Y/N: Yoimiya?

Yoimiya: Don't pretend like you didn't just do that!

Y/N: Do what?

Yoimiya: You know what I'm referring too!

Y/N: Not really..

You did know but maybe she was talking about something else.

Yoimiya: What just happened two seconds ago!

Y/N: I walked inside?

You played a joke on her. She had an annoyed look on her face and you laughed.

Y/N: So.. You were watching?

Yoimiya: Yes! I'm sorry. I hear you both outside and I couldn't help myself so I peeked!

Y/N: That's alright.

Yoimiya: So are you guys dating?

Y/N: Nope.

Yoimiya: You sure?

Y/N: Mhm!

Yoimiya: Sure??..

Y/N: Yes! I am sure.

Yoimiya: Okay then.. You can go shower, I'll warm up the french toast.

Y/N: Alright.

You go into the bathroom and take a quick shower. You step out and put on your clothes. Yoimiya greeted you outside of the bathroom.

Yoimiya: Dinner's ready!

Y/N: Okay!

You sit down at the table and eat. Now was a great time to bring up the Liyue trip.

Y/N: Oh yeah, I'm going on a business trip next week. It's in Liyue, pretty important. I won't be home for a week.

Yoimiya: You're going there too? I thought it was just Thoma! I'm going there too! I was supposed to bring it up earlier but I forgot..

Y/N: Really? That's great! Well now we can plan out things together!

Yoimiya: Great!

You finished dinner and get to bed, you knock out immediately with Yoimiya. You did a good job today, next week will be like a mini vacation.
